The policemen are sure that a set of strict control measures must be urgently introduced on the border with Poland. They believe this 'will allow to decrease drastically the influx of illegal immigrants and prevent social disaster'. But one thing seems not to be taken into account by the Trade Union representatives, immigrants from Poland have got every legal ground to cross our borders and no thorough checks give an opportunity to improve the present state of things. Some more decisive steps should be taken like full suspension of Schengen agreements towards Poland, forceful deportation regardless of the fact whether residence permit is available or not, and tough political pressure on Warsaw on the top level. The practice of granting any permits to immigrants making it possible for them to freely move inside the Schengen Zone must be urgently halted. Any attempts by Poland to solve the problem of refugees and immigrants from Asia and other non-EU countries in the way detrimental to the interests of Germany must be just nipped in the bud.
Generally, the precedent we owe to the Polish leadership appears to be a far more deadly threat to the very existence of the European Union in its present form than the very influx of illegal immigrants and refugees. It reminds us once again that there are countries not yet ready to sacrifice part of their national interests to obtain some common gains.