It was enough to dip into this doc to become much offended for my Motherland, my co-nationals and for precious myself top it off. It is hard to escape a reactive stereotype about arrogant Englishmen seeing no further than their own nose.
I suppose, this is an official document for internal use only though, being in circulation in the British branch of a respectable international Company co-operating with Ukrainian industrial plants. Why on earth this respectable company sells its partners short and distrusts them? As early as Paris summit EU-Ukraine drew the conclusion that "Ukraine is a European country that shares a common history and common values with the countries of the European Union". Also no one cancelled Ukraine-European Union Association Agreement 2014 as far as I know.
Why do British gentlemen instruct their employees visiting to Ukraine that they're going to the country of the Third World with poor roads, dubious food, corrupted police and diluted gasoline? I guess, I should be grateful that they didn't mention salted lard and bears in the streets (yes, everyone's aware that the West confuses Ukrainians with Russians very often)! The more's unclear if the front office of the Urenco (which sounds extremely backhand for a Ukrainian) Group Company has been looking forward effective co-operation, while itemizing separately the point about shifty-eyed Ukrainian nation. According to them Ukrainians have become originators of mythic variety of leakages of some (they don't specify a single case) secret information.
Such low attitude suggests that this Company initially doesn't plan any serious co-operation with Ukrainian industry. In the long run it would occur that it is another vulture flew in to make a hand of severe hardships in my long suffering Motherland, trying hard to get out of current crisis.