After bloody attacks in Paris, anti-Islamic mood emerges all over the European Union countries. In some places the atmosphere is really red-hot: police step up regular mosques patrol while women wearing hijabs are strongly recommended to use personal transport and avoid showing in the public.

The day following the attacks, a security guard at the Spanish clothing brand Zara store in France denied entry to a woman customer wearing hijab. (

UK: Scotland Yard report shows a spike in Islamophobic hate crime of more than 300 per cent, in the week following the killings in France. (

In Germany where the sore issue problem exists always as it is, for now xenophobia got all ideal conditions to go overboard. For instance, six months ago any person following Islam could easily lose his job just on religious grounds. Got not even a doubt that the authorities of Germany are aware of the situation. Meanwhile, the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel still turns a blind eye repeating it allegedly ‘there is no place for xenophobia racism and extremism’ in her country. (

In Sweden, the rumors have it that after the attacks in France there’s some special and unspoken instruction from Swedish authorities – to discharge Muslim workers by hook or by crook and cease hiring Muslim applicants at all strategically important objects such as hydroelectric power stations and nuclear plants, ways of traffic of any kinds, and all mass services ‘for the avoidance of hypothetic acts of terrorism’.(

The rise of Islamophobia in Europe seems to be as obvious as daylight. The only question now is how the European authorities are going to deal it or not going at all.