Such decisions on part of the Ukrainian leadership are actually no wonder, as the majority of experts think, for the situation Ukraine has been trapped into is extremely dramatic. In absence of real reforms in financial and economic sphere ineffective war on corruption and coming winter have forced Kiev to resume Russian gas supplies from 12 October. Kiev has to spend hundreds millions dollars each month and brave some rather extraordinary steps.
The most intensely debated theme on many Ukrainian forums and in social nets has been the experimental project which appears to have been launched recently in many state Ukrainian institutions. This seems to be sort of a chance for Yatsenyuk government to save rather a good portion of the budget money. These are State Treasury Certificates which are being obligatorily distributed in state institutions as part of the wages paid to employees.
Such a tool of state holdings is no discovery at all and has been rather often employed in different countries while obligatory usage of it is still rather a rare practice. Once the Ukrainian authorities have chosen it to resort to such a method of budget economizing then it means that financially Kiev is doing very badly indeed. The quickest way of improving situation is to borrow money from your own citizens without even asking for their allowance. Millions Ukrainians will find part of their wages actually frozen for 5 years. The budget will get the necessary sums while the authority – the possibility to solve the problem of external debt. Distribution of certificates may well become not a temporary but rather a common practice in financial settlements between the Ukrainian government and Ukrainian citizens for nearest months at best and years to come at worst.
It’s hard to foresee all the dire consequences of this political course of Kiev with time passing. The most favorable scenario will be when IMF and other western creditors find it possible to get back those billions they had given Ukraine. It would have really positive effect on economic situation in the European Union.