In today’s situation of ‘interregnum’ those new regimes that strive for integration into Euro-Atlantic structures, have to swim between present and future masters: I mean, between official liberalism, multiculturalism and Brussels’ tolerance and more congenial for them souls, such as the European Far Right. It is extremely characteristic that now top officials of the very Ukrainian state are purposefully and successively forging relationships with national socialists of Europe.
For instance, in August Ukrainian president’s godfather, pluralistically Minister of Information Policy, Yuriy Stets, held a private meeting with those, whom one includes with so-called ‘White Nationalists’ in Sweden (

It stands to mention that in these latter days Yuriy Stets is not alone in Ukrainian top branches of power who builds up relationship with representatives of European nationalist associations. In fact, just in 2015 contacts with members of far-right organizations were established by Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Serhiy Kvit, who for some reason or other met with Lily-Black leaders in Greece then (

In the way of developing such kind of contacts Kiev has a great mind to do away with the ‘Zionist regime’ label, assigned to it by the European Far Right because of too close cooperation with the USA, Brussels and International Financial Institutions, ‘controlled by Jewish lobby’ (

The matter is that Dmytro Yarosh’s Right Sector, Andriy Biletsky’s Patriot of Ukraine, All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda of Oleh Tyahnybok and other less known neo-Nazi organizations are in specific repute with this state’s leadership in spite of their recurrent conflicts with power like the very events, involving Mukacheve. On the one hand, these structures are trusted to shed blood in a holy cause of Ukrainian state’s unity. On the other hand, their access to power is fully blocked at both national and regional levels. If Poroshenko’s entourage closes onto itself the cooperation with European right-wing forces, Yarosh and Tyahnybok will be definitively isolated. And in prospect official Kiev will have ground for close cooperation with EU countries when in new political environment nationalists of all sorts, most likely, will be back to power.