However refugees - is not the main problem for Europe. It is an open secret that Europe strongly supports the actions of Poroshenko in Eastern Ukraine, and evidently still keeps hopes for a speedy resolution of the situation alive. Meanwhile the recent armed conflict with the Right Sector obviously weakens position of Kiev in Donbass. First of all because Kiev now has to withdraw some troops from East and send them to the Carpathian, and secondly because Right Sector in its turn derives its battalions from Donbass as well.
In addition, according to the president of the Hungarian Atlantic Council Sylvester Vizi, a direct threat to European NATO members is the fact that some units of Ukrainian nationalists, who have at their disposal for sure a large number of weapons, are refusing to obey to Dmitro Yarosh, who ruined his reputation after attempting to conduct a dialogue with authorities, betraying thus national interests of Ukrainians. Heads of such units are taking currently active efforts to set up secret hideouts in Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. In his letter Vizi openly appeals for assistance from NATO Assistant Secretary General Sorin Ducaru.
If the letter can be trusted, Budapest is waiting for NATO immediate reaction to what is happening in Ukraine, waiting for protection from export of Ukraine’s radical nationalism to Europe. Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia have already tightened control of their borders. And now it is quite clear from whom and from what actually they want to defend their states. The only question is: will the Alliance in turn protect its eastern allies?