Just a year has passed since the so-called ‘Revolution of Dignity’ but Ukrainian authorities failed to execute a single decision to put their regime right with Ukrainian people. And there is more to it than the Donbas’ tragedy and socio-economic collapse. It’s Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk’s disability to constitute the united Ukraine!
In the near future the western part of the country will be more uncontrollable for Kyiv than current Donetsk or Luhansk region of Ukraine. In Lviv region, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ternopil region, Volyn region, Rivne region, Zhytomyr region, as well as, in Zakarpattia region, Chernivtsi region, Khmelnytsk region, and Vinnytsia Oblast radical nationalists’ positions were always strong because of their active support by the greater part of local residents. And they were the ones who became the main force of EuroMaidan, aimed at deliverance from Yanukovych’s corrupted regime. But in recompense for all their great sacrifices these people got the government in ‘new Poroshenko’s oligarch rule’ form, continuous crisis and war for what they call ‘Lugandon’. At that, they do not need Donbas at all, especially if they have to pay for it in own lives. Many of them openly complain about the Western Ukrainian recruits being sent to the zone of Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO). And so do soldiers drop the F-bomb to the war and their Commander in Chief, promising to return home with lethal force and put everything to rights there --

As just another truce declared, soldiers with war experience do return to western regions of Ukraine while some units of volunteer battalions have practically redeployed to the west of the country in their full size and with their military equipment. There are many evidences of it in the Internet now. Here is, for instance, a post on Facebook made by s Swedish volunteer who took part in the ATO. He points out a new holding line of ‘free, nationalistically oriented Europe’, namely, the ‘Vinnytsia-Zhytomyr’ line --

Considerable number of yesterday’s soldiers has been concentrated in western part of the country. And they are discontented not only with the lack of willpower of current Ukrainian authorities, who constantly left them wide open, exposing to danger during warfare, but also with the severe position of their families because of Kiev’s discriminatory policy, which has led the country to financial collapse.
Pointedly, nationalistically minded Ukrainian volunteer battalions, ideologically supported by the bulk of western regions of Ukraine, have strong links with local authorities. Regional administrations live in absolute dependence from radicals. In conditions of comprehensive crisis and weakness of Kiev’s power regions try to survive, using own resources, and long-active service volunteer battalions become their backbone.
At that, it does not do without internal tragedies, coming from opposition of nationalistically minded servicemen to people of different ethnic background. In the letter to Romanian Ambassador to Ukraine Cornel Ionescu, for instance, members of Romanian community wrote up the harsh situation they got into because of their Romanian origin -

Ukrainian nationalists among soldiers of volunteer battalions with their wide experience of ethnic cleansings in Donbas feel no sympathy to national minorities.
In fact, local political forces with the support of volunteer battalions, returned from the ATO zone, have settled down to a course of insulation against Kiev, reduction of all things to own order, top-down command structure forming and attainment of economic independence, as evidenced by even procedure of business circles’ tax collection, undertaken by Right Sector’s Ukrainian Volunteer Corps (DUK Right Sector) in Chernivtsi oblast. Just now it’s a state within a state! And fate of all Romanians, Poles, Hungarians, Rusyns, Russians and other nationalities, who happen to live in Western Ukraine, is rather unenviable, as judged from the evidences in the Internet.