Roger Bannister 1st To Break 4 Minute Mile
Mary Shelley author at 19 of Frankenstein
Leonardo Da Vinci a fruitarian say those who have analyzed his notebooks
Vincent Van Gogh wrote his brother after seeing an abbatoir he was eating no meat
Peter Max
Elizabeth Hoare
G MacCrae 6
Albert Einstein ate 1 bit of meat annually on a Jewish holiday to appease his wife
Benjamin Franklin (a vegetarian when he discovered electricity... later
in life in Paris he said he was harmed by venison and venery)
Jane Goodall, PhD
Sylvester Graham, inventor of Graham crackers
Alex Hershaft, PhD concentration camp survivor
Isaac Newton in later years
Nikola Tesla
Bible Christian Church 1809-1930
Clement of Alexandria
The Druse of Lebanon
Essene community of which Jesus a member
Father John Dear, Jesuit priest and board of War Resisters
Father Mario Mazzoleni, formerly of Vatican Radio
Francis of Assisi
General John Booth Salvation Army founder
General Bramwell Booth Salvation Army
Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikhs
Hazrat Inayat Khan, founder of Sufis
Jesus of Nazareth, the Essene who as a Nazarene took the Nazarite vow
John the Baptist (ate not locusts but locust bean pods)
Mahavira, founder of the Jains
Thomas Merton
Padre Pio
Peace Pilgrim
Rev. William Cowherd, founder of the Bible Christian Church in 1809
David Rosen, former Chief Rabbi of Ireland
Saint Anthony of Padua
Saint Basil
Saint Jerome, author of the Latin Vulgate
Saint John Chrysostom
Saint Paul (took the Nazarite vow)
Sister Catherine Walsh of the Catholic Worker
Sufis many
Swami Prabhupada founder of Hare Krishnas of Iskcon
Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
John Wesley founder of Methodists
Ellen White founder of 7th Day Adventists
Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi
All Avatars (including Rama, Krishna, Sathya Sai Baba)
All Self Realized masters
Hundreds of thousands of Buddhist monks, Hindu yogis, Catholic saints etc. 40
Shmuel Yosef Agnon
Nathaniel Altman of the Theosophical Society
Francis Bacon, believed by many to be William Shakespeare... and later St Germain
Janet Barkas, author and editor of a publishing house
Stan and Jan Berenstain, authors of Berenstain Bears chldren's books
Annie Besant of the Theosophical Society
Mark Braunstein, author of Radical Vegetarian
Ariel Durant historian
Will Durant historian
Dudley Giehl author of Vegetarianism A Way Of Life
Franz Kafka
Colman McCarthy, former syndicated columnist for Wash Post and teacher of Peace
Victoria Moran, author of 8 books
Alexander Pope
John Prestige, founder of the Hunt Saboteurs
Hans Ruesch Swiss antivivisection activist listed in Ideas That Changed The World
author of Slaughter of the Innocent, listed by Guinness as most litigated man
Mary Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley
George Bernard Shaw
Upton Sinclair
Isaac Bashevis Singer, Nobel prize winner
Peter Singer, author of Animal Liberation
Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin
Vic Sussman author of the Vegetarian Altenrative
Leo Tolstoy
Alice Walker
Irving Wallace
David Wallechinsky
Benjamin Zephaniah - British Poet 27
Henry Spira NY Teachers, Maritime Union.. his animal rights activism
caused Peter Singer author of Animal Liberation, to write a play about him
Adam Ant, British musician
Antagonist all vegetarian New Zealand band
Alec Baldwin
Brigitte Bardot
Kim Basinger
Candace Bergen
Milton Berle
David Carradine star of Kung Fu
Linda Carter Wonder Woman
Adam Carson - drummer of AFI
Johnny Cash
Adriano Celentano, singer
James Cromwell star of Babe
Alan Cummng Scottish actor
Bob Cummings, actor
Doris Day (started an animal rights group)
Ellen DeGeneres
John Denver
Danny DeVito
David Duchovny.. X files
Alan Donohue, singer of British rock band The Rakes
Earth Crisis - all vegan band
Semantha Eggar star of Dr Dolittle with Rex Harrison
Alan Ford British actor
Alexander Greenwald musician
Woody Harrelson raw food vegan
George Harrison Beatle
Marilu Henner star of Taxi
Dustin Hoffman
Chrissie Hynde of the British group The Pretenders
Ashley Judd
Casey Kasem
Alison Lohman actress
Gavin MacLeod, Mary Tyler Moore Show and Love Boat
Paul McCartney
Bill Maher
Melanie who sang "I don't eat animals cuz they don't eat me"
Adair Moran, stunt performer
Alanis Morissette is a vegan singer and songwriter
Morrissey British singer
Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek
Ozzy Osbourne
Alan Park, Canadian comedian
Joaquin Phoenix
River Phoenix
Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood)
Adam Russell, bassist of Story of the Year,
Susan St James
Justin Sane from band Anti-Flag
Peter Sellers
Ravi Shankar
Alicia Sllverstone
Aimee Teegarden actress
Marlo Thomas
Cicely Tyson
Lindsay Wagner
Dennis Weaver McCloud, Gunsmoke
Adam Yauch, musician of Beastie Boys,
Ahmet Zappa musician
Efrem Zimbalist
Pamela Anderson 62
Socrates 12
Frances Moore Lappe... author of Diet For A Small Planet
Alexandra Paul , also actor in Baywatch 2
Dr Don Barnes whose refusal to irradiate primates at Brooks Air Force Base was made into the movie Project X
Psychiatrist Neal Barnard founder of PCRM a group with thousands of vegan physician, nurse and other health therapist members

Clara Barton
Psychiatrist Murry J Cohen MD
Steve Kaufman, MD founder of the Christian Veg. Assn

John Harvey Kellogg, MD whose family founded Kellogg Cereals He found that cadavers'
colon bacteria (ecoli) multiplies into the billions within 4 hours of slaughter
Michael Klaper MD

Jonathan Lieff MD psychiatrist who started vegetarian options at Lemuel Shattuck Hospital
John McDougall MD

Owen Parrett, MD author of a book on zoonotic diseases and an article "Why I Don't Eat Meat"
Psychiatrist Leonard Rack, MD
Sam Sandweiss, MD author of The Holy Man And The Psychiatrist 12
Senator James Abourezk US Senator, South Dakota
Jim Beall, Jr.—California Assemblyman (24th District)
Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey
Fidel Castro
William Clinton
Moraji Desai, PM of India and many other Indian PM's
Dr. Janez Drnovsek, Vegan President of Slovenia
Benjamin Franklin
Mahatma Gandhi
President Al Gore elected in 2000, his election stolen by Jeb Bush in Florida and the Supreme Court
Dick Gregory
Andrew Jacobs former congressman from Indiana
Abdul Kalam, Dr president of India and space scientist
Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, former president of Zambia
Coretta Scott King
Dennis Kucinich whose congressional district was stolen by GOP gerrymandering
Former Governor Richard Lamm Colorado
Sophie Maxwell—San Francisco Supervisor (10th District)
Jamie Raskin—Maryland State Senator (20th District)
Molotov (born Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Skryabin.
Albert Schweitzer
Congresswoman Betty Sutton Akron Ohio 22
Lyman Beecher, abolitionist, father of Harriet Beecher Stowe,
fruitarian community
Russell Brand anarchist and comic
Cesar Chavez saintly organizer of the United Farm Workers and
Angela Davis
Francisco Martin antibullfighting activist
John Robbins vegan heir of Baskin Robbins
Capt. Paul Watson of Sea Shepherd
Dr Ann Wigmore, teacher of raw food vegan healing, whose clients included Prime Minister
Moraji Desai of India, Secretary of Interior Rogers Morton and many others 8
Bill Gordon KSDO
Paul Harvey
Father Ron Lengwin KDKA Radio
Robin Quivers Howard Stern's sidekick
Jeff Rense
Ace Young KMET 6
Joyce Di Benedetto-Colton, M.S. - Earth Ethics Institute, Miami Dade College
Susan Hargreaves - Humane Education Reaching Out. Founder, U.S.
Richard Schwartz online course in Jewish vegetarianism 3
Dhirubhai Ambani
Michael Eisner of Disney
Bill Ford, chairman of Ford Motors
Ching Hai many restaurants around the world
Steve Jobs, for a while a fruitarian
Howard Lyman former Montana rancher

Elon Musk founder of Paypal
Gary Pruitt CEO of McClatchy Newspapers
Biz Stone cofounder of Twitter
Ratan Tata billionaire philanthropist
Paul Wenner, inventor of Gardenburger
Steve Wyn casinos
Mort Zuckerman real estate magazines
(Sergei Brin of Google and Bill Gates are investing in vegan businesses)
Peggy Mason of the UK
Uri Geller
Susan B Anthony
Gloria Steinem
Constantina Salamone
Captain Alan Jones, USMC broke a record with 17,003 consecutive pushups
Captain Rick Corbin
Rip Esselstyn and his entire fire station

Frank Serpico, whose career fighting corruption in the NYPD was the subject of a movie
Jonathon Speelman
ames LaVeck and Jenny Stein, filmmakers of 'The Witness' and
'The Peaceable Kingdom'

Shaun Monson, of the film Earthlings

Hank Aaron (home run champion in major league baseball)
Lizzie Armitstead Olympic cyclist
Lance Armstrong who conquered cancer..his website has been contaminated since others took it over
Anthony Aurelius martial arts
Roger Bannister first man to break 4 minute mile
Al Beckles (body builder)
Sorya Bonali (ice skater)
Brendan Brazier, Canadian vegan ironman triathlete
Les Brown (veteran runner)
Peter Burwash (tennis) lost a tennis match once because he refused to step on a column of ants on the court
Andreas Cahling Swedish body builder was on cover of Vegetarian Times
Chris Campbell (1980 world champion wrestler)
Austin Carr Cleveland Cavaliers basketball one of 3 vegetarians on his team then
Joanna Conway (ice skater)
Sylvia Cranston (triathlete)
Alexander Dargatz body builder
Sally Eastall (Marathon runner - UK No 2, vegan)
Di Edwards (runner, Olympic semi-finalist)
Cory Everson (bodybuilder, Ms Olympia 6 times)
Prince Fielder baseball Milwaukee Braves, Detroit Tigers, Texas Rangers
Katie Fitzgibbon (marathon runner)
Clare Francis (sailer)
Louis Freitas (body builder)
Goose Gossage San Diego Padres, suspended for saying McDonald's was poisoning
Carol Gould (marathon runner)
Estelle Gray (cyclist)
Sammy Green (runner)
Ruth Heidrich (6-time Ironwoman finisher, marathoner, , Pres. Vegetarian Society of Honolulu
Sally Hibberd (British Women's Mountain Bike Champion)
Dustin Hinton vegan ironman
Sharon Hounsell (Miss Wales Bodybuilding Champion)
Desmond Howard (formerly w/Washington Redskins, now w/Jacksonville Jaguars)
Roger Hughes (Welsh National Ski Champion)
Anton Innauer Olympic skier
B J Armstrong (US Basketball star)
Billie Jean King (tennis champion)
David Johnson (BAA coach)
Kathy Johnson (Olympic Gymnast)
Alan Jones (British ski jumper)
Alan Jones, Captain USMC 17003 consecutive pushups world record
Killer Kowalski wrestler
Jack LaLanne (Fitness guru) (vegan)
Donnie LaLonde (Former Light Heavyweight Champion of the World.
John Landy 2nd man to break 4 minute mile
Tony LaRussa (Manager of St. Louis Cardinals - US team) Source: PETA, Animals –
Silken Laumann (Olympic rower) Source: Cooking Television Show
Judy Leden (British, European & World Hang Gliding champion)
Avi Lehyani vegan bodybuilder
Marv Levey (Buffalo Bills Coach)
Carl Lewis, Olympic champion 10 times gold medal winner in track and field
Jack Maitland (triathlete and fell runner)
Cheryl Marek (cyclist)
Leslie Marx (fencer;1996 woman's epee national champion)
Kirsty McDermott (runner)
Lindford McFarquar (body builder)
Robert Millar (cyclist)
Katherine Monbiot (world champion arm wrestler and nutritionist) (vegan) Source: The Vegan Society UK
Monika Montsho (weightlifter, 2 x runnerup GB Championships 60kg, NW woman weightlifter of the year 1991)
Edwin Moses
Jutta Müller (multiple Windsurfing World Cup Champion) Source: Flutlicht 95/6/18 on
Adam Myerson cyclist
Joe Namath football player
Martina Navratilova (Retired Tennis Champion) Source: Magazine Interviews/Genesis
Julie Ann Niewiek (Basketball commentator) Source: Grand Rapids press/ Image Magazine
Paavo Nurmi
Robert Parish basketball player (Center - Warriors, Celtics, Hornets, Bulls) Source: Hearsay
Bill Pearl (Bodybuilder, Mr America) Source: Getting Stronger by Bill Pearl, pg 399
Anthony Peeler (NBA Grizzlies basketball player) Source: NBA web site profiles
Sugar Ray Leonard)) Source: Article in San Jose Mercury News
Dennis Rodman (Basketball for Bulls) Source: Oprah, episode sometime in May, 1996
Murray Rose champion Australian swimmer
Dave Scott, 6 times winner of Ironman triathlon
Debbie Spaeth-Herring (Georgia State power-lifter) Source: A Teen's Guide to Going
Lucy Stephens (triathlete - vegan)
the world with cheeseburgers
Mike Tyson Boxer
Jacques Vaughn (All American point guard, #1-ranked Univ of KS Jayhawks) Source: Lawrence (KS) Journal World
Kirsty Wade (runner)
Bill Walton Portland Trailblazers basketball
Johnny Weissmuller played Tarzan broke 6 world swimming records as a vegetarian
Serena Williams, champion tennis star
Ted Zagar
Rory Freedman, author of 'Skinny Bitch'

Adriana Karembeu model
Yasmin Le Bon
Stella McCartney - British designer daughter of Paul and Linda
Gene Baur, Farm Sanctuary President & co-founder

/> /> Rod Coronado - former ALF activist
Priscilla Feral - President of Friends of Animals

Colleen Patrick Goudreau - U.S. -

Keith Mann (ALF activist) Author of: From Dusk 'til Dawn;
Nina Natelson of CHAI
Ingrid Newkirk Cofounder of PETA
Wayne Pacelle - Humane Society of the U.S.
Alex Pacheco cofounder of PETA
Don Papes antifishing activist
Paul Shapiro - Director of Factory Farm Campaigns for H.S.U.S.
Shac 7 - the activists currently imprisoned working against Huntington Life Sciences
Charles Stahler

Bob and Jenna Torres - Vegan Freak Radio podcasts

Dr.Will Tuttle (The World Peace Diet)

Debra Wasserman

Donald Watson - British man who coined the word 'vegan' and formed the first vegan society in the U.K.
Gary Yourofksy - -

VEGETARIANS WHO DID HARM (We have all harmed beings but some have done it on a greater scale.)
Adolph Hitler was a vegetarian, but bombed billions of animals or smashed them with tanks while providing animal cadavers to the German army.
Health vegetarian Thomas Alva Edison publicly electrocuted a prisoner and an elephant, dog, cat to demonstrate his electric chair.
Rene Descartes a vegetarian for health who in vivisecting dogs nailed their paws to tables

Bob Cummings

Isaac Newton

Bible Christian Church 1809-1930

Hazrat Inayat Khan, founder of Sufis


Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi

Dick Gregory

Sathya Sai Baba

Ancient Greece And Rome
Al Sharpton has lost 176 lbs.

Lance Armstrong

Physicians' Comm. for Responsible Medicine Vegan physicians, nurses, health professionals etc.

Steve Kaufman, MD founder of the Christian Veg. Assn

Rene Descartes a vegetarian for health who in vivisecting dogs nailed their paws to tables

Owen Parrett, MD author of a book on zoonotic diseases and an article "Why I Don't Eat Meat"

Dr. Janez Drnovsek, Vegan President of Slovenia

President Al Gore elected in 2000, his election stolen by Jeb Bush in Florida and the Supreme Court

Capt. Paul Watson of Sea Shepherd

Susan Hargreaves - H.E.R.O. Founder, U.S.

Richard Schwartz online course in Jewish vegetarianism

T Colin Campbell's The China Study

John Robbins

Uri Geller

Jeff Rense

Howard Lyman former Montana rancher

Rip Esselstyn and his entire fire station

Dave Scott, 6 times Ironman champion vegan

Air India
Piscatarians avoiding mammal and bird flesh
Yasser Arafat
Sonia Gandhi, daughter in law of PM Indira Gandhi
Al Sharpton has lost 176 lbs.
Congressman John Seiberling
many Youtube interviews
thousands of Catholic and Orthodox saints, 450 million Hindu vegetarians, Western followers of Eastern yogis etc.
Dr. Dolittle Rex Harrison Semantha Eggar
Dr Dolittle Eddie Murphy
Free Willie
Mondo Kane
Animal Liberation Peter Singer
Diet For A New America John Robbins
Diet For A Small Planet Frances Moore Lappe (some time after writing it she said
protein need not be combined, e.g. beans and rice
Fast Food Nation
Radical Vegetarianism Mark Braunstein
Vegetarianism A Humane Alternative Vic Sussman
Vegetarianism A Way Of Life Dudley Giehl
T Colin Campbell's The China Study
(Placement of categories is not meant as a value judgment)
It is inevitable that you will be on this list for it is a Book of Life..
There are a billion vegetarians in the world (450 million alone in India of the 700 million in India who eat no cow flesh.)
Millennials add more millions from their own numbers. Along with those born in the 21st Century they are achieving critical mass.

Links on the path to a kinder, healthier, more environmental, less expensive way of eating
Blood Sweat And Tears: Toxins in Animal Flesh

Fish Can't Scream.. Their Flesh is Neurotoxic and Radioactive

An Encyclopedia of hazards in milk


Hazrat Inayat Khan

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