There is a saying that while Europeans are stuck in the 20th century, Americans are in the 19th one. This refers to the colonialist and fascist projects on one side of the ocean and the military empire on the other, which has enshrined its colonial legacy into an ideology of “exceptionalism” that renders the special problem of Unitedstates as a special quality. Such as China is both a developing and an industrial country, Unitedstates is both a colonialist and a colony. That contradictory role defines its identity and imagination, and with that its illusions about which the rest of the world is wondering how much extra effort and suffering taking care of the “armed infant” will cost it until abolition. It is this unclean remainder of institutional slavery that finds its expression in the Washington regime´s slurs against Moscow that cited the 19th century over the Crimea issue, though Moscow had not gone back before the Geneva convention or even to the heart of the subject matter, to the American patterns of behaviour of that time.
Crimea is a 20th century topic without feasible status quo ante and can only be resolved tied to agreements upon an overall consensus on WWII legacy issues. Yet the crisis denial illusion as an equipment of the propaganda ideology is akin to a pompous saddle put on a dead camel. It is meant to go all through the desert but can only pretend to do so for the camera. The camel represents the waning oligarchies of Islam who have lost the trust of its offspring as irreversible as the representation suggests. Needless to mention that the animal was already dead the last time they exchanged the rider. Compared to that, the European approach, occupied with the pompous presentation, is akin to swallowing yet another acid trip of “accounting money” without substance before the last one has unfolded, only to see the camel walk soon. Riding the “House of Saud” is a costly undertaking in terms of war guilt, as with every such attempt it takes the Islamic State longer to achieve the necessary change. The crisis denial illusion of the North Americans and the mood changes inflicted upon the European approach cannot successfully distract from the aforementioned health condition.
The economy of an oil spill is quite simple: What leaks is lost for the sales. If it leaks into the market and dumps the price to a strong incentive against sustainable handling thereof, then profit is lost. As an accident or a speculation it might go on until it is actively being stopped by a change of equipment or management. So is the psychology of it: Like the car defect in the middle of the road, where no handful of drivers are fit enough to get out and roll the unhappened accident to the side together, but everyone sneaks by, leaving it to unsuitable authority. What is complex and dangerous is the demography of it – of the huge tree of future generations who might make some use of what all of them ought to pass on, many twigs and even entire branches dry out as the resource is wasted in the current for the self-destructive illusion of a dying system.
Such a spill might be a lavish adventure as long as it goes, but the blowback can hardly be exaggerated – a generation may lose all the respect of the last humans it sees on Earth from doing so. Of course it is neither useful for the Americans nor the Europeans to anchor their “economic stability” with the most overstretched generation conflict in the world. Yet before the spill eventually runs out that brings the legitimate heirs of the material into the Kafkaesque situation of having so many slack structures resonate with their internal conflict. Hence the obstacle is to be handled somehow with the involvement of these legitimate heirs, but both the Americans and the Europeans have alienated the Islamic State and treated the Saudi group as their only partner because it could be saddled with the illusion of unlimited growth.
As everyone knows, the 20th century has put the “Atlantic relationship” upside down, with Unitedstates intervention in and then occupation of Europe, and many other places. But the root cause of the quagmire is to be found in the incomplete abolition of the 19th century. The American civil war was decided by the fact that the European powers of the time were already too busy with the rise of Prussian militarism on the subcontinent to divert any intervention there. But until colonialism was entirely dismantled Unitedstates had already been involved in Europe and never found time and opportunity to close its legacy. Indeed there was a deficit of intent since the outcome contradicted the economic speculation. This “exceptionalism” then has been cemented with the Alaska purchase and interpreted as a positive quality instead of the disability it is. Within Unitedstates, due to the militarist infection in the contact with Prussia, but first of all die to the conditions left by the 19th century, the raising of intent to entirely wash off the remainder of self-colonialism never became stronger than material urges.
Technically, the “black presidency” is like the extra loudspeaker added to the car construction scheme only to be later cut out again by the detail supervisor inserted for austerity by the toxic conglomerate that purchased the factory – it leaves frustrated engineers who do not understand how they are being abused as spare parts of a financial scam. But the puppet goes the roundabout way at its own choice. The illusion of the “nuclear currency”, that is a currency which has replaced the natural scarcity commandment of the gold standard with the uranium standard, i. e. the temptation to produce paper money like nuclear waste, is a suicidal one though, not only for these in the centre but all leaning on it, as it is being enforced by a production of unacceptable risk and hence is to be absorbed by that risk. Just like the reactors, the currency may appear to function without complications for a given time before it crashes without warning.
The illusory nature of the “security normalcy” can also be seen in the comparison of changes over the last two years. When an – at this point – unidentified death squad raided Paris to assassinate the Kurdish women activists two years ago, this did not trigger a cup of the fear and anxiety that found expression in the response to the Islamic raid on the French caricaturists. The careful were alarmed, but there had been nothing of the ocean of lies and hypocrisy that followed the recent incident. This crass difference in reaction alone indicates that the perception environment has significantly changed over that time. Politically, of course the caricature affair leaves no good hair with the Paris regime. When the business advisor has to come in to tell that the toilets are dirty because the wages are too low, and the personnel manager gives an increase to the cleaners but not to the workers that need to use them, then it is a caricature of France. It has increased the effort of maintaining its illusion but not the dignity of the populace.
The currency spill trip of the imperialist legacy is of course a finite thing. At some point in time which is more likely to be years than decades away the energy barrel will have run empty. That the pattern how the currency spill has been dragging on is now artificially being dragged on with remarkable effort indicates that the war against capitalism might have reached its last bubble. The lack of information shadow makes it that in reality there can be no “separate peace” as every proposal put forward by the Europeans is only at the condition of the Americans. A whole peace can only be grown on the ground of abolition. This decisive fact points to the cause of the spill problem rather than at its material form. The transformation from illusion to abolition, from the deceptive idea of unbalanced trade-offs under oppressive conditions to the coherent insight that no rope can successfully be thrown over the abyss but the Gordian knot might require more time than it finds.
In the light of such scandal, the unconditional surrender of the Yemen regime and the demise of the Saudi monarch Abdullah are indicators that the currency flush illusion does not take hold, and might even perceive itself as a last chance at an unbalanced price/value ratio. It is merely a comfortable idea to keep the scope of the situation limited and at this point not based upon any substantial transaction in reality (such as gold changing hands, or atomic waste). It appears obvious that anyone abusing a self-inflicted, unnecessary and irresponsible risk to imply others would be expected to do the same with another such risk. That is besides the fragile reactors themselves, the nuclear waste and the unclear haste toward multiplied storage. The underlying incentive to produce more such waste cannot be tolerated.
Specifically, in the Unitedstates case, it is the radioactive debris materials crowding the spent fuel pools and dry cask storage units of questionable durability that make up a threat even before any military dimension is factored in. For these who have already fallen to the temptation of the “nuclear suicide belt” the next one waiting in line is the dispatching of the radioactive legacy, in the North American case specifically the temptation to source it out to Hawaii as to block the most likely scenario of succession after the crisis denial illusion is spent. If the rise of consciousness from the base of the age pyramid is stronger than the denial though, then the real damage from the illusory construct might be reduced. A solution of the civilian atomic waste issue is part and parcel of the coming military disarmament.
Crisis denial would be effectively unattractive if it did not occur in the context of the denial of much larger risks. Or the other way around, the “unfinished business” of quitting the “nuclear lottery” psychologically is an incentive to ignore and produce other risks as well. People who feel that they are not in control of their lives, such as in Unitedstates and its puppet states, are less respectful in handling what they are meant to take care of. They tend to discard the treasures of the future for short-sighted gains and authoritarian bigotry and rip apart their own perspective to grow into human beings. The “black presidency” with its deep-seated inferiority complex as expressed by the regrettable behaviour of rhetorical chest-banging is itself a striking example thereof. Lacking any protective shadow against its own repressive apparatus it can only resort to a grotesque negation of its inflated consumer materialism. That is of course a fundamentally flawed endeavour, as it would have to be expected from a system in which stupidity is the decisive element. The crisis of capitalism will last until that system is formally abolished, and even then only heal when not being touched. The denial illusion however will slowly cool down as the “dead sun” of fossil exploitation sinks under the expectation horizon, and can be universally recognised as the speculation fraud as which it began when it dawned upon the culprits of it that there really is no half-baked way out of perpetual crisis short of total abolition. In the end the restoration of the shadow of information sovereignty will require to get rid of the oppressor, and the illusionary ideology of its rule is going to vanish with it. Every disillusionment begins with a hint.
* * *
See also:
- The Missing and Missing Still – Mining, Renaturation, Implications (19.1.) -

- The Price of Oil and its Macroeconomic Meaning (9.1.) -

- Can Greece Shrink the Submarine Bubble Without Burst? (5.1.) -

Internationalist Observer
The fact is undeniable: The civilian Unitedstates atomic (i. e. nuclear + electronic) program is a bigger risk of extinction than the Russian military one. And that is all the more so if it is being assumed that intentional destruction was excluded. The accidental risk alone is unbalanced enough to make up for this odd result. The suicide belt of geological fault-line reactors that is on Unitedstates territory is at a significantly higher risk to bring about catastrophe than Moscow´s military submarine reactors, as indicated by its own fire protection regulations resp. lack thereof. The boiling point of this crisis is a fuel and/or reactor meltdown in the very backyard of Unitedstates population agglomerations, which would turn the abolition of imperialism from an external into an internal necessity, as it then were to immediate crumble the crisis denial illusion that currently regulates the Washington regime.
Whether that point is being reached in a near term time frame is a matter of speculation, though it remains clear that the speculation crisis cannot cool down to organic temperature even if it might avoid another reactor meltdown for a long time. The phenomenon of the civilian overhang over the civilian/military demarcation line of reactor technology however provides a mathematical frame for calculations which are influencing the situation before the meltdown scenario kicks in. Crisis denial is a symptom that the “nuclear umbrella” does not provide the necessary shadow against the atomic blitz, and the pattern has changed from “duck and cover” to “let´s pretend a happy end.” If the roots of the overproduction crisis were overcome already, there would be thick shadow for the exhausted and full heat on the economy, and no need to mention crisis. But illusions for closed minds themselves are subject to overproduction.
There is a saying that while Europeans are stuck in the 20th century, Americans are in the 19th one. This refers to the colonialist and fascist projects on one side of the ocean and the military empire on the other, which has enshrined its colonial legacy into an ideology of “exceptionalism” that renders the special problem of Unitedstates as a special quality. Such as China is both a developing and an industrial country, Unitedstates is both a colonialist and a colony. That contradictory role defines its identity and imagination, and with that its illusions about which the rest of the world is wondering how much extra effort and suffering taking care of the “armed infant” will cost it until abolition. It is this unclean remainder of institutional slavery that finds its expression in the Washington regime´s slurs against Moscow that cited the 19th century over the Crimea issue, though Moscow had not gone back before the Geneva convention or even to the heart of the subject matter, to the American patterns of behaviour of that time.
Crimea is a 20th century topic without feasible status quo ante and can only be resolved tied to agreements upon an overall consensus on WWII legacy issues. Yet the crisis denial illusion as an equipment of the propaganda ideology is akin to a pompous saddle put on a dead camel. It is meant to go all through the desert but can only pretend to do so for the camera. The camel represents the waning oligarchies of Islam who have lost the trust of its offspring as irreversible as the representation suggests. Needless to mention that the animal was already dead the last time they exchanged the rider. Compared to that, the European approach, occupied with the pompous presentation, is akin to swallowing yet another acid trip of “accounting money” without substance before the last one has unfolded, only to see the camel walk soon. Riding the “House of Saud” is a costly undertaking in terms of war guilt, as with every such attempt it takes the Islamic State longer to achieve the necessary change. The crisis denial illusion of the North Americans and the mood changes inflicted upon the European approach cannot successfully distract from the aforementioned health condition.
The economy of an oil spill is quite simple: What leaks is lost for the sales. If it leaks into the market and dumps the price to a strong incentive against sustainable handling thereof, then profit is lost. As an accident or a speculation it might go on until it is actively being stopped by a change of equipment or management. So is the psychology of it: Like the car defect in the middle of the road, where no handful of drivers are fit enough to get out and roll the unhappened accident to the side together, but everyone sneaks by, leaving it to unsuitable authority. What is complex and dangerous is the demography of it – of the huge tree of future generations who might make some use of what all of them ought to pass on, many twigs and even entire branches dry out as the resource is wasted in the current for the self-destructive illusion of a dying system.
Such a spill might be a lavish adventure as long as it goes, but the blowback can hardly be exaggerated – a generation may lose all the respect of the last humans it sees on Earth from doing so. Of course it is neither useful for the Americans nor the Europeans to anchor their “economic stability” with the most overstretched generation conflict in the world. Yet before the spill eventually runs out that brings the legitimate heirs of the material into the Kafkaesque situation of having so many slack structures resonate with their internal conflict. Hence the obstacle is to be handled somehow with the involvement of these legitimate heirs, but both the Americans and the Europeans have alienated the Islamic State and treated the Saudi group as their only partner because it could be saddled with the illusion of unlimited growth.
As everyone knows, the 20th century has put the “Atlantic relationship” upside down, with Unitedstates intervention in and then occupation of Europe, and many other places. But the root cause of the quagmire is to be found in the incomplete abolition of the 19th century. The American civil war was decided by the fact that the European powers of the time were already too busy with the rise of Prussian militarism on the subcontinent to divert any intervention there. But until colonialism was entirely dismantled Unitedstates had already been involved in Europe and never found time and opportunity to close its legacy. Indeed there was a deficit of intent since the outcome contradicted the economic speculation. This “exceptionalism” then has been cemented with the Alaska purchase and interpreted as a positive quality instead of the disability it is. Within Unitedstates, due to the militarist infection in the contact with Prussia, but first of all die to the conditions left by the 19th century, the raising of intent to entirely wash off the remainder of self-colonialism never became stronger than material urges.
Technically, the “black presidency” is like the extra loudspeaker added to the car construction scheme only to be later cut out again by the detail supervisor inserted for austerity by the toxic conglomerate that purchased the factory – it leaves frustrated engineers who do not understand how they are being abused as spare parts of a financial scam. But the puppet goes the roundabout way at its own choice. The illusion of the “nuclear currency”, that is a currency which has replaced the natural scarcity commandment of the gold standard with the uranium standard, i. e. the temptation to produce paper money like nuclear waste, is a suicidal one though, not only for these in the centre but all leaning on it, as it is being enforced by a production of unacceptable risk and hence is to be absorbed by that risk. Just like the reactors, the currency may appear to function without complications for a given time before it crashes without warning.
The illusory nature of the “security normalcy” can also be seen in the comparison of changes over the last two years. When an – at this point – unidentified death squad raided Paris to assassinate the Kurdish women activists two years ago, this did not trigger a cup of the fear and anxiety that found expression in the response to the Islamic raid on the French caricaturists. The careful were alarmed, but there had been nothing of the ocean of lies and hypocrisy that followed the recent incident. This crass difference in reaction alone indicates that the perception environment has significantly changed over that time. Politically, of course the caricature affair leaves no good hair with the Paris regime. When the business advisor has to come in to tell that the toilets are dirty because the wages are too low, and the personnel manager gives an increase to the cleaners but not to the workers that need to use them, then it is a caricature of France. It has increased the effort of maintaining its illusion but not the dignity of the populace.
The currency spill trip of the imperialist legacy is of course a finite thing. At some point in time which is more likely to be years than decades away the energy barrel will have run empty. That the pattern how the currency spill has been dragging on is now artificially being dragged on with remarkable effort indicates that the war against capitalism might have reached its last bubble. The lack of information shadow makes it that in reality there can be no “separate peace” as every proposal put forward by the Europeans is only at the condition of the Americans. A whole peace can only be grown on the ground of abolition. This decisive fact points to the cause of the spill problem rather than at its material form. The transformation from illusion to abolition, from the deceptive idea of unbalanced trade-offs under oppressive conditions to the coherent insight that no rope can successfully be thrown over the abyss but the Gordian knot might require more time than it finds.
In the light of such scandal, the unconditional surrender of the Yemen regime and the demise of the Saudi monarch Abdullah are indicators that the currency flush illusion does not take hold, and might even perceive itself as a last chance at an unbalanced price/value ratio. It is merely a comfortable idea to keep the scope of the situation limited and at this point not based upon any substantial transaction in reality (such as gold changing hands, or atomic waste). It appears obvious that anyone abusing a self-inflicted, unnecessary and irresponsible risk to imply others would be expected to do the same with another such risk. That is besides the fragile reactors themselves, the nuclear waste and the unclear haste toward multiplied storage. The underlying incentive to produce more such waste cannot be tolerated.
Specifically, in the Unitedstates case, it is the radioactive debris materials crowding the spent fuel pools and dry cask storage units of questionable durability that make up a threat even before any military dimension is factored in. For these who have already fallen to the temptation of the “nuclear suicide belt” the next one waiting in line is the dispatching of the radioactive legacy, in the North American case specifically the temptation to source it out to Hawaii as to block the most likely scenario of succession after the crisis denial illusion is spent. If the rise of consciousness from the base of the age pyramid is stronger than the denial though, then the real damage from the illusory construct might be reduced. A solution of the civilian atomic waste issue is part and parcel of the coming military disarmament.
Crisis denial would be effectively unattractive if it did not occur in the context of the denial of much larger risks. Or the other way around, the “unfinished business” of quitting the “nuclear lottery” psychologically is an incentive to ignore and produce other risks as well. People who feel that they are not in control of their lives, such as in Unitedstates and its puppet states, are less respectful in handling what they are meant to take care of. They tend to discard the treasures of the future for short-sighted gains and authoritarian bigotry and rip apart their own perspective to grow into human beings. The “black presidency” with its deep-seated inferiority complex as expressed by the regrettable behaviour of rhetorical chest-banging is itself a striking example thereof. Lacking any protective shadow against its own repressive apparatus it can only resort to a grotesque negation of its inflated consumer materialism. That is of course a fundamentally flawed endeavour, as it would have to be expected from a system in which stupidity is the decisive element. The crisis of capitalism will last until that system is formally abolished, and even then only heal when not being touched. The denial illusion however will slowly cool down as the “dead sun” of fossil exploitation sinks under the expectation horizon, and can be universally recognised as the speculation fraud as which it began when it dawned upon the culprits of it that there really is no half-baked way out of perpetual crisis short of total abolition. In the end the restoration of the shadow of information sovereignty will require to get rid of the oppressor, and the illusionary ideology of its rule is going to vanish with it. Every disillusionment begins with a hint.
* * *
See also:
- The Missing and Missing Still – Mining, Renaturation, Implications (19.1.) -

- The Price of Oil and its Macroeconomic Meaning (9.1.) -

- Can Greece Shrink the Submarine Bubble Without Burst? (5.1.) -