A billion people all over the world are fleeced daily by the ones who then
pocket the lot and also avoid all known audit.
Something must be done to change all of that.
Several extremely topical essays have been published in London
in the last 3 years.
One of those is “The Rise and fall of the Murdoch Empire” by John Lisners.
Lisners has worked for Murdoch so he is well acquainted with the subject
and his work is a better read than most of the Sun or the Sun on Sunday any week
What this book shows is how so very fragile most of Murdoch’s business career has been, financially speaking
Yet the USA magazine Forbes is currently rating Murdoch as being worth $14 Billion
Leave out the entourage, it is Murdoch who is the real core
Then there is another work by a regular writer on Private Eye whose ‘book’ contains far more information and insights than any issue of the actual magazine appears to contain
These and other work will be examined and review here before taking a trip around the City of London and visiting what the CITY still tellingly pejoratively calls the “City Fringe”
The Guardian’s Apartheid Door (they called ‘the poor door’) at One Commercial Street (London E1) is located bang at the centre of the City’s “Fringe” to the East!
Next post will try to gain a straight entry into One Commercial Street through the regular door
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Redrow foists a bragging Psycho tactic on taking over East End
06.01.2015 04:03
The Guardian online carried a piece about One Commercial Street, again and has featured a Psycho ad that had been done by the property company Redrow
A reader comment on that Guardian item criticised the writer for being shallow
and for following a cover up agenda by the Guardian which is being accused
of allowing the local Tower Hamlets Council to serve Big Business taking over the
Surprisingly, the Guardian appears to have deleted the comment
Here is the COMMENT the Guardian deleted
“Your headline “Tower Hamlets psycho: a symbol of Britain’s housing crisis” read almost factual but then that was before reading the contents which are ‘high’ ‘brow’
as in a high frequency of the word “Orwell”.
Which is why the piece is an added disaster, denying the facts of 'Tower Hamlets' and depriving the reader of the core values that are absent from "Tower Hamlets".
If you had searched the Guardian's own data base, you would have come across enough references to Tower hamlets Council and from that base you could at least make a short statement as to what that Council''s "planning" remit was doing in allowing the construction of antisocial strictures.
Perhaps that would be too daunting for anyone in a hurry, as "Tower Hamlets" does contain far too many factors that constitute a phonemail civilisational crisis, not just a "housing crisis".
But you did not even go anywhere near Tower Hamlets Council's "housing crisis promotion" section itself.
Had you done that you would have c certainly come across the manufacturing of
a housing crisis on a weekly basis.
But, then, you must be a smart person, getting your stuff published on the Guardian!
Why tempt fate and venture into territory that the Guardian must have declared
out of bounds, so far as Tower Hamlets Council is concerned.
Ye shall not tell the truth and ye can only succeed in avoiding the truth if ye first avoid the facts of the truth.”
How the deregulated state expedites resurgence of original evil
06.01.2015 14:35
Look at the slogans first
"Rule of law"
"Due process"
"system of justice"
and a hundred more
These are supposedly practised
and the practices are supposedly
protecting the little people
But these are not in fact practised
There is only one rule - money
and money is being grabbed by the corrupted and so on
So where do the little people turn to for redress?
There are no lawyers doing the redressing
All the claims thus are false and there is no access to justice for the little people
as there is none when it comes to the utilities
BT recently hit the headlines as bidding £12 BN to takeover another big outfit
How does BT get £12 Billion?
By being able to operate without regulation
OFCOM is a sham
and so the little people are being disenfranchised by the very
‘services’ that are funded in the name of the public to provide
redress against the Big Money Grabber Utility providers
OFCOM is toothless and the remarkably ironically named
Sharon White, OFCOM’s over-praised next ‘chief’, is most unlikely to make things any better for the little people
Shocking to notice that so many Ministers and ex-ministers joined the queue to be on he record as praising this black woman
History has been made
Would the same ones line up to explain why Stephen Lawrence’s parents and family still feel justice has not been done?