It is this author's belief that those comrades acting in the social war and doing these actions (which I support) are perhaps in more danger now as it could also be an attempt to play a game in which those comrades may wish to go out now and commit some new actions to further attack the system which we despise in all its forms. However, you could be being watched and that is why the police have issued these statements, perhaps in the hope that you will break cover to go out into the night, thus affording them a chance of nabbing you.
You must be careful, brothers and sisters of the social war, as this appearance in the news of this so called 'domestic extremism' is a break from the usual non-reporting that the mainstream BBC/SKY news usually conducts when anything even remotely looking or smelling like the social war carried out by insurrectionary anarchists or others with an anti-system, anti-capitalistic, animal/earth liberation vibe, whether in Bristol or Nottingham (like the Serco attack and attacks on G4S vehicles), or London (countless attacks against banks and cop targets).
So the question is, why have cops come and claimed these and other actions in Bristol as potentially being 'domestic extremism'?
It is my belief that it is an intelligence phishing exercise of sorts, in an attempt to finely focus their resources down to a few people in and around Bristol so that maybe soon they will make busts and then the media hype around those busts will be partly already in place thanks to planted stories like the one appearing in the BBC today.
If you followed the unfolding of the Bombas Caso, or 'the bomb case' in Chile, (excellent free-from-copyright or copyleft documentary about the whole case available here -

But the point is, what helped in that fabrication was the media publishing reports on attacks and linking them directly to anarcho communiques or just simply making them link because they wanted them to link to anarcho ideas, even if there had been no communique. This in turn helped the police case a bit as it provided them with an opportunity to nick people or raid squats and other social centres on the grounds of simply being an anarchist, in the process tarring the whole anarchist scene in Chile with the same insurrectionary brush.
In Bristol in the last few years there has been a steady increase in the number of actions carried out in the name of FAI/ELF style affinities and for me, that is a good thing, I am glad that has happened, but what of course has been happening parallel to that is that the cops have been gathering intel and with the recent indymedia Bristol server raid and now this BBC report, it seems the cops are up to something more than their usual shit.
I knocked this article together- if you can call an article, more like a slight rant - out of a need to get across to those acting in and around Bristol to be careful at this time as it appears that the police are attempting to gather a case together, perhaps hoping they will snare somebody soon enough and then create a media circus around it.
I care for my brothers and sisters in the struggle and I know lots of us have moved down to Bristol in the last few years, especially since the Tesco protests and the august 2011 uprising, as Bristol and Cardiff and those areas are, lets be frank, where it is happening for people who wanna be part of the solution and not the problem.
So it is no surprise then, really, that the cops would choose to target Indymedia servers for Bristol Indymedia, effectively gathering as much info as they could on any one who has issued a communique on their site (think about the police training ground that was torched, that got covered on there a bit, for example).
Now this BBC article is interesting as it mentions nothing at all of any other actions around the country, against serco, against prisons, probation offices, banks, estate agents, against g4s,etc, yet these companies and institutions have all been targeted in the last few years by groups or individuals with an affinity to the anarcho-social war that is closely tied to the ethos/ideas of groups and individuals acting in Spain, Italy, Greece, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, USA, Germany and France. In this respect, it is the global social war that has hit these shores in the last few years, especially since the movements in Greece hit all the headlines and inspired thousands to get back out there and do stuff. But the BBC in Bristol keep their story to just the Bristol based stuff, which indicates to me that this was a police led story, not a story coming from a journalist because if it had come from even a half decent journo (if there is such a thing working for the Beeb) then it surely would have mentioned a connection to actions in other areas? Just from the media circus point of view it would have made their story better. But it doesnt go wider at all, which I think is a clue that this is really about the police putting out their feelers in hope of getting some kind of useful response from within the movement in and around Bristol.
the crux of what I'm saying is, 'the pigs in and around Bristol are up to something' so be fucking careful, even more careful than you have already been. Perhaps change your phones, your SIM cards, for example or be wary of any new comers in your scene as the cops will surely have sent undercovers out into the Bristol scene to try and gather info on these 'domestic extremists'...
fire to it all.
original BBC article here -

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