Firstly, I will assert why I think some individuals and organisations in power might see fit to spin this story to us and for what ends. In paragraph four, I provide scientific facts about Carbon Dioxide (CO2) proving that CO2 is not a pollutant and not the most potent green house gas and that human emissions are a tiny miniscule part of total CO2 on earth. Then in paragraph 5, I will provide evidence that all through earth’s history CO2 levels have been higher and so have temperatures. Only 1000 years ago Europe’s climate was much warmer than it is now. Evidence has been found by archaeologists of previous settlements who grew crops that would be impossible to grow now as it is too cool. Additionally there is no evidence of increased temperatures when CO2 was high, in fact glaciations occurred. I paragraph 6, I will discuss the evidence found by astronomers that warming is happening all over the solar system, even on Neptune! Is that our fault too? Then in paragraph 7, I will explain the natural cycles of climate, weather and islands which make our climate dynamic and ever changing. Tuvalu in the South Pacific is already trying to cash in on CO2 lies by asserting that affluent countries are responsible for the sinking of their homes and organisations like the IPCC that dismiss all evidence that disproves their CO2 lies in order to enforce carbon tax and fill their greedy pockets!
There is no scientific evidence that carbon dioxide emissions are causing global warming. Computer climate models are just simple numerical, theoretical calculations that have no scientific basis whatsoever. What’s important here is the issue of responsibility, if you make the human race responsible you can make demands of them. These demands can range from increased taxation too reduced freedom. Power hungry, greedy individuals are lying through their gold capped teeth to take your money and control your life. If changes are non human and part of the natural cycle of the earth then humans cannot be blamed and demands cannot be made. Some nations are currently doing just that! They’ve already started to make demands! These demands will ultimately impact you and me financially and socially as the carbon tax already does! Unfortunately for their “computer models” CO2 is not the worst green house gas.
CO2 is not the most potent green house gas. Water vapour is by far the biggest green house gas at 3% in our atmosphere compared to only 0.0314% CO2 (Dr Thomas Davenport, Plant Reproductive Physiologist at TREC). CO2 is a trace gas and human influence on this trace gas is minuscule, even if we doubled our emissions it would still be minuscule. The levels we have today are similar to temperatures we have every 160,000 years, it’s a natural cycle. Current political speakers argue that CO2 singlehandedly causes catastrophic increases in global temperatures which is a really silly thing to do when you take into account all the factors discussed above. CO2 is an important gas that is essential to life but is being considered a pollutant. CO2 has similar properties to Oxygen, is that a pollutant? Is water a pollutant? CO2 is not a pollutant; it is essential for photosynthesis and all other metabolic processes within plants and ultimately mankind. If you build a green house and inject it with CO2 to mimic political opinions, the plants grow faster! Studies of permafrost over thousands of years show that the temperature increases BEFORE CO2 levels increase not the other way round. Leading scientists know that temperature rises come first and the increased warming causes CO2 rises up to 800 years AFTER warming occurs. The truth is that the earth’s climate has always warmed and cooled in a natural cycle that has nothing to do with humans or Carbon Dioxide levels.
During the Ordovician, Silurian, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods CO2 levels were higher than 4000 parts per million by volume. Currently, levels are at 400 parts per million, TEN TIMES LESS than previous levels. The IPCC says that the human action of burning fossil fuels and the resulting CO2 emissions are putting us at risk of a runaway greenhouse effect similar to what is happening on Venus. If that was true then this runaway green house effect would have happened during the Ordovician period 444 million years ago, but Geologists report glaciations! (The Lavoisier Group). Confronted with this evidence we can only conclude that there is, and never has been, any correlation between CO2 levels and increases in world temperatures, quite the opposite in fact. Interestingly, as glaciers retreat Bronze Age settlements are being uncovered which leads us to believe our climate used to be much warmer than it is now. About 1000 years ago we had the medieval warming period where temperatures were significantly higher than they are now. England and Northern France were routinely growing grapes which is now impossible as temperatures are too low. Greenland used to be green and the Vikings used to grow Barley there, now it is covered in ice. If you’re still not convinced, consider this, If climate change is the fault of human action then it would only be seen on earth but that’s not the case. Warming has been detected throughout the solar system.
Many Astronomers say that warming is not only normal but is happening all across the cosmos. Mars has a CO2 ice cap that has been receding through recent years, Saturn, Pluto and Triton, Neptune’s largest moon, are all showing increased temperatures which can lead us to realise that our planet’s warming is happening all over the solar system. Earth’s distance from the sun is not constant either. The earth has an elliptical (egg shaped) orbit around the Sun making it nearer and further from the sun at certain points in its orbit, adding to this is the tilt in the earth’s axis causing it to wobble which all impacts our climate. (Dr Patrick Welsh, Navy Oceanographer) The moons orbit around the Earth causes its gravitational pull to vary by up to 47% causing 230 year cycles of cooling and warming which impacts our climate. (David Dilley Global Weather Oscillations Inc). Conditions in space vary depending on the orbits of many suns and planets that all affect each other’s weather systems in a dynamic ever changing cyclic dance.
Adding to these varied factors is the earth’s water cycle; as the climate warms the seas evaporate causing more water vapour (the most powerful green house gas) in the air thus increasing temperatures. However, all this water then condenses into clouds which in turn reflect sunlight which has a cooling effect, balancing things out (Dr Richard Keen, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Climatologist). I also want to dispel the rubbish that CO2 causes hurricanes, the truth is the sun’s rays heats the earth unevenly and hurricanes are nature’s way of redistributing the heat. Patrick Michaels, Senior fellow in environmental studies at the CATO institute thinks that human impacts on climate are not CO2 it’s more other human changes like changing forest into farmland and concreting vast areas for towns and cities, that, and not CO2 is the extent of human effects on climate. A documentary called ‘The boy who cried warming’ illustrates this point well Despite evidence to the contrary we still have a carbon tax that levies charges on companies which are passed down to us in increased prices for a wide range of products. This must be stopped and the perpetrators prosecuted! If we lied to make money like this we’d get prosecuted for fraud!! Additionally, we have volcanic coral island chains trying to scam us further by asserting that we are responsible for the loss of their island.
Tuvalu is a string of 9 very small coral islands in the South Pacific that are disappearing under the waves due to rising sea levels. Tuvalu is in the process of taking the USA to court for refusing to sign the Kyoto Protocol promising to reduce so called green house emissions. Tuvalu claims that their situation is caused by rich countries releasing CO2 into the air, warming the climate and melting the polar ice caps. Molly Conisbee and Andrew Simms say that “the developed world should take responsibility and reduce their climate emissions in accord with the Kyoto Protocol”. However, it has been known since Darwin’s time that sea levels have changed naturally without human action. Locally, sea levels can change due to the rise and fall of land produced by our constantly moving tectonic plates and secondly, due to the ratio of water in the seas and glaciers. During the last ice age sea levels were much lower because the water was trapped in glaciers. As the climate began to warm again the water melted and returned to the sea, thus increasing sea levels in a constant cycle of natural climatic cooling and warming.
Additionally, Coral Islands like Tuvalu have a life cycle; they rise and sink beneath the waves all the time. Do Tuvaluans not realise this fact or are they trying their luck? A Coral Island starts as a tropical island produced by plate boundaries and fractures the earth’s crust and gradually change through thousands of years from a fringe reef, to a barrier reef and the final stage, an atoll which then sinks beneath the waves again. Tuvalu is an atoll, the final stages of a coral islands life which will inevitably sink beneath the waves naturally and not because of human action. Are we supposed to forget basic school curriculum knowledge? We may possibly never know who master minded this global lie but we know who’s involved.
The United States Environmental Protection agency was created by Richard Nixon, 37th president of the USA, in 1970. He gave them a mission to protect human health ”The EPA has announced that present high levels of green house gases, specifically Carbon dioxide, are a threat to public health and the environment”. Well from reading the above you’ll realise this is a bare faced lie! The IPCC, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is releasing its latest report, the “Working Group II Contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report.” Like its past reports, this one predicts apocalyptic consequences if mankind fails to give the UN the power to tax and regulate fossil fuels and subsidize and mandate the use of alternative fuels ( These filthy liars are seriously telling us that if we don’t pay them extra tax we’re all going to die!!! Greed lie's Greed Greed Greed and more lies!
With all the available scientific evidence that supports the claim that the current warming is natural and only theoretical evidence to the contrary, it begs the question, why are many political leaders advocating CO2? The reason is mans insatiable desire for wealth and control! If responsibility is pinned on human action many powerful politicians and organisations like the IPCC can justify increased taxation under the guise of “the cost of cleaning up our mess”. They can also bring in control measures that monitor and control our civil liberties, supplies of essentials and other products and not forgetting price hikes! We need to stand firm and say NO! to increased taxation and all forms of compulsory monitoring and control to stop grotesque greedy, power hungry agendas being met.
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