Online Security for Activists post Snowden - mp3 36M
England’s Forgotten Revolution - mp3 35M
Housing: the Radical Routes way - mp3 33M
Following are the descriptions of the talks which were circulated in advance:
Online Security for Activists post Snowden
Sysadmins from Webarchitects Co-operative will present an overview of the threats facing progressive activists from criminal, corporate and state surveillance, followed by an open discussion of mitigation steps.
20 USB flash memory sticks with Tails,

Background reading:
Encryption Works: How to Protect Your Privacy in the Age of NSA Surveillance

The CryptoParty Handbook

Practical Security Handbook

England’s Forgotten Revolution
The events of the English Civil War were more than a struggle between King and Parliament. In reality it represented an uprising of the English people as riots in London and the rebellion of ordinary people inflicted the first defeats on the Royalists, leading to the rise of the Levellers, Diggers and Ranters.
Housing: the Radical Routes way
What it's like to live in a Radical Routes housing co-op and intentional community. A talk, Q&A/discussion with a co-operator who's lived in small co-ops in Leeds and Swansea. Radical Routes is a network of co-ops and individuals seeking to reject the forces of greed, capitalism and materialism by taking control over our housing, education and work.
"Freedom without socialism is privilege and injustice, socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality"
To celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Russian anarchist, Mikhail Bakunin, the Anarchist Federation present a talk by Nick Heath on his life and relevance to the movement for revolutionary social change today. Copies of the Anarchist Federation's pamphlet 'Basic Bakunin' will be on sale at the bookfair.
WW1 – The First World War
It's the 100th anniversary of the first great imperialist slaughter, 1914. The 1964 anniversary was greeted with anti-war sentiment but in 2014, militarism is rising, military charities mushroom, and the nature of war changes to remote assassination. Last year’s Olympics nationalistic orgy shows the ruling class want celebration, not reflection. Wouldn't it make sense to revive the idea of “No war but the class war” amongst revolutionary groups of today?