Seeing as how these things are usually rained out or freezing, The People’s Assembly at least managed to pick a nice enough day for their “No More Austerity: Demand the Alternative” march on Saturday (June 21st).
It’s a shame they couldn’t also have picked a more inspiring message – begging the government to stop the public service cuts they’re ideologically committed to and demanding a new Labour government as the only ‘alternative’ they can imagine. Hardly an Earth shatteringly radical call to arms for the poor and oppressed. But they do have Russell Brand, so that’s something.
The truth is, Labour isn’t failing to make moves against cuts and austerity measures because they haven’t been asked yet, they’re failing to do it because they don’t want to. It’s not in their interest to make sure the rest of us are doing all right if it means damaging the profit margins of the elite who make up their leadership and donors. The Labour party are every bit as capitalist as the Tories, and just because they’re less shameless about it doesn’t mean they’re going to provide any salvation. A party who once ignored a million people taking to the streets against war in Iraq clearly don’t care about we say at all, and probably couldn’t give less of a shit what a few thousand marginal lefties want to see on their manifesto.
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