When I called the phone number to get my insider discounts, I found that I could get coverage on my vehicles for half the price of what I was currently paying. I was appalled to learn that these discounts had always been available to me, but my insurance salesperson wasn’t willing to share them with me. Since insurance salespeople get commissions when you pay more for insurance, they would never share it with you. By calling the number, you can get insider discounts that your insurance salespeople would never share with you but are most definitely available. You’ll be surprised at how much you save!
You can cancel your current car insurance at any time and switch to these highly discounted rates by simply calling the secret number: (888) 328-8622.
Because I called and dropped my insurance rates so much, I know this works. The cost of insurance is just a scam to get you to pay more money than you need and line the inside of a salesperson’s wallet with cash. Don’t buy insurance without first doing your research, or you will end up paying up to twice as much as you need to pay. Just call them to find out what insider discounts you qualify for, so you can get a great new price on your car insurance.