It is strange how the iron ore trade is constructed in relation to other trade in natural resources. I must say that I am a highly surprised by the strict line that mining companies have had for a commercial structure to maintain the established market for many successful years. It is almost a unique business model with relationships that are deeply incorporated in the trade structure right through every stage. It is thus one of the most enriching knowledge that I have gained from my work in the development of trade relations in the world, and it is thus relatively easy to understand the inner meaning of the long-term trade relations and close cooperation when one understands the enormous capital investment that is behind a mining development project. In fact, so is the iron ore trade as everything else about demand and supply. With that is that when I have a working production then I have also that trust which is essentially needed to smelters to invest in what I can offer, at the right quality (for example, 67% hematite), quantity, and price quotation. To a large extent, so is the iron ore trade on negotiations and agreements to contracts for the mine's production capacity. In the process of quality rate establishment for an iron ore concentrate, so there is several steps of tests of the iron ore grade and quality and the concentrate must undergo accredited tests before the iron ore samples can be sent to contractual smelters or steel mills for the manufacturing of steel for testing and quality of the produced steel. Upon that the established trade organization has its mission to both negotiate agreements with smelters and steel mills in strategically selected geographical structures and models for the entirety of the marketing chain. These sellers have also their mission to create the conditions for the steel industry to channel out produced steel where required. With that is that a seller should always carry a responsiveness to demand for quantities of steel, and that where it is possible to advocate for an overall positive development for the steel industry. The main consumer of steel is today the industry and the governments with the funds allocated for public infrastructure investments. Accordingly, a public infrastructure projects such as railway projects with related industry is always to us considered as important in our work. There is a variety of iron products that we get out of iron ore raw material.
To mention some fundamental industrial products such as, railway tracks, locomotives, ship, steel beams, steel profiles, steel, machinery, tools, vehicles, wires, etc.. These constitute an increasingly more important role in today's society and developments in the world economy. Despite the history so has the postwar period just after the end of World War II constituted the largest economic development. The industrialization and development of industrial society was at that time quite different from what the world is facing today and it is a naturally induced degree else today. As the world market face different challenges today than it did at the end of WWII, we have a constant renewal and development of industry and infrastructure today and that's where we set the degree of development. It is where demand for iron ore and steel production are available for new mining establishments. In practice, the upcoming mining development in Norway means a frequent work and a firm performance for businesses to jointly establish the new level of the national production capacity. A national coordination should consequently be initiated to secure the national key exports and trade relations with the world to meet the emerging demand. The uniform coordination should lead to a positive function with responsibility for mining communication in the country and abroad. If one thus coordination should be designed through a government mandate or a national mission by industry, I can not answer today! In case it should be noted that the relevant government departments in an initial stage should review the information for a public report. At present, our mission in preparing the storage of iron ore concentrates for test orders to smelters and steel mills and to convey our message of production capacity to partners and an investment-prone capital. This will essentially be continuing in that we systematically seek responsibility in this area. You are also welcome to contact us directly on the following division.
Giuen Invest Management Ltd. (GMOL)
Stron House 100 Pall Mall
SW1Y 5EA London, UK
VAT: 07371355
Roger K. Olsson
