Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.
Auckland City.
Ph: (0064) (09) 940.9658
The following are some of my recent posts and a reply on social networking sites:
November 17
I consider the implementation of UK anti-caste discrimination laws is of major global significance as it will lead to other forms of social discrimination being addressed e.g. social class discrimination. In my view, social class discrimination took strong root in many countries, including New Zealand, at the onset of neoliberalism along with its parallel form of discrimination on the grounds of socio-economic status(wealth) due to the IMF's policies which exclude the most disadvantaged. Whereas caste discrimination is justified by religion and so openly admitted social class discrimination is hidden e.g. the exclusion of or failure to implement non-discrimintion on the grounds of social origin (social status at birth) while economic, social and cultural rights which deals with social class and exploitation has been very largely only been dealt with away from public view at the UN in order, in my view, to foster 'class-blind' societies. In the UK where it is entrenched it is more openly spoken about because, in my view, there is little fear of major changes.
Navi Pillay, UN High Comissioner for Human Rights, delivers a strong speech asking the UK not to delay implementation of UK anti-caste discrimination legislation.

November 10
Comment by James Devine from the Law Society Human Rights Group on linkedin. Mr Devine, who is a Solutions Partner at REAL, Nigeria, was referring to my recent ‘community engagement’ (see following Mr Devine’s comment) entitled, ‘Global ethical human rights will give the lost generation of youth a future’.
Yesterday Mr Devine stated:
“Reading between the lines.
Anthony, Good morning. Thank you f...or your comments and opinions. They are heartfelt and deserve our attention and respect.
My Father met Mahatma Gandhi in 1945 and the meeting etched an indelible mark on my father’s humanitarian landscape. “Interminable” springs to mind when during my youth he recalled the meeting, taking time to share principles and instruction with me.
As a consequence I have always felt a special kinship with Gandhi and if I may be so bold with most people I meet. Truth is many of us have similar thought processes as “MG” and act accordingly, save that we are not as articulate as the great man. I intended to add we are not exposed as/or passing through such turbulent times as Gandhi’s era, then realized our times are equally turbulent and significantly more, globally.
Gandhi’s “Seven Social Sins” opens not surprisingly with “POLITICS WITHOUT PRINCIPLES”, and remains apt nearly 100 years later. We must continue to lobby our leaders and society at large, ask questions of their non-action, as in deed you continue to do, power to your elbow my friend and may your vocal cords always be lubricated.
We must also individually be proactive daily. In fact if there is not a “proactive” international holiday already in existence, let it be today and everyday. On each anniversary we will take time to remind each other, especially our children; the importance of Integrity, Character and Excellence while striving Humanity for All. As the saying goes actions speak louder than words.
Let us each foster the “determined spirits” approach mentioned by Gandhi.
“A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.”
– Mahatma Gandhi”.’
November 17
My recent comment to Jan Logie, Human Rights spokesperson of the Green Party, who was recently asked to leave Sri Lanka by their authorities (reasons unclear) where she was on a fact-finding mission“Freedom House 2013 (Arch Puddington) describe States as Russia and Iran as increasingly hostile towards human rights NGOs perceiving them aspolitical. Do you think you may have received better treatmen...t in Sri Lanka if you promoted non-political human rights e.g. our council promotes ethical human rights which are universal not political.
Also I am concerned about some young environmental activists facing possibly long terms in Russian prisons. While their stands would be on principle I don't think they are informed beforehand that the global balance of power has shifted markedly away from the West (UN decision) and so would not afforded the degree of protection as activists in the past. ”