We continue to support you in your line of work and consider it a major part of caring for children.
The overwhelming majority of Filipino children are the sons and daughters of workers, peasants and urban poor and are victims of an unjust social system which consigns them to a life of exploitation, poverty, ignorance, malnourishment, disease and underdevelopment as human beings.
We consider it timely now for the development of a comprehensive organization for children, one that will uphold, protect and promote the rights of all Filipino children to participate in ways appropriate to them, in the overall struggle of the Filipino people. We call on you to help in developing such an organization.
We must assist the children to participate in educating and organizing themselves, so they contribute their skills, talents and creativity to the overall struggle. In this way, they can realize their full potential as children, together with the rest of the entire Filipino people, as active participants in the struggle for a just and democratic Philippines.
I wish you great success in your work.
Chairperson, Special Office for the Protection of Children
National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP)