canvassing road show for the May 2014 Council elections in the Borough. As the English Constitutionalist predicted a week ago, the EDL appear to be part of the Lutfur Rahman re-election parades!
canvassing road show for the May 2014 Council elections in the Borough.
Thanks to the EDL, there was a one-man Independent Candidate platform on at the most
politically significant spot of grass in all of Tower Hamlets the Altab Ali Park.
So attached was the Borough Entourage to the grass that it forgot all about the 700 or so activists who slipped out and did some real anti-gash action a mere 2 hundred yards away
And nearly 300 of them were arrested.
So said the Met Police.
And so have a handful of news outlets reported.
Yet nothing about those arrests so far can be found anywhere on any news outlets.
Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman has not said a word.
Come to think of it, nor has John Biggs who was disastrously humorous [!] with his pun 'my mate Lutfur' during his ritualised token show spiel against the EDL.
Why this silence?
Don't the arrested ones merit any support from any of these candidates?