You look for the horse you ride on.
For want of a nail the shoe is lost,
For want of a shoe the horse is lost.
“The UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, in collaboration with Eurogia+, is launching a new funding mechanism, Eurogia-UK, to encourage UK companies to participate in transnational collaborations to develop innovative industrial RD&D projects for low carbon energy technologies. DECC will consider funding applications from collaborative projects receiving the Eurogia+ quality label as of September 2013; consortium partners from other Eureka countries will be eligible for funding in their own countries within the usual Eureka/Eurogia+ framework. [...]
In the afternoon, separate brokering sessions will focus on four technology areas of key interest to the UK: offshore wind, wave and tidal, carbon capture and storage, and energy storage. Applications for funding will be considered for all technologies covered by the European Strategic Energy Technologies (SET) Plan. Participants will have the opportunity to share their project ideas or offerings. [...]”
EUROGIA+ Briefing and Brokering Event
10 July 2013
I have written recently in one of my comment that: “I am for gas from slates and even still today against it”. This sentence covers analogous problem for technology of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) [*]. I expect so because newest ground geodetic data and preliminary satellite data seams to verify fairness of actualised old geophysical theory of expanding the Earth (anthropogenically accelerated nuclear expansion). The problem is not yet fully researched and even one does not yet universally enter basic researches on it, however it has its many natural empirical verifications. Quick scientific verification of it or quite practical one in communal, transportation and mining infrastructure will get wide-comprehended energetics faced the firing squad. It means in view of necessity of financing and fast entering of far-going technological changes. Because of that above all one should now seek to reliable and exact scientific searching of mentioned phenomena.
When eventually in the future of XXI century lithosphere of the Earth will crack already in many places then there will be hothouse-making methane (as natural gas) fast fleeting from its cave deposits, not from slate ones. Methane is twenty and a few times stronger on molecule greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide and there will work in atmosphere in dangerous colossal additional feedback. Let us remember at this moment about thermal-reactive lithospheric deposits of methane hydrates, existing now in the global crust (under sub-polar ground area and world ocean bed) in gigantic amount near their eruptive limits.
Especially we should remember that methane is lighter in atmosphere than air and carbon dioxide is heavier than air. And that carbon dioxide can suffocate large people population living around – on British Islands and anywhere in the all world – in region near to, placed on wind vector or placed below installations of such potentially dangerous geological gas storage.
Definitely better than Carbon Capture and Storage I prefer and opt for my energy-and-ecology idea named “Fuel Greenfusion” (FGF, also in Polish: NTM = Nowa Technologia Metanowa = New Methane Technology). This new technical idea consists in fuel-energetic synergy between coal mining industry and nuclear energetics and/or between coal mining industry and wind-water-solar energetics for production in special gas works of synthetic methane from ground brown coal or fossil coal and gaseous hydrogen. This hydrogen can be here received with various methods (thermal decomposition or electrolyse) from natural or clear technical water. Synthetic methane like nowadays natural gas should exist as liquid, compressed or pipe gaseous fuel for transportation (LNG/LSM or CNG/CSM cars and trucks), electric power stations and individual or communal winter house heating.
In this theoretical conception power plant of every conceptual type performs with its full possibly capacities by day and night, what means that it does not waste its off-peak energy resources (hot uranium, proper wind, etc.). Thanks to this non-stop functioning nuclear or wind power station give us two times more energy than with only day-peak working for the same cost of its investment. Thanks to better efficiency in gas turbine combustion (60 %, 85 %?) than in conventional coal hearth combustion (30 %, 45 %?) carbon burned as methane gives us two times more energy than one burned as fossil coal. In oxygenic combustion of methane molecule first half of energy pool comes from atom of carbon and second half from four atoms of hydrogen. So, carbon dioxide emission is here as only about 25 % of emission in fossil coal burning for unit of electric power.
CCS-technology is very expensive because its process of cooling and sprinkling of carbon dioxide needs extra energy in additional quantity of coal. Storage of this dangerous industrial gas will be often for nothing further when storage of methane fuel in special earthquake-save tanks will be right realisation of idea of ecological energy storage.
The epoch of Fuel GreenFusion will be able to exist as intermediate epoch on the way to famous ecological hydrogen epoch. I assume that FGF with its “magic abracadabra” of its energetic efficiencies “will take vast amount of coal, will pay any price for it and will give us cheep energetic gas for our future ecological economy”. Due to material costs universal storage and transport of hydrogen is still now too much expensive.
We need quick analyses and scientific research because, as it was already mentioned higher, with our terrestrial globe there goes something very wrong. There are surprising and mysterious – watched in gravity fluctuations from satellites – numerous moves of internal magma matter what are as fast as lava flows at Hawaiian volcanoes. But they are in the giant-pressured magnetic outer core of the Earth. And the extent of our planet increases now very quickly in geophysical scale and even watching in usual technical measure.
For details read and analyse my previous articles with supplements, under titles:
Japanese Sasago Syndrome & Dutch Dam Marker as
Evidences of Hot Expanding Earth
Fascinating Satellite Research for Our Globe Expansion Knowledge
Will Be Big Earthquakes in London?! Just How Quickly?!
Who Will Pay for Energy-Investment Mistakes? All of Us, of Course!
Changing GPS-Altitude as Result of
Mass Compressions at the Earth’s Core Plasmatic Sphere
[A few supplements]
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Curious tragic Flight 214 of Boeing 777 to San Francisco
14.07.2013 10:22
In one of my previous supplements titled “=In GPS We Trust= albeit God Is Real and GPS Is Virtual!” [You can read it under article: “Japanese Sasago Syndrome & Dutch Dam Marker as Evidences of Hot Expanding Earth”. Date of supplement: 20.06.2013] I have written following words:
“If not to do this and also some other necessary special scientific investigations on generally mentioned TESURF problem I anticipate there will be a few crashes during aeroplane’s GPS-landing in the world before we understand this terrible situation! [Who is guilty? Pilot, of course! Of course?!]
On that I do not worry about precision of latitudes and longitudes of aviation points and planes in aircraft GPS-navigation but I am afraid especially about unsure continuously changing altitudes of these important points and planes!”
We had not to wait too long to see how aircraft with wrong navigational altitude homing into runway gets crashed. In previous weekend on Saturday, the 6th day of July 2013, there was such incident at airport in San Francisco. It was then when aeroplane type Boeing 777-200ER (Registration № HL7742) of Flight 214 of Asiana Airlines performed a visual approach, assisted by the runway’s precision approach path indicator (PAPI), when the indicator was damaged by debris from the impact. Two days ago there got dead the third victim of tragic misfortune of Flight 214 catastrophe. It is already third dead 16-year-old girl from Jiangshan High School in Zhejiang in China.
In my cabalistic system notice “214” means: “Swan, Up-vector, the Earth”, what can mean phrase: “Swan is landing when the earth is lifting up”. Other numbers of this mentioned aviation event have their special meaning in this unusual mystic system. Numbers “37/36/48” of San Francisco International Airport’s (SFIA) geographical coordinates (37°36’48”N and 122°21’52”W) are from my “Gear of Fortune” (dead or alive). They (‘36/37/38’ or even ‘46/47/48’) are taken from the motion picture titled “Mothman Prophecies” (paranormal catastrophic thriller, USA 2002; 36 person dead in the movie) and from base for this film authentic collapse of aluminium Silver Bridge on Ohio River in the year 1967 (46 death victims).
Number “122” is number of point in Warsaw opposite to long building at Grójecka 122 Street where on Tuesday, the 2nd day of July 2013, there was first time presented, after its far-going renovation, patined-bronze sculpture named “Flying Swans” (there are two birds; ul. Grójecka 107 – 109 ‘Lecące Łabędzie’). Next numbers from SFIA coordinates are longitude and latitude of Warsaw in Poland: about 21° E and 52° N.
Number “122” is also number of workshop for physics (!) in my former Primary School № 39 in Warsaw (Grójecka 93 Street). At the front of its building there are street lamps with numbers: “121881” and “121882” (1-218-82 → ? 182/181 and 11:28 of Flight 214). Cabalistics imposing itself upon my life is something like special numerology observed in the motion picture titled “Knowing” (paranormal catastrophic thriller, USA 2007). Numbers “81/82” are next “Gear of Fortune” – just taken from this exciting cinema.
Asiana Airlines Flight 214 / Wikipedia
Flight 214 crash in San Francisco: A mystery to Louisiana pilots
San Francisco Plane Crash July 6 2013 Asiana Airlines
(Animate Reconstruction) / aqu32
Was Pilot Error Cause of San Francisco Plane Crash?
777 Crash Survivor: ‘I Just Knew We Were Too Low’
My newest article:
With Who Counter-attack for Climatic Packet Agrees
[Komu służy kontra dla pakietu klimatycznego]
Zbigniew Charnas
Mystic Chinese Dictionary with 214 Pages [~ Flight 214] and Other Wonders
28.07.2013 10:33
In my home bibliophile collection I recently found exemplar of books very interesting for my cabalistics. This is “Pocket Chinese-Russian Dictionary” published in Russia in the 1975 year (Н. С. АРАУШКИН и Б. Я. НАДТОЧЕНКО “КАРМАННЫЙ КИТАЙСКО-РУССКИЙ СЛОВАРЬ”, 8500 слов, ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «РУСКИЙ ЯЗЫК» Москва – 1975). There are 208 numbered paper pages in this edition (compare this with elements: 11:28 of local time and 18:28 UTC and 28L of Asiana Airlines Flight 214). With its four undercover ideogram tables and also with its two firm title covers there are 214 pages for information in this book. The price of this pocket dictionary was primary 62 Russian kopeck (62 коп.) and after cost actualisation 6.20 of Russian rouble. Numbers “6” and “20” are printed on its back (compare with date: 20.06.2013 – read start of my previous supplement here).
As the ending words of the page number 181 there are Chinese words: “rĕn” (терпеть, сносить, сдерживать-ся), “rĕnràng” (терпение, терпеливый), “rĕnnài” (терпеть, выносить). They mean: “to suffer, to stand, to tolerate, to curb, to restrain oneself; suffering, patience; to stand, to hang on”. As the starting word of the page number 182 there is word: “rĕnshòu” (стерпеть, снести, выдержать), what means: “to tolerate, to stand, to endure” and “to bear, to hang”.
The third Chinese 16-year-old girl, 182nd hospitalised victim of catastrophe of Boeing 777-200 HL7742 aircraft in Asiana Airlines’ Flight 214, did not endure pain and stand effects of her terrible severe aviation injuries. She got dead 22 days after my alarming date 20.06.2013 (see above) and two her classmates after 16 days of this symbolic date.
Analogously on the bottom of the page number 81 we have word: “qiánwăng” (направляться в), what means: “to make for, to point to”. And on the top of the page number 82 we have word: “qiánhòu” (1. до и после, 2. спереди и сзади), what means: 1. “before and after”, 2. “from the front and from the back”.
Three 16-year-old girls were from the city named Jiāngshān in Zhèjiāng Province, localised in east-south-eastern part of China. At the weekend two weeks ago (12-to-14-07-2013) through the region of provinces Fujian, Jiangxi and Zhejiang there went to China with speed of 22 km per hour (centre on the move-line) and 185 – 227 km per hour (gaseous stream) the big intensive wind of the typhoon named Soulik. Every name of mentioned impacted Chinese provinces has inside word component: “jian” or “jiang”.
In this moment I have my connotation with month January and with Roman god Janus, who was the god with two faces – to the history and to the future, on his front and his back. He was the god of every beginning, the god of doors and gates – the threshold god of transition, passing and crossing, the god of change. The gate in the Temple of Janus in ancient The Roman Forum (in Latin: Forum Romanum) was closed when there was peace and opened when there was war in the Roman Empire. Through this gate legions of Roman army used to go before their setting out to just starting or going on war (source: /pocket dictionary/ Bogdan Kupis “Nasze imiona” /Our Names/, Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warszawa 1991, page 134).
In mentioned volume on the page number 82 I found word: “jiàn” (стрела), what means in English: “arrow” (compare: “1” and “↑” in number “214”). Further on the page number 183 I discovered word: “jiān” (поджаривать, подсушивать). This word means: “to fry up, to dry up”. Maybe it means even: “to char” (compare: Charnas – my surname).
On Tuesday, the 16th day of July 2013, I saw on dark nightly Warsaw’s sky before midnight half-hearted Moon (not crescent) – the Moon in its phase of First Quarter (overdraft exactly at 05:19:57 hour in Poland). On the page number 71 of my pocket dictionary in that night I just found word: “bàn”, what means: “a half, partner, to tie, ties, bonds” (половина, партнёр, связывать, путы). There was also similar word: “băn”, what among other things means: “edition, zone, page” (издание, полоса, страница; page 139). On Monday, the 22nd day of July 2013, there was bright Full Moon visible at middle angle of about 26° – 27° – 28° (?) on the cloud-clear nightly sky after midnight and also before midnight in my neighbourhood in Warsaw (overdraft exactly at 20:16:32 of the CE/S/T time system).
About word “page”, I have one of my mind jingle – saying based on known sentence of Bible – like this: “Every Hair and Every Page Are Always Kept Count to Know Where They Are Among Other Ones’ Amount”.
Next, on the page number 77, I found word: “yăng”, with its meaning: “to maintain, to feed, to cherish, to nurse, to bear” (содержать, кормить). Compare it with № HL7742 of aircraft Boeing 777-200 in Asiana Airlines’ Flight 214 meaning for me now: “High-or-Low-Fortune-Fortune-Home-Swallow”. Going farther, on the page number 153 (Δ-x-rad-sur-vol: 1-3-5 = my parameters of still expanding Earth), I found word: “jiàn”, with its meaning: “to establish, to erect, to build, to bear” (основать, строить, содержать). Chinese “jiàn” is also “warship” (военный корабль; page 165).
“Swallow”, not “swan” – because on the page number 184 I find there word: “yàn” (ласточка), meaning: “swallow”. Compare it with proverb: “One swallow does not make a summer” (#) and its sense of beginning. Also compare with quantity 181*-182†-183†-184† of deadly injured in San Francisco air accident. This (#) is 183rd proverb – on the page number 116 – in my “Dictionary of proverbs in eight languages” (Dobrosława i Andrzej Świerczyńscy “Słownik przysłów w ośmiu językach”, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 1998). Otherwise, we know that swallows are the birds what often use to fly... low!
In China people is fond of swallows. These birds earn biggish benefit, so they are desirable and favourite ones. I know of it from BBC-film titled: “EARTHflight” (Great Britain, 2012), what was emitted in Polish television channel TVP 1 (the fifth episode titled: “Asia & Australia”) just on Sunday before previous, the 14 day of July 2013.
Name “Jiāng-Shān” in Chinese means: “River Mountain”. I have here now my association with Hawaii volcanoes and its rivers of lava. And I have association with the Earth and its internal rivers of magma. Name “Zhèjiāng” means: “Zigzagging (Meandering) River”. I think that it may be fluctuating dense gaseous rivers in Earth’s outer core plasmatic sphere what sets metrical geophysical pulsation to the surface of our globe (read my previous supplements below article titled “Japanese Sasago Syndrome & Dutch Dam Marker as Evidences of Hot Expanding Earth”).
About “Soulik”, compare this word with phrase: “Soul of That Ilk”, meaning: “One from the City of the Same Name” (like three dead 16-year-old Chinese girls of Flight 214). And about “swallow”, compare this word with word: “swollen”, meaning: excessive filled (in its expansion). And with word “swallet”, what means: underground stream of water, underground mine river fall inside. Compare it with the name of three 16-year-old Chinese girls’ native province Jiangshan – “River Mountain”.
Aeroplanes of the Asiana Airlines have their tails painted with a few colours and they have on their tails South Korean flag. These colours are like this: near to crimson red, orange, yellow, blue and dark-blue. In centre of South Korean flag exists red and blue colour (hot and cold) in symbol similar to Chinese diagram “Tajitu” of “Yīn-Yáng” philosophy concept. South Korean flag was established in nowadays form in the years 1882 – 1883 (compare: my school “39” and kindergarten “66” street lamps’ №s 121881, 121882, 121883; source: Ludvik Mucha, Stanislav Valášek “Vlajky a znaky Zemi Swěta”, pages 63 and 79).
In my cabalistic system warm colours – colours of the Mars, the Red Planet: beige, brick red, red and orange – symbolise planetary tendency like dead Mars’ fortune. Cool colours – colours of the Earth, the Blue Planet: light blue, blue, dark-blue and green – symbolise planetary tendency like alive the Earth’s fortune. Red and blue colours in symbol like Tajitu diagram symbolise active balance between death and life. This is special “Colour Gear of Fortune for Our Living Planet”.
Chinese symbolic element “yáng” of this system means – as it has been written in my pocket dictionary: “ocean” (океан; page 73). In turn word “yăng” means: “oxygen” (кислород; page 168). Oxygen is important for me very much. It is in opposition to solid rocks in the Earth’s crust and to sticky-liquid magma in the Earth’s mantle. More rocks and magma than oxygen – well, the Earth can exists. More gaseous oxygen and other volcanic gases than magma – wrong, the Earth can crack, erupt and finally explode.
Previously I wrote here: “In my cabalistic system notice ‘214’ means: ‘Swan, Up-vector, the Earth’-” (in the supplement titled: Curious tragic Flight 214 of Boeing 777 to San Francisco). I wrote that this number could mean special articulate phrase: “Swan Is Landing Than When the Earth Is Lifted Up”. Now I think it can also means: “Swan Is Just Starting from the Earth”. “Swan” means here: aeroplane or rocket with satellite. At lovely weekend before previous I discover that the second airport in Warsaw – Warsaw Modlin Airport – has its logo suiting to notice “214”. There is on it presented: pink aircraft starting from the green-blue globe. This picture looks like cipher “6”. So there is “4” as the Earth and “6” as whole vision. Together there is number “46” – “Earth Higher” – my symbol of expanding Earth.
Modlin is a small town in Warsaw’s urban agglomeration. For me name “modlin” sounds like “little model” or “something of model”, modlin for phrase “modlin thing” like “model thing”. I associate word “modlin” with Polish words: “plastelina” and “modelina”, what means plastic material for making childlike or artist statuettes. In English they are called “plasticine” (plastilin) and “modelling clay” (“polymer clay”, “play dough”). The globe on logo picture of Warsaw Modlin Airport is as though made with green and blue modelling clay. In cabalistic system it can means: “We Can Still Model Our Home Planet!”.
Asia is the most populous continent of the world and China is the most populous country of Asian continent and of the world. People’s Republic of China is also already now the biggest world emitter of carbon dioxide (the more important of industrial hothouse gases) into the Earth’s atmosphere.
Now I also wonder if red mark “7” from logo of Asiana Airlines has some cabalistic relation to blue mark “<” on the globe in logo of Warsaw Modlin Airport. San Francisco International Airport (SFO, my used acronym: SFIA) has its Internet portal “” and Warsaw Modlin Airport has its advertising watchword “Fly High!”. After last events, it is wondering me!
In July 2013 another aircraft in the USA has troubles at its landing. It was on Monday, the 22 day of July 2013, at New York City’s LaGuardia Airport. Eleven people were injured after the front landing gear of Boeing 737 of Southwest Airlines arriving there collapsed shortly after the aeroplane touched down on the runway. The nose of the blue-red-and-orange jet came to rest on the tarmac after the aircraft came to a stop. I think that this event can mean: “Your Power Pilots with Their Implements Run Too Fast for Their Greedy Purposes to Find Important Warning Signals of Truly Free Science and of Telling Fortune.
The link number 16 (!) in my supplement published in Indymedia-UK under my article titled “Japanese Sasago Syndrome [...]” titled “Changing GPS-Altitude as Result of Mass Compressions at the Earth’s Plasmosphere” – “Trends Due to Surface Mass Variations from GRACE 2003 – 2009” – has its end with number “214” (!). There was already precedence for analogous or similar coincidence. Number “133” from end of the link to photos of Holocaust Mamorial Berlin is in my cabalistic system as number what lonely means: “Attention, Genocide!” (“313” can be for “menorah”). It means also: “The First and Everyone Else” (133 = I-EE). This motive is based on movie creation existing in the film “Knowing” (USA 2009). Number “33” written as “EE” is wrote on the end of the “Paper of Fortune Numbers” (my proposal for the title) by school little girl Lucinda Embry.
When there is 15:33 (3:33 p.m.) hour in Poland it is 13:33 (1:33 p.m.) hour of UTC and GMT systems of time and then there is 10:33 (10:33 a.m.) hour in Brasilian city of Rio de Janeiro (compare it with: my “133” symbol, of course). On Sunday, the 28 day of July 2013, there will be the great catholic mass celebration with Pope Francis on the 28th World Youth Days at this time in this second greatest city (about six millions of residents) of nowadays Brasilia.
The 28th World Youth Days with Pope Francis and with million of young people started in Rio de Janeiro on Monday, the 22 day of the year 2013. Nearly at half of the time of Pope Francis’ visit there was raining very much, although it is dry season on Southern Hemisphere (July is there one of winter months). The name of city of Rio de Janeiro means: “River of January” (compare it with: “Jiangshan” city, “January” month and “Janus” god). On Thursday and Friday, the 25 and 26 day of July 2013, the pope met the youth, often in squirts of the rain, on Rio’s beach named: Copacabana (Copa-Cabana). Name of this beach means: “Shed in Sprigs of Tree” or else “Sprig Tree House” (compare it with: cracking houses in the Earth’s expansion process and my article about this problem titled “Warsaw Cracks Just of Expanding Earth”).
About one year ago some vandals – fans of football team – painted name “Ronaldinho” with number “49” on the back of the Cristo Redentor Statue (Christ The Redeemer) in the town quarter of Milionários in the Brasilian city of Belo Horizonte (Beautiful Horizon) in region Minas Gerais. These “heroes” wrote name of famous footballer with characteristic imperfect manner – missing out in their rush word letter “l” (“Rona/l/dinho”).
In my cabalistic system “4” means “house” (Δ), “the Earth’s globe” and “9” is “wave”, “balloon” or “down direction”. Nine can also means: “dolphin”, “snake”, “a half of tree” (tree with leafs: “9P”, and tree without leafs: “Ψ”, “Y”). I think that “49” means here surely: “Christ Asks: Please, Set Expanding Earth Back (Down)”. Mentioned letter “l” can be here for word: “lift”. Its characteristic lack is probably for: “No Lifting!”. Number “49” can mean also: “House in Foliage of Tree” – like Rio’s “Copa Cabana”. The place of Belo Horizonte is for Christ Statue’s phrase: “Widen Your Knowledge and Mental Horizons, Please” (Jesus Christ says it supposedly to us).
I also think that “Rona-dinho” is for symbolic meaning: “Dinosaur of Rhone River” – just “Rodan Monster” (in Polish language “Rhone” is “Rodan”) – what comes to destroy our houses. Human people already had lived on trees – when they had existed as species of monkeys. At bank of Rhone River there is localised little French town named: “Charnas”. Christ from Milionários tells to us also: “If You Want Do Nothing for That There Will Be Quite Quickly Even Six Milliards of Dead People Located in Ruins of Its Great or Shoddy Houses!”.
When I was 2-year-old boy I fed swans in Warsaw’s Park Ujazdowski and in summer of the year 1965 (Holly Year of St. Jacob Apostle) I shouted out in Warsaw’s church of St. Jacob Apostle in the most important moment of the mass in complete silence one especial phrase. It was: “I not to God, I want to swans!”. At that time I live in house at Archiwalna Street № 7 (of Archive) in the little flat (apartment) with number 13 (“Lucky 7 with Unlucky 13”).
Today this building is in yellow and brown brick red colour. It is like scenery in performance presented to Pope Francis and to young people on the beach Copacabana on Friday, the 27 day of July 2013, at nightly time. Workshop for history lessons in my Primary School № 39 had number 222 (higher storey) and – as I already mentioned above – for physics its number 122 (lower storey). Upstairs and downstairs – like geophysics existing on downside and history existing on upside of the surface on the Planet Earth.
At front of old window of my historic house in Warsaw there stands street lamp with number 26643 (266-43). That “266” is for number of Pope Francisco. Number “43” – as one set with ancient symbols of earth (4) and heaven (3) – means here: “Between Earth and Heaven”. The Pope Francisco exists in Rome just between earth and heaven (nearly to the Earth). So, all is correct!
Fascinating Satellite Research for Our Globe Expansion Knowledge
Japanese Sasago Syndrome & Dutch Dam Marker as
Evidences of Hot Expanding Earth
Warsaw Cracks Just of Expanding Earth
[Text in Polish language]
Demons of History Live Forever
[Text in Polish: Demony historii wiecznie żywe]
[Here in supplements and comments below next part of the list of my articles]
Illustrating Links to Be on Its Way
Zbigniew Charnas