When: 7pm July 8th 2014
Where: Fairly Square cafe, 51 Red lion St London WC1R 4PF
Anne-Marie O’Reilly – Campaign Against the Arms Trade
Chris Cole – Drones Campaign Network
Richard Moyes - Article 36 & Campaign to Stop Killer Robots
For more information: Facebook: Breaking the Frame, or contact

Breaking the Frame programme of events
Technology dominates our world, but many people think ‘its just a neutral tool’ or that technology = progress. Although it does bring some benefits, most technology designed and controlled by corporate, military and technocratic elites to serve their interests and exert their power. Luddites200 is organising a series of monthly events to look at the technology politics of food, energy, work, gender, war, the economy, health etc. There will be speakers from campaigning groups and lots of time for discussion. We are preparing for a 3-day gathering in May 2014 on these issues.
July 8th Technology out of control? Drones, killer robots and the arms trade
August New nuclear and the lessons of Fukushima
September Gender and the politics of technology
October Economic crisis and austerity: “It’s the technology, stupid”
November Food, GM and synthetic biology
December Extreme Energy (fracking, tar sands etc) and climate change
January The politics of alternative technology and workers’ plans
February Digital technology, surveillance and Big Data
March Toxics and nanotechnology
April ‘Mental health’, big pharma and the new eugenics
When: 7pm 2nd Monday of the month
Where: Fairly Square cafe, 51 Red lion St London WC1R 4PF
For more information: Facebook: Breaking the Frame, or contact