Joan Miller - Introduction from the Sheffield Climate Alliance - mp3 2.6M
Councillor Jack Scott - starting a Green Commission for Sheffield - mp3 5.8M
Dr. John Broderick, Tyndall Climate Centre - Current emissions trends - mp3 21M
Prof. Andrew Gouldson - A Mini-Stern Review for Sheffield City Region - mp3 20M
Panel and audience discussion - mp3 63M
Slides from Dr. John Broderick
- application/pdf 1.4M

It is time to talk about Carbon, we have:
* 400ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere
* CO2 rising exponentially (see 1 below)
* Potential temperature rise of 4 to 6 degrees
* Threat of financial bust from £4 trillion invested in un-burnable carbon (see 2 below)
* The potential to add 6000 climate jobs and £300 milliom a year to Sheffield’s economy if we invest in low-carbon (see 3 below)
Dr. John Broderick:
From Tyndall Climate Centre at Manchester University, presenting current emissions trends, likely impacts and the action required to avoid them.

Prof. Andrew Gouldson:
An author of The Economies of Low Carbon Cities: a Mini-Stern Review for Sheffield City Region from The Centre for Low Carbon Futures.


2. ‘The Burning Question: we can’t burn half the world’s oil, coal and gas, so how are we going to quit?’ Mike Berners-Lee and Duncan Clark. Profile Books 2013
3. The mini-Stern Review for Sheffield City Region is available at: