over 6 years reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association released in June 2013 has found vegans and vegetarians live longer, as have a number of other studies.
A National Geographic report in 1973 recounted that the tribes in the world with
high numbers of centenarians were virtually all vegetarian. The study covered
the Vilcabamba of Ecuador, the Hunzas of Tibet, the Abzerbaijans.
Several life insurance companies now give discounts to vegetarians, vegans and
fruitarians because of less incidence of all kinds of cancer, heart disease,
kidney dysfunction, arthritis, food poisoning, less obesity etc.
Dr Mervyn Hardinge in a study at Harvard before he left there (the university is
heavily invested in animal flesh and animal slaughter, as well as armaments)
found that the average nonvegetarian (in isocaloric studies in which all control
groups had the same number of calories daily) weighs 23 pounds more than the
average vegan and 11 pounds more than the average vegetarian. Fruitarians he
found weigh the least of all.
The US government conducted a 7 year study on nonsmoking nondrinking
vegetarian Adventists in comparison to nonsmoking nondrinking nonvegetarian
Mormons and found that the Mormon life expectancy is at least 7 years less than
the Adventist.
Now a new study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association
proves vegans and vegetarians live longer than their nonvegetarian counterparts.
Dr Irving Fisher at Yale found that vegetarians had much more endurance than
Yale football players.
Thousands of vegan physicians at

Famous Vegetarian and Vegan Bodybuilders, Athletes, Sportmen and Sportwomen.


Muslim vegetarians

Vegetarians live longer and prosper, says study Agence France Presse

June 04, 2013
A new study suggests that vegetarians have reduced mortality rates. — AFP-
Want to live longer and keep the grim reaper at bay? A new study suggests
dropping meat from your diet.
After following more than 70,000 men and women over six years, researchers at
Loma Linda University in California - a Seventh-Day Adventist health institution
- concluded that those who followed vegetarian lifestyles had reduced rates of
As part of their religion, Seventh-Day Adventists are encouraged to follow
vegetarian diets.
Findings were published online by JAMA (Journal of the American Medical
Association) Internal Medicine this week with an accompanying commentary of the
After categorizing study participants into five dietary groups -
non-vegetarians, semi-vegetarians, pescatarians, lacto-ovo-vegetarians, and
vegans - authors found that vegetarian groups - the lacto-ovo-vegetarians and
the vegans - tended to be older, more highly educated, and more likely to be
married, drink less alcohol, smoke less, exercise more and be thinner.
Mortality rates were also lower among those who followed meat-free diets -12 per
cent lower than their carnivorous counterparts. This was particularly noteworthy
among male participants, who showed a significant reduction in cardiovascular
and ischemic heart disease-related deaths, researchers point out.
The overall mortality rate was six deaths per 1,000 person years, or 2,570
deaths over a follow-up time of about six years.
It's the latest study to tout the benefits of a meat-free diet. Earlier this
year, researchers from the University of Oxford found that the risk of
hospitalisation or death from heart disease is 32 per cent lower in vegetarians
than their counterparts. — AFP-Agence France Presse
See also: