Sue Moorcroft of Writers Forum Magazine – A Useful Idiot?
David Myatt – Child Killer With One of His Victims
Sue Moorcroft a naive author of romantic fiction at Writers' Forum Magazine, is being exploited by a member of the security services to prevent the exposure of agent provocateur and child killer David Myatt. More on David Myatt's murderous past in a moment, but first the willling dupe who has been so comprehensively used – Sue Moorcroft of Writers' Forum Magazine.
Remember undercover police officer Mark Kennedy and what he did to two trusting women? The reason why the Metropolitan Police are currently being sued? The shameful thing they did, which they now want hushed up and heard in a secret court? No form of human degredation is too low for the security services. And women are their natural prey.
When a reader provides personal information to a magazine, the worst they might usually expect is some unsolicited mailshots dropping through their letterbox. But Writers' Forum Magazine are in a class of their own. They believe in serious privacy violation, police harassment and vigilantism by the back door.
The security services can of course easily obtain the personal data of any citizen if required. They don't need corrupt businesses like Writers' Forum Magazine. But simple data theft wasn't the aim here.
Sue Moorcroft was approached to act as an intermediary, to provide plausible deniability for the security services. So that they could indulge in some covert bullying and pretend that it had no connection with the threats to expose the massive scandal surrounding child killer, David Myatt.
And if Ms. Moorcroft was publicly named and shamed? Well so what. Moorcroft would take the flak, while her 'contact' would retain their anonimity.
It is easy to shout 'Conspiracy Theory' at every whistleblower. But Conspiracy Facts are beginning to undermine this dubious old argument. Apart from Mark Kennedy, there are twelve other ongoing investigations into the illegal / immoral activities of undercover agent-provocateurs. MI5 have conspired with the Gadaffi regime over torture. And it is now being reported that dead children were used to furnish identities for undercover police. It is also becoming obvious that the security services regularly bully respectable Muslims to become unwilling informers (see links at end of article). There have also been many resignations by corrupt senior police officers of late – News International, Hillsborough etc.
Yet it is the same corrupt police service who swear that agent provocateur, David Myatt was interviewed properly by the police and found innocent of all charges.
We have their word and that is all we have.
Please bear this in mind when you read what follows.
In the 1990s, MI5 sponsored agent provocateur David Myatt, was producing large ammounts of nazi hate material. Mostly under his own name and largely unimpeded by the authorities.
Myatt has attempted to re-brand himself as a harmless excentric in recent years. Obliterating anything that points to his career as a violent agent provocateur. So the following quotes have been taken from an internet archiving service. (

“This society is founded upon the Zionist hoax, or illusion, of ‘racial equality’, This was the hoax of the Jewish ‘holocaust’.”

“It is no coincidence that those at the forefront of the campaign for so-called “feminism” are Marxists and Jews. Indeed, the whole “women’s liberation movement” was the creation of Jews….”

“There are several excellent reasons why the story of “the Jewish holocaust” is a fictional tale – a product of Zionist propaganda – and why the so-called “evidence” which is produced, and which has been produced, in support of this story is suspect or false.”
Prompted by the ferocity of David Myatt's hatred of Jews (and feminists), a young racist thug called David Copeland joined Myatt's 'National Socialist Movement'.
It is alleged that in the period leading up to his arrest, Copeland had access to David Myatt's self published terrorist bomb making manual.
In 1999 David Copeland detonated three successive nailbombs in London – Sohos's Admiral Duncan public house, Brick Lane and Brixton.
Agent provocateur David Myatt was supposed to tip-off the police about Copeland's plan, but he did nothing.
Pregnant mother Andrea Dykes and her unborn baby, lost their lives in one of the blasts. David Myatt didn't lift a finger to prevent this and should have been imprisoned for
manslaughter at the very least. The appalling truth is that David Myatt is a child killer in the employ of the State.
This was an MI5 'sting operation' that went badly wrong and it is not surprising the security services want it covered up. Hence the devious approach to Sue Moorcroft and the request for her help in silencing the whistleblower.
At the time of the bombings, the Security Services claimed they could not have prevented these atrocities because Myatt and Copeland were not under surveillance. But this was later exposed as a lie when David Myatt morphed into 'Radical Muslim' Abdul Ibn Myatt.
The pattern was exactly the same as before. Myatt publishing reams of illegal hate material that encouraged other people to kill civilians with bombs. Despite doing this under his own name for over a decade, Myatt was never arrested.
The reason is simple, David Myatt is an agent provocateur under MI5 protection. The pathetically incompetent Myatt was responsible for the death and maiming of children in 1999, yet the Security Services were quite happy to let him engineer a similar bloodbath as a 'Muslim' agent provocateur.
Several years ago I attempted to alert the Home Office to the threat posed by unsupervised agent provocateurs. The Mark Kennedy debacle has at last proved me right. But is only the tip of a very large iceberg. The Case against Myatt is far more serious.
Unfortunately, I am now the target of continual harassment by the police and Security Services. Simply for telling the truth.
An indication of the scale of the cover-up is the way the 1999 London bombings have been virtually airbrushed from history.
No formal public enquiry. No high profile rememberance of the dead in the mainstream media. And as a final insult, the 1999 victims and families were still waiting for their compensation payouts AFTER the claims of the later
2005 bombings had mostly been settled (see Guardian link at end of article).
Shabby second rate treatment from beginning to end. The suffering of the many hushed up to protect the pensions of the few.
The real obscenity at the heart of the 1999 London bombings is the assertion that justice was complete when David Copeland was sent down. The people who coordinated the police enquiry into David Myatt were the ones who had the most to lose if he was convicted. If Myatt was sent to jail, he would have blown the whistle on all his co-conspiritors at MI5.
I feel very sorry for Sue Moorcroft. She has been cleverly conned into covering up for a child killer she doesn't even know. From now on her life will be totally different. She will be forced to lie about her involvement to everyone she meets.
Here are a few links so Sue Moorcroft can see exactly who she is protecting.
1) David Myatt the weirdo satanist and his paedophile friends.

2) An unrepentant Myatt being interviewed by BBC's Panorama programme after the 1999 London bombings.

But the man whose ideas had more influence than most on Copeland was David Myatt from Worcestershire. The NSM's first leader, the intellectual who shaped the ideas propelling
Copeland on his road to terrorism. A man who once said the nazi movement needed people prepared to get their hands dirty, and perhaps spill some blood.
Mr Myatt, we're from the BBC. We're from Panorama. We wanted to ask you some questions about the NSM and David Copeland, the London nailbomber.
I have no comment to make.
You called for the creation of racial tension and that's exactly what Copeland did. You inspired Copeland indirectly to do what he did.
I have no comment about anything to do with that.
But two years ago, when you were head of the NSM, the NSM was calling for the creation of
racial terror with bombs.
I have no comment to make about the past, as I said, and as...
Well the fact that you're making no comment, doesn't that make it clear that you are excepting some responsibility?
I have no comment to make about responsibility and anything to do with that.
Any guilt?
What I feel is between me and God. It is nothing to be made public. It is a private matter.
"I personally regret nothing. There is nothing to apologize for; nothing to plead or feel guilty about. I have done nothing dishonourable. What was written, was necessary – an expression of the noble duty I have and which I have striven to do to the best of my ability."
David Myatt
2000 AD
I think you have to look at a young man like Copeland and think here's a young guy who's done terrible damage to our society. He's killed. He's done terrible damage to himself and his family as well. Who at point (a) is responsible for all of this? Who wrote those terrible ideas up in that boy's mind? And I think you just go and see who produces this hate material and you know.
3) A still unrepentant David Myatt speaking in 2012. Telling anyone who will listen that dead mothers and babies are mere 'collateral damage'. (Now removed . May be sourced from internet archive service -

“So what if a few people were collateral damage? For that is the price of keeping Britain safe; the price of freedom and democracy, of maintaining the British way of life.”
4) Suspicions about David Myatt's MI5 protected status.

5) More on Myatt's role as an informer inside the MI5 controlled neo nazi organisation, 'Combat18'.

6) Security Services bullying innocent citizens.

7) Major resource and overview of academic study showing proven links between Myatt and satanist groups.

8) Link to Guardian report on unjust treatment of 1999 nail-bomb victims.
'Pub bomb victims wait for pay-outs six years on.'