A couple of hours later MAT anti-riot squadrons and motorcycle cops encircled the building. More than 30 comrades who participated in the solidarity intervention were detained and transferred to the police headquarters, on Alexandras avenue.
There is a call for solidarity gathering outside the Athens police headquarters.
Update, 15.30pm: A total of 69 detainees are being held in the Athens police headquarters (including two tourists who were caught earlier by the police while they were passing by the site of the anarchist intervention). Almost ten detainees are currently held in detention cells while the rest are kept on the 7th floor. So, the detainees are not all together, and they have not been able to talk to lawyers as of yet. Approximately 200 people in solidarity are gathered outside the police headquarters, on Alexandras avenue.
Update, 21pm: Groups of detainees are gradually being released from the police headquarters, and welcomed by solidarians that remain outside. However, six of those caught in Propylaea have been separated from the other detained people that await their release. Cops continue to run identification checks on the remaining group, but these 6 comrades are still missing. The remaining group of detainees is writing a collective communiqué stating that no one will go till all can go, in solidarity with the 6 comrades who may face charges.
More info as it comes.