The mammon-controlled major media continue to muzzle the truth about Mad Cow, Mad Pig, Mad Chicken etc. reports that countries that have had recent cases of mad cow disease
include the Czech Republic, Ireland, Northern Ireland,
France, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Italy, and Japan.
The link quote does not include incidents of Mad Cow in the US, Brazil, or Canada. A link about possible Mad Cow
in Australia is below.

Beginning To Unravel

Apr 26, 2012 – Americans might remember that when the first mad cow was confirmed in the United States in December, 2003, it was major news. The United ...
Dismissing Mad Cow as a “Random Mutation” » Counterpunch ...

Jan 15, 2013 – After the discovery of a mad cow in its herds, Brazil is experiencing what the US went through in the early 2000′s when three mad cows were ...
Oprah Not the Only "Mad Cow in America" » Counterpunch: Tells the ...

Jun 30, 2005 – A popular Texas bumper sticker reads: "The only mad cow in America is Oprah." Not anymore with the USDA announcing that the first ...
Mad Cow USA » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The MadDeer website seems to have been hacked off of the internet