Is that too much to ask?
Even when the chaos, noise and sheer frantic-ness stops for a moment…
There’s still the endless chatter of the mind to contend with.
So, how are you supposed to get a moment in your day, just to relax?
Here’s a golden tip from Mother’s Love Letters:
And, Surrender.
It’s called Meditation.
You see, meditation isn’t just for monks and hippies.
People at the top of their fields meditate: CEOs, Athletes, Parents.
It’s a sure-fire way to get peace and quiet in your day, so that you can re-energise and tackle all of life’s challenges.
The trouble is, most people think they can’t sit still long enough. Or, they think it’s too boring. Too hard. They fall asleep.
The truth is, like anything, if you’re shown how to do it, it’s pretty easy.
And when you get that moment, even briefly…
Where you are in TOTAL peace and quiet…
Your mind just shuts down, and shuts up, giving you that break…
You will know what the big deal is, about meditation, and how some people can remain totally calm in every situation, no matter what.
If you would like some help, to get into that serene mental space, here’s something that I have used weekly for the last year.