For anyone interested from autonomous Trade Union movements:
The following international conference has been called. The details are below and if anyone is interested you can contact NOII UK by email to find out more and for the PDF doc invitation.
So far there are:
3 delegates from Liverpool TUC (UCU, Unite and UCATT), 2 delegates from the
RMT national exec, one delegate from NUT, UCU, Save ancoats dispensary
community campaign, London Mick Dooley and some others.
This is a short report about who is going, incomplete as I do not know much
about France (but there will be many). There will also be one from Greek
independent unions.
"About the participants In addition to the organizers, delegations will
attend Italy (the car workers, immigrant org), Spanish State confirmed their
participation Cobas Madrid. In Portugal, port sectors in fight (which were
already coordinating with Port of Liverpool). German automotive sectors
will. Pending the definition of Representatives Belgians. There are
significant opportunities to reflect on the coordination meeting built
around GM's conflict with representatives of workers of that company in
Brazil, USA, Germany, Spain and, in addition to other automobile, for
example in France. There will be unions of Egypt and Morocco. And
participants pending confirmation of Japan, Indonesia, China, other U.S..
Brazil is estimated a delegation of around 40 participants. And will a
Batay representative from Haiti. Also a union movement from Greece
Invitation to an international union meeting
22 March to 24 March Paris
International Trade Unionism: we are building the future
This call has been launched by trade unions from Europe, Africa, America and
we have diverse affiliation or non-affiliation to the International Trade
Union Confederation, the World Federation of Trade Unions. We also
participate in various international trade union networks, etc. All our
unions recognize the unionism of struggle, workers� democracy,
self-organisation of workers and the need for social transformation.
The crisis of the capitalist system has consequences in the world. Economic,
financial, environmental and social crises interact and become self-reinforcing. The global crisis of capitalism shows a shared impasse based on increasingly unequal distribution of wealth produced, financial deregulation, free trade and the widespread disregard for ecological imperatives.
To save the profits of the shareholders and owners, to ensure the future of
banking and global institutions (the World Bank, International Monetary
Fund, World Trade Organization, etc.), governments and employers place
increasingly heavy burdens on workers� rights and workers.
The current economic and political system organises the looting of many
countries, forcing millions of people to leave their region of origin in
order to survive ... and then they are denied all their rights because they
are immigrants.
The destruction of public services, the questioning of all social rights,
attacks on trade union rights, trade union rights being violated, the
development of precariousness and unemployment to put pressure on people ...
these are the same methods that are used in all countries!
To achieve their goals, they use every means to criminalise our struggles:
trial, arrests, police actions, military occupations, all kinds of obstacles
to collective and individual rights. Punishment is one of their weapons
against those who resist, as they are opposed to building alternatives. Our
solidarity crosses borders, it is one of our answers.
The unionism we are building does not affirm pacts with powers including
validation of antisocial measures. Unionism has the responsibility to
organise resistance to the international hierarchy and to build through
struggle the necessary social transformation of society.
Our unionism aims to overthrow the model of economic, social and political
development based on the hegemony of finance, profit and competitiveness.
Instead, we want to build a system based on common property, the
redistribution of wealth between all those who are contributing to its
creation, the rights of workers and ecologically sustainable development.
We demand the extension, democratisation and social appropriation of public
services (education, health, transport, energy, water, housing, etc..). The
free movement of persons, equal social and political rights for everyone,
regardless of nationality, origin or gender, are part of our common goals.
Invitation to an international union meeting
22 March to 24 March Paris
International Trade Unionism: we are building the future
Union Syndicale Solidaires
General Workers Confederation
Spanish State
Union and Popular Central
Workers Democratic Organisation
Our unionism combines immediate workers� demands, and willingness for
profound social change. It is not limited to protest in the economic field,
it covers topics such as the right to housing, land, equality between men
and women, racism, ecology, anti-colonialism, etc.
The interests we defend are those of the working class (active or retired
workers, unemployed, trainees) and they relate to peoples from all regions
of the world. In this, we oppose employers, governments and institutions
serving them and we assert our autonomy vis-à-vis all political
International trade union organisations exist; union networks were created
on geographical or professional fields. From one region of the world to
another, our union histories, structures and affiliations are different. But
we share what is essential: we are determined to move by coordinating union
struggle internationally. We are organising the meeting in March 2013 as
part of this process.
By organising this meeting, we do not proclaim the establishment of a new
international organisation! We want to strengthen, expand, make more
efficient a network of trade unionism that is on the offensive, democratic,
independent, alternative and internationalist.
We want to share our experiences, strengths and enhance achievements for
all, build unity across borders, implement international solidarity of
workers. Faced with the crisis in the populations of all countries that is
the responsibility of capitalism it is necessary to coordinate and unify our
struggles. We call on the unions collectively to join us to build this
united union action needed to combat social decline, win new rights and
build a different society.
This approach is being built up step by step, with all unions to fight
against capitalism, a system which is not an impassable mode of organisation
for our society, and is building change through collective struggles and
daily reflections on the society we want for tomorrow.
For this international meeting in March 2013, we have proposed objectives.
But together we can define and implement them:
� Implement union solidarity, focused on one or two countries.
� Intervene in a united and coordinated way in support of the existing
international struggles and campaigns, in support of the Palestinian people,
in recognition of independent trade unionism in the Maghreb and the Middle
East, against the military occupation of Haiti, against the European
Treaties imposing austerity, for the right of all peoples to decide their
future, ...
� Strengthen and expand the international work carried out in professional
sectors (transport, education, call centres, industry, commerce, health,
etc..) and on inter-professional issues such as women�s rights, immigration,
housing, ecology, health and work , etc.
We invite you to tell us if you are interested in the process, if the project seems useful and if your organization is thinking of participating in this international meeting.

Solidaires Union Federation
Christian Mahieux
Union and Popular Central Conlutas
Dirceu Travesso
Workers Democratic Organisation
Ali Lofti
General Workers Confederation
Jacinto Ceacero Cubillo