Iran has the highest executions (per capita) than any other country in the world.
Crimes punishable by death include adultery, apostasy, blasphemy, drug-trafficking (soft and hard drugs), prostitution, homosexuality, sorcery (witchcraft), zina (sexual intercourse between partners not married to each other), individuals converting or preaching Christianity or Judaism, insulting Allah and the prophet Muhammad, corruption on Earth (can virtually mean anything; a legal 'catch-all' term that the defendant is an enemy of Allah for a variety of offences), conspiring against the government, consuming alcohol, gambling and plotting to overthrow the Islamic regime.
Public executions remain a sordid public spectacle. The condemned are ritually humiliated by being paraded in public and insulted before being executed by beheading, hanging, shot by firing squad, strangled (hanged by crane), and tortured to death (stoning) for the crime of adultery.
In 2004, a mentally unstable 16-year-old Iranian girl, Atefeh Rajabi, was hanged by crane in public in Northern Iran. She was sentenced to death for having committed an ‘act incompatible with chastity’ (also known as pre-marital sex). Her 50-year-old male co-defendant was sentenced to 40 lashes and then released.
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06.02.2013 19:20
I think that your just an inbred Zeeo-nazi posting here in the name of an organistaion you have no connection too.
Just face it, Iran is a nation of 80,000,000 and Isra-hell is a national experiment of 3,000,000 gone wrong.
Its a question of numbers and being pragmatic. The world supports the place where the most money/wealth and trade can be had.
That means that Israel loses and Iran wins.
Sorry if that doesn't suit your world view but there you go. Maybe it would have been a better idea for you to have included the Palestinians in your little attempt at democacy rather than persecute and kill them.
Israel - A rogue nation.
06.02.2013 19:42
Israel kills children and eagerly seeks out any opportunity to build war and conflict in the region as a whole. It wants to go to war with Iran but it is too weak and feeble to do the job. For that reason, it expects the US and Nato to do the job for it. Israel claims to be a nation state, but what nation state spends its entire time seeking out war with its neighbours only to have other nations fight on its behalf?
Israel routinely kills Palestinians in order to grab their land and after it has killed them, it then re-invents them as terrorists. This is all thouroughly illegal.
Israel is the worlds leading breaker of international law. No other nation on earth can claim to be in material breach of as many UN resolutions as Israel.
Israel routinely carries out extra-judicial killings and assassinations, pauses while the facts go unreported, then screaches like an animal when Hezbollah, Hamas or Fatah respond to the aggression. It thinks that it has the worlds media under its complete control while it does this. Israel thinks that the entire world is made of animals and 'stinking goy'. Israel is absolutely convinced that the whole world hates Muslims as much as they do.
And most importantly of all.
Israel is not a democracy. It is a military dictatorship in which every sound it makes in public is sanctioned and permitted by the Israel armed forces. Its political leaders claim they speak for the people of Israel, but their political leaders never ever speak unless the IDF have pre-prepared prompt cards for them to speak from. These are the very same military soldiers that have been killing Palestinian women and children. The IDF are skilled and adept at exploiting the refusal of the Palestinian people to negotiate with the very same people that have been freely slaughtering their children...and then laughing about it from the steps of Downing Street and the Whitehouse lawn.
Why would they negotiate with soldiers that are paid to slaughter children in an environement in which they will never be allowed to vote. The situation in Israel is exactly the same as refusing blacks the right to vote in the UK or US. If blacks in the US and UK were not permitted to vote, and Parliament and Downing Street were filled to brimming with the very same soldiers who had been murdering them, would it be reasonable to expect that the blacks should just roll over and die...or would it be more reasonable to expect them to fight the oppressor?
No, Iran is no rogue state. It certainly has a number of problems each of which can be dealt with by the Iranian people in their own time and of their own accord.
Israel on the other hand is the worlds most criminally retarded state. The UN and its permanent member states of the UN Security Council will never rest or be able to conduct themselves with any degree of public support while this blight on the international community continues to go unpunished.
Gobb off as much as you want Zionist, Israel has no options available to it. You either see reason, or you dissappear at the hands of that which you have been persecuting.
Carpet bagger.