Mr Tommy was remanded at the end of October last year after the mass arrest of EDL members in the back of a van, an amusing incident which saw the EDL faithful leaving the plod station in their underpants and nice paper suits. Mr Tommy was put on the nonce wing for his own safety at Wandsworth and has been ghosted to Bedford and elsewhere as none of the governors want to listen to his incessant self-pity and whining. Far be it for us to gloat, but the EDL has ended up radically diminished with about 200 followers and has been exposed as a criminal gang, led by criminals and followed by criminals. Here is a database of some of the EDL 'political prisoners':

Looks like it needs an update!
As well as Mr Tommy's incarceration Karismatic Kev Karol has become the leader of the fluffy British Freedom groupuscule after the leader, Lord Paul Weston, the poshest man in England, left to write a novel about a flying pig called Simon. KKKev has basically left the EDL writing it off as a dead ducky and since Mr Tommy's incarceration the word 'disaster' seems somewhat overtly charitable to apply to the EDL Shuttle crash. KKKev has basically run the EDL into the ground. Let's hope he does the same to the Fluffies! Finally, can we remind you that Clint Bristow, who was to stand in Rotherham for either the EDL or the Fluffies but in the end forgot to sign up to either has been remanded for burglary and stealing toiletries. And also that EDL member Gary Milsom was jailed for common assault and also ... Be Seeing You!
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