In dealing with the fiscal cliff, U.S. lawmakers had a choice among three options, none of which were particularly attractive:
They could have let the policies scheduled for the beginning of 2013 – which features a number of tax increases and spending cuts that are expected to weigh heavily on growth and possibly drive the economy back into a recession – go into effect. The plus side: the deficit would have fallen significantly under the new set of laws.
They could have cancelled some or all of the scheduled tax increases and spending cuts, which would have added to the deficit and increased the odds that the United States would face a crisis similar to that which is occurring in Europe. The flip side of this, of course, is that the United States' debt would have continued to grow.
They could have taken a middle course, opting for an approach that would address the budget issues to a limited extent, but that would have a more modest impact on growth. This is ultimately the course lawmakers choice in the agreement reached on December 31, 2012.
The fiscal cliff was a concern for investors and business since the highly partisan nature of the political environment made a compromise difficult to reach. Lawmakers had well over a year to address this issue, but Congress – mired in political gridlock – put off the search for a solution until the eleventh hour, rather than seeking to solve the problem directly.
In general, Republicans wanted to cut spending and avoid raising taxes, while Democrats sought a combination of spending cuts and tax increases. The agreement currently on the table raises tax rates to 39.6% from 35% on individual with income of more than $400,000 and on couples with incomes of more htan $450,000. It also lets the 2% payroll tax cut expire and delays spending cuts for another two months. The likely outcome of these changes is that economic growth will be pressured modestly, but the country will not face the severe economic downturn it would have if all of the laws related to the fiscal cliff had gone into effect.
The Worst-Case Scenario
If the current laws slated for 2013 had become law, the impact on the economy would be dramatic. While the combination of higher taxes and spending cuts would reduce the deficit by an estimated $560 billion, the CBO also estimated that the policy would have reduced gross domestic product (GDP) by four percentage points in 2013, sending the economy into a recession (i.e., negative growth). At the same time, it predicted that unemployment would rise by almost a full percentage point, with a loss of about two million jobs.
A Wall St. Journal article from May 16, 2012 estimated the following impact in dollar terms: “In all, according to an analysis by J.P. Morgan economist Michael Feroli, $280 billion would be pulled out of the economy by the sunsetting of the Bush tax cuts; $125 billion from the expiration of the Obama payroll-tax holiday; $40 billion from the expiration of emergency unemployment benefits; and $98 billion from Budget Control Act spending cuts. In all, the tax increases and spending cuts make up about 3.5% of GDP, with the Bush tax cuts making up about half of that.” Amid an already-fragile recovery and elevated unemployment, the economy was not in a position to avoid this type of shock.
The Term "Cliff" is Misleading
It's important to keep in mind that while the term “cliff” indicated an immediate disaster at the beginning of 2013, this wasn't a binary (two-outcome) event that would have ended in either a full solution or a total failure on December 31. There were two important reasons why this is the case:
1) If all of the laws went into effect as scheduled and stayed in effect, the result would undoubtedly be a return to recession. However, the chances that such a deal wouldn't be reached were slim despite the length of time it took to come to an agreement.
2) Even if the deal did not occur before December 31, Congress had the options to change the scheduled laws retroactively to January 1 after the deadline.
With this as background, it's important to keep in mind that the concept of "going over the cliff" was largely a media creation, since even a failure to reach a deal by December 31 never ensured that a recession and financial market crash would occur.
the IMC readers have given information leading the the arrest of 2618 fugitives, rewards have been paid for the 2618 fugitives who were arrested. as the information continues to come in the reward payments will grow good information is pouring in on some of the subversive groups that we asked readers about. please keep it coming. We wish to thank DC-IMC ,Indy-Bay,LA-IMC,DC-IMC,MIAMI-IMC,IMC-UK and many of the tech workers that made this information collection possible. Please support their work of Cleaning up IMC so that it can take its place as a respectable News Group.
You read indymedia, chances are you know some protesters who are wanted by the police and the FBI.
The good news is that now you can receive a big cash reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction
of criminals. It's easy just a quick call. and if you know more than one person you can get multiple REWARDS up to $2000 for each . for information leading to the arrest of known criminals and subversive group activity. And if you know anyone who financially supports domestic terrorist groups, you can receive a cash reward for this information also!!
Now announcing a new reward: You can revive a cash reward at for each tip on information leading to the arrest and or conviction of organizers of the occupy movement. As well as members who are involved in acts of property destruction, vandalism, Arson, Trespassing or Assault
If you know more than one person you can get multiple REWARDS up to $2000 for each . for information leading to the arrest of the occupy movement members committing criminal acts and. And if you know anyone who financially supports domestic , you can receive a cash reward for this information as well. your identity will not be reviled, and no court testimony will be required.
Do you have connections with any groups like -
Organizers of the G-8 protest, war resisters league, Earth First, Democracy Now, Anarchist book fair,CIMC Radio Collective, International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement, Workers Action, animal liberation press office, socialist labor party, Red Cell 5,The Black is Back Coalition, Occupy Baltimore , Earth Liberation Front, break the chains, SqueakyWheelProductions, anarchist black cross, cascadia forest defenders NETWORK X,Muwekma Tree Siters, socialist party of oregon, Animal Liberation Front, Brown Berets, ANSWER Coalition, Northeast L.A. Radical Neighbors,Animal Liberation Front ,Muslims for Palestine, C.L.I.T. FEST Organizing Collective, SF Anarcist Action Force,, Team Colors Collective ,Occupy Sacramento, The Baltimore School for Socialist Studies, The United Workers Commune, White Noise,Action for our Planet, (AFOP),, Black Liberation Army, International Coalition to Free the Angola 3,
United Public Workers For Action, axles of evil, Gay Liberation Network ,Alpha 66 and Omega 7,Socialist Party USA,Palestine Solidarity Group,The Ruckus Society, critical mass LA Clandestine Multiethnic Army,Black Panther Party , Revolution Books,Rainforest Action Corps, Counter-Intelligence Insurgency, Code Pink, Workers Action Party, wild rockies earth first, Arab Resource and Organizing Center.Eco Advocates, americans united for palestinian human rights,cascadia rising ecodefense, Olympia Rising Tide, Freedom for Animals,Cridical Mass,leadership &supporters of WikiLeaks,The Burning Spear, leadership of -Occupy San Francisco Now, leadership of- Occupy Portland,leadership of- lincoln underground collective, 'leadership &supporters - Overthrow Bangladesh', Occupy Oakland ,Occupy New York, Occupy LA, Occupy Chicago,Sounds of Independent News ,The Baltimore Indypendent Reader Red Emma's Bookstore Coffeehouse, C.L.I.T. FEST Organizing Collective, Idriss Stelley Foundation,No Nukes Action Committee ,
- Do you know any of these suspects?
Sudhama Ranganathan -information needed-reward available
Rich Gardner -information needed-reward available
Tim Ortley ..............information collected........ reward paid
Douglas Johnson -information needed-reward available
Cllr Gino Kenny -information needed-reward available
Ross Wolf -information needed-reward available
Randel Benton........APPREHENDED reward paid
Lesley Croft........APPREHENDED reward paid
Cordley Coit........APPREHENDED reward paid
Rodger Halis...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Mary Hernandez...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Margie Johansson ...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Lester Snow -information needed-reward available
James Enhome........APPREHENDED reward paid
Nancy Garcia ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Brian Dolinar -information needed-reward available
Bill Carpenter -information needed-reward available
Shamus Cooke -information needed-reward available
Tim Snider..............information collected........ reward paid
Wendy Snyder -information needed-reward available
Brent Adams -information needed-reward available
Sam Palmer ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Martin Wells........APPREHENDED reward paid
Jame Rivera ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Ken Roberts........APPREHENDED reward paid
Pete Ellis ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Roy Giller ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Maxwell Whitmore ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Ivone Forrester ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Bert Hughes........APPREHENDED reward paid
Wes Modes ..............information collected........ reward pending
Thomas Maddox -information needed-reward available
Phillip Reyes ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Robinson Block -information needed-reward available
Amy L. Dalton..............information collected........ reward paid
Mimi Rosenberg -information needed-reward available
Eric Xodik -information needed-reward available
Matt Turlock........APPREHENDED reward paid
Steven Argue -information needed-reward available
Shawn Man..............information collected........ reward pending
John Thielking -information needed-reward available
Nathan Pittman.......APPREHENDED reward paid
Larry Duncan -information needed-reward available
Tracy Rosenberg-information needed-reward available
Ali Winston, -information needed-reward available
Mile Colemen ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Craig Rosebraugh -information needed-reward available
Daniel Borgström -information needed-reward available
Doug Martin........APPREHENDED reward paid
Sue Gibson........APPREHENDED reward paid
Mark Fuller ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Chris Geovanis ..............information collected........ reward pending
Heiner Ganssmann -information needed-reward available
Dennis Jensen ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Brenda Lester......APPREHENDED reward paid
Hilda Fregison ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Rachel Hiskes -information needed-reward available
John Colby -information needed-reward available
Michelle Ho -information needed-reward available
Alex Darocy -information needed-reward available
William Wraithwrite..............information collected........ reward paid
Nyabinga Dzimbahwe -information needed-reward available
Chris Geovanis ..............information collected........ reward paid
Albert Rockwell........APPREHENDED reward paid
Bill Hackwell -information needed-reward available
Johnny America ..............information collected........ reward pending
Lynda Carson -information needed-reward available
Becky Johnson -information needed-reward available
Mike Tidwell........APPREHENDED reward paid
Peter Keys ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Shayne O'Neill -information needed-reward available
James Robles........APPREHENDED reward paid
Cindy Green........APPREHENDED reward paid
Mike Reyes........APPREHENDED reward paid
Mike Tandy........APPREHENDED reward paid
Chris Geovanis -information needed-reward available
Ciaron O'Reilly -information needed-reward available
Joshua Hart -information needed-reward available
James Green ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Jacob Crawford -information needed-reward available
Tom Franco......APPREHENDED reward paid
Peter Brown -information needed-reward available
Toni Wilson......APPREHENDED reward paid
Margret Peterson ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Mark Clements -information needed-reward available
Bill Carpenter -information needed-reward available
Charles Olson........APPREHENDED reward paid
Jesse Palmer -information needed-reward available
Craig Gordon..............information collected........ reward paid
Jim Lockhart ..............information collected........ reward paid
KHALED ABU TOAMEH -information needed-reward available
Chris Lugo -information needed-reward available
David Hays ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Stephen Lendman -information needed-reward available
Hayden Kelly........APPREHENDED reward paid
Keith McHenry ..............information collected........ reward pending
Stephen Clark -information needed-reward available
Mike Matson ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Ruth Valdez -information needed-reward available
Sadri Khiari -information needed-reward available
Kara Martin ...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Berry Mills ...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Bill Boyls..............APPREHENDED reward paid
Andy Hibbs...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Tracy Mapes -information needed-reward available
Barbara Stephens -information needed-reward available
Bruce Morgan ...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Mike Main...........APPREHENDED reward paid
John Stills ...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Meg Keltman...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Cindy Foremen...........APPREHENDED reward paid
John Stephens ..............information collected........ reward pending
Nathan Acks ..............information collected........ reward paid
Paul Bernard ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Dan Domingo -information needed-reward available
Ginger Wills ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Donna Snyder ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Amad Ashari -information needed-reward available
Wendy Lester ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Steve Chapman...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Paul Stuart ........APPREHENDED reward paid
James Hiller ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Miles Thompson -information needed-reward available
sentenced to 3 years state prison / reward paid $2000
...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Mark Hawthorne ..............information collected........ reward paid
LeRoy Moore -information needed-reward available
Earl Gilman..............information collected........ reward paid
Somer Loen -information needed-reward available
Ken Nash -information needed-reward available
Phil Horne -information needed-reward available
R Wolf ..............information collected........ reward paid
Edward Olien...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Ray Fraga...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Lynn Lomibao -information needed-reward available
Chris Stehlik -information needed-reward available
Stephen Lendman -information needed-reward available
Brad Wilson ...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Mark Roberts -information needed-reward available
FredricL.Rice -information needed-reward available
Kirk Leffler...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Akio Tanaka -information needed-reward available
Elen Coy...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Lenny Cox -information needed-reward available
Tina Braxton ..............information collected........ reward paid
Cordley Coit -information needed-reward available
Margit Johansson -information needed-reward available
Tanya Denner -information needed-reward available
Robert Hackthorn...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Larry Stewart ...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Seven Star Hand ..............information collected........ reward paid
Alex Pareene -information needed-reward available
Mike Hopkins ...........APPREHENDED reward paid
Francis Talbut -information needed-reward available
Mike Werner........APPREHENDED reward paid
Kyle Ellis............APPREHENDED reward paid
Mike Menzer.......APPREHENDED reward paid
Al Torez........APPREHENDED reward paid
Edna Harris -information needed-reward available
Toban Black -information needed-reward available
John Rapoport -information needed-reward available
Stephen McNeil -information needed-reward available
Brian Dolinar -information needed-reward available
isak -information needed-reward available
Brenard Ryan......APPREHENDED reward paid
David Giesen -information needed-reward available
Mei Bo Chan -information needed-reward available
Ken Greengerg......APPREHENDED reward paid
Steve Zeltze -information needed-reward available
J.L. Fuller -information needed-reward available
Frank Patterson......APPREHENDED reward paid
Sacerdotti..............information collected........ reward pending
Thomas Maddox -information needed-reward available
Phillip Reynes -information needed-reward available
John Lopez -information needed-reward available
Cindy Roberts......APPREHENDED reward paid
Kim Evans ..............information collected........ reward paid
David Hawkens......APPREHENDED reward paid
Andy Thayer ..............information collected........ reward pending
Sidney Jess -information needed-reward available
Tree Frog -information needed-reward available
Shunka Walken..............information collected........ reward pending
Tim Lester ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Hal Kerris ........APPREHENDED reward paid
Stephen Lendman -information needed-reward available
Jack Anderson ......APPREHENDED reward paid
Remmy..............information collected........ reward pending
Jack Gerson -information needed-reward available
Durston Fletcher -information needed-reward available
Sharon Peterson -information needed-reward available
Squat McHouse -information needed-reward available
Alex Smith -information needed-reward available
Scott Harris -information needed-reward available
Cathey Morgan ......APPREHENDED reward paid
Dan Morgan ......APPREHENDED reward paid
Eric Newman......APPREHENDED reward paid
Mike Gable -information needed-reward available
Josh Brown -NCEF..............information collected........ reward pending
Kathryn Miller -information needed-reward available
Freedom Nativeson -information needed-reward available
John Bowden ..............information collected........ reward pending
Ed Rippy -information needed-reward available
Mike Granger......APPREHENDED reward paid
Bill Carpenter -information needed-reward available
Craig Baldwin -information needed-reward available
Ken Mills......APPREHENDED reward paid
Jean Hall ......APPREHENDED reward paid
Russell Imrie -information needed-reward available
Brian Wilkes -information needed-reward available
Richard Mellor ..............information collected........ reward paid
Stephen McNeil..............information collected........ reward paid
Michael Steinberg -information needed-reward available
Brian Wilkes -information needed-reward available
Matthew Bronner -information needed-reward available
Doug Wallace -information needed-reward available
Deborah Whit -information needed-reward available
Jan Kalmar -information needed-reward available
Gene Hicks -information needed-reward available
Maggie Sager -information needed-reward available
Jordan Thornton..............information collected........ reward pending
James Jaeger..............information collected........ reward pending
Daniel Sparks -information needed-reward available
Lester K. Spence -information needed-reward available
Daniel Staples -information needed-reward available
James "sparrow" Sutter -Outstanding Warrent for Arrest
Josh Steiber -information needed-reward available
Erich Steiger -information needed-reward available
Sean Stewart -information needed-reward available
Louis Potter......APPREHENDED reward paid
Ron Kipling Williams -information needed-reward available
Nick Wisniewski -information needed-reward available
Carolina S. -information needed-reward available
Nick Stevens......APPREHENDED reward paid
Scott Berzofsky -information needed-reward available
Nicole Baltrushes -information needed-reward available
Clayton Conn -information needed-reward available
Stevphen Shukaitis -information needed-reward available
Curtis Price -information needed-reward available
Max Rameau ..............information collected........ reward pending
Shantel Randolph -information needed-reward available
diane Wittner -information needed-reward available
Babatunde Salaam -information needed-reward available
Lauren Schneiderman -information needed-reward available
Dominique Robinson -information needed-reward available
Glenn Ross -information needed-reward available
Rachel Roth -information needed-reward available
Michael Steadmond -Outstanding Warrent for Arrest
Charlie Cooper -information needed-reward available
TJ Buonomo -information needed-reward available
Art Cohen -information needed-reward available
Curtis Cooper -information needed-reward available
Scott Berzofsky ..............information collected........ reward pending
Firmin Bebrabander -information needed-reward available
Nicole Baltrushes -- information needed-reward available
Mark Hughes ......APPREHENDED reward paid
Clare Bayard -- information needed-reward available
Kim Dree......APPREHENDED reward paid
Clayton Conn -- information needed-reward available
Bill Barry -- information needed-reward available
Sergio España -- information needed-reward available
Aliza Ess -- information needed-reward available
Jenny Gaeng -- information needed-reward available
Shawna Potter -- information needed-reward available
Curtis Price -- information needed-reward available
Max Rameau ..............information collected........ reward pending
Shantel Randolph -- information needed-reward available
Corey Reidy -- information needed-reward available
PollyRiddims ..............information collected........ reward pending
Sylvia Gillett -- information needed-reward available
Amy L. Dalton -- information needed-reward available
Cathy Brennan -- information needed-reward available
Jai Brooks -- information needed-reward available
Fred Daniels -- information needed-reward available
Chris Bilderback ......APPREHENDED reward paid
C.B. Daring -- -- information needed-reward availableinformation needed-reward available
Carol Gilbert-- information needed-reward available
Jay Gillen -- information needed-reward available
Susan Crane -- information needed-reward available
Charles D'Adamo -- information needed-reward available
Tanya Diggins -- information needed-reward available
And if you know anyone who financially supports domestic terrorist groups, you can receive a cash reward for this information also!!
SF Anarcist Action Force - information collected.. reward paid
Jabberwock drug Labs- drug sales, information leading to arrests........ reward paid
Animal Liberation Front ,Portland - information collected........ reward paid
Cridical Mass information collected.....reward paid
US Marxist-Leninist Organization - information collected.. reward paid
Socialist Party ...........information leading to arrests........ reward paid
Wild Rockies Earth First - information collected........ reward paid
International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement - information collected........ reward paid
North Coast Earth First - information collected........ reward paid
Urban Institute - information collected........ reward paid
Stand Up Chicago - information collected........ reward paid
Workers World Party - information collected........ reward paid
Center for American Progress.......information collection ongoing.... reward pending
Raise the Fist - information on membership collected........ reward paid
Break the Chains - information on membership collected........ reward paid
Socialist Labor Party- information collection ongoing. reward pending
Rainforest Action Corps - information on membership collected (Arrests Pending)........ reward paid
Cener for American Progress - information on membership collected........ reward paid
Democratic Underground- information on membership & activities collected.(Ongoing project) reward pending
New America - information collection ongoing. reward pending
Counter-Intelligence Insurgency - information collection ongoing. reward pending
World Socialist Party of the United States - information collected........ reward paid
New Liberty Party -information needed-reward available
criticalmass,uk, - information collection ongoing. reward pending
Progressive Labor Party information on membership collected........ reward paid
Labor's Militant Voice - information collection ongoing. reward pending
Freedom Socialist Party information on membership collected........ reward paid
Communist Party of the USA - information collection ongoing. reward pending
Black Radical Congress -information needed-reward available
American Indian Movement - information on membership & activities collected.(Ongoing project) reward pending
United States Pacifist Party.......information collection ongoing.... reward pending
United People's Party- information on membership & activities collected.(Ongoing project) reward pending
Muwekma Tree Siters - information collection ongoing. reward pending
If you have NEW information to add to an existing claim that some else made, you can receive a cash rewardAnd if you know more that one person, you can make multiple claims for cash rewards.
all rewards are on a strictly confidential basis. your identity will not be reviled,and no court testimony
will be required. And if you know anyone who financially supports domestic terrorist groups, you can receive a cash reward for this information also. All transactions are on a strictly confidential Basis
Crime Stoppers
1-800-SPEAK UP
Organized Crime Control Bureau
Crime Stoppers (Spanish)
IRS tip line
Sex Crimes Report Line
ICE Tip Line:
FBI Tipline:

Homeland Security Foundation of America (HSFA)

thank you for your tips & support
please repost to all IMC's
Some of the trials are ending up here are the results of your tips;
Kim Dree / 2 counts domestic terrorism / guilty sentenced to 10 years federal prison / reward paid $2000
Chris Bilderback /4 counts domestic terrorism / guilty sentenced to 12 years federal prison / reward paid $2500
Mark Hughes / 2 counts assault on a police officer / guilty sentenced to 3 years state prison / reward paid $2000
Nick Stevens / 2 Counts Check Fraud /1 Count Car Theft/ found guilty / sentenced to 8 years state prison / reward paid $3500
Lesley Croft / 1 count prostitution / 8 counts possession of controlled substance for sale, sentenced to 6 years state prison
reward paid $3000