The degree of terror felt by ordinary Palestinian civilians in Gaza is barely noticed in the media, in stark contrast to the world's awareness of terrorised and shock-treated Israeli citizens.
WHILE COUNTRIES across Europe and North America commemorated military casualties of past and present wars on November 11, Israel was targeting civilians.
On November 12, waking up to a new week, readers at breakfast were flooded with heart rending accounts of past and current military casualties.
There was, however, no or little mention of the fact that the majority of casualties of modern day wars are civilians.
There was also hardly any mention on the morning of November 12 of military attacks on Gaza that continued throughout the weekend.
A cursory scan confirms this for Canada's CBC, Globe and Mail, Montreal's Gazette, and the Toronto Star. Equally, for the New York Times and for the BBC.
According to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) report on Sunday November 11, five Palestinian civilians including three children had been killed in the Gaza strip in the previous 72 hours, in addition to two Palestinian security personnel.
Four of the deaths occurred as a result of Israeli military firing artillery shells on youngsters playing soccer. Moreover, 52 civilians had been wounded, of which six were women and 12 were children. (Since we began composing this text, the Palestinian death toll has risen, and continues to rise.)
Articles that do report on the killings overwhelmingly focus on the killing of Palestinian security personnel. For example, anAssociated Press article published in the CBC world news on November 13, entitled 'Israel mulls resuming targeted killings of Gaza militants,' mentions absolutely nothing of civilian deaths and injuries. It portrays the killings as 'targeted assassinations.' The fact that casualties have overwhelmingly been civilians indicates that Israel is not so much engaged in "targeted" killings, as in "collective" killings, thus once again committing the crime of collective punishment.
Another AP item on CBC news from November 12 reads 'Gaza rocket fire raises pressure on Israel government.' It features a photo of an Israeli woman gazing on a hole in her living room ceiling. Again, no images, nor mention of the numerous bleeding casualties or corpses in Gaza. Along the same lines, a BBC headline on November 12 reads 'Israel hit by fresh volley of rockets from Gaza.' Similar trends can be illustrated for European mainstream papers.
News items overwhelmingly focus on the rockets that have been fired from Gaza, none of which have caused human casualties. What is not in focus are the shellings and bombardments on Gaza, which have resulted in numerous severe and fatal casualties. It doesn't take an expert in media science to understand that what we are facing is at best shoddy and skewed reporting, and at worst willfully dishonest manipulation of the readership.
Furthermore, articles that do mention the Palestinian casualties in Gaza consistently report that Israeli operations are in response to rockets from Gaza and to the injuring of Israeli soldiers. However, the chronology of events of the recent flare-up began on November 5, when an innocent, apparently mentally unfit, 20-year old man, Ahmad al-Nabaheen, was shot when he wandered close to the border. Medics had to wait for six hours to be permitted to pick him up and they suspect that he may have died because of that delay.
Then, on November 8, a 13-year-old boy playing football in front of his house was killed by fire from the IOF that had moved into Gazan territory with tanks as well as helicopters. The wounding of four Israeli soldiers at the border on November 10 was therefore already part of a chain of events where Gazan civilians had been killed, and not the triggering event.
We, the signatories, have recently returned from a visit to the Gaza strip. Some among us are now connected to Palestinians living in Gaza through social media. For two nights in a row Palestinians in Gaza were prevented from sleeping through continued engagement of drones, F16s, and indiscriminate bombings of various targets inside the densely populated Gaza strip.
The intent of this is clearly to terrorise the population, successfully so, as we can ascertain from our friends' reports. If it was not for Facebook postings, we would not be aware of the degree of terror felt by ordinary Palestinian civilians in Gaza. This stands in stark contrast to the world's awareness of terrorised and shock-treated Israeli citizens.
An extract of a report sent by a Canadian medic who happened to be in Gaza and helped out in Shifa hospital ER over the weekend says: "the wounded were all civilians with multiple puncture wounds from shrapnel: brain injuries, neck injuries, hemo-pneumo thorax, pericardial tamponade, splenic rupture, intestinal perforations, slatted limbs, traumatic amputations. All of this with no monitors, few stethoscopes, one ultrasound machine. …. Many people with serious but non life threatening injuries were sent home to be re-assessed in the morning due to the sheer volume of casualties. The penetrating shrapnel injuries were spooky. Tiny wounds with massive internal injuries. … There was very little morphine for analgesia."
Apparently such scenes are not newsworthy for the New York Times, the CBC, or the BBC.
Bias and dishonesty with respect to the oppression of Palestinians is nothing new in Western media and has been widely documented. Nevertheless, Israel continues its crimes against humanity with full acquiescence and financial, military and moral support from our governments, the U.S., Canada and the EU.
Netanyahu is currently garnering Western diplomatic support for additional operations in Gaza, which makes us worry that another Cast Lead may be on the horizon. In fact, the very recent events are confirming such an escalation has already begun, as today's death-count climbs. The lack of widespread public outrage at these crimes is a direct consequence of the systematic way in which the facts are withheld and/or of the skewed way these crimes are portrayed.
We wish to express our outrage at the reprehensible media coverage of these acts in the mainstream (corporate) media.
We call on journalists around the world working for corporate media outlets to refuse to be instruments of this systematic policy of disguise. We call on citizens to inform themselves through independent media, and to voice their conscience by whichever means is accessible to them.
Hagit Borer, U.K.
Antoine Bustros, Canada
Noam Chomsky, U.S.
David Heap, Canada
Stephanie Kelly, Canada
Máire Noonan, Canada
Philippe Prévost, France
Verena Stresing, France
Laurie Tuller, France
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MSM Animals.
16.11.2012 21:03
For the umpteenth time today, I have been watching the BBC's Ben Brown interviewing military spokespeople for the government "explaining" the crimes they are committing against the Palestinians. Every time, Brown introduces them as though its perfectly normal to give the Israeli military complete cart blanche to broadcast their propaganda. Not once has this imbecile qualified the interview by questioning the practice of having government policy disseminated by military personel. In no other place anywhere in the world would that practice be acceptable. But Brown makes it acceptable. I really am doubting whether this guy is in actual fact a journalist at all.
Not for the first time have I suspected Ben Brown is an authoritarian, he has something very odd about him.
With print, well, its easy peasy to know what the agenda is here. The Daily Mail leads the way here in the type of squalid journalism that really does scrape the bottom of the barrel. Truly journalism for the bottom feeding classes. Israel is ALWAYS stated as being legitimate and HAMAS and the Palestinians are ALWAYS stated as being 'Militants', 'Terrorists' or other words that clearly define the story in terms of 'Them and Us'.
Living in the U.K feels like living in Burma at the moment. And it is the staunch defenders of democrcay that are responsible for it.
Its a tough one to call but the media in the U.K are not here to keep us informed...they are here to wage war. They are a critical wrinkle in the war machine and their job is to demonise by ethnicity in order to give government a mechanism by which they can deploy the military, or stand by and do nothing as massacres unfold.
Own the narrative...own the crime.
Shame to have to say that, but needs must as the devil drives.
UK Subs
All a bit rum this yer know!
16.11.2012 21:16
Every time something like this happens especially in Israel, it turns out the government of the day have attacked the BBC in the run up in order to engineer negotiating capital and room to "expect" that the BBC will do its job when Israel starts with its crimes against the Palestinians. Every single time they do this.
The government have clearly been warned by the Israeli's way beforehand that they planned to do this. The Government response, start leaking stories with the intention of embarrassing the BBC into complete compliance so they can count on the requisite quantity of loyalism when the killing begins.
Cameron, Hague and the Foreign office are implicated in this Israeli warmongering. Right on cue Hague has come out and got the ball rolling by demanding that everybody report that this is all Hamas's fault. Thats what he said, Hamas bear "principle responsibility" for the Israeli aggression.
And all this while he sits in his ivory tower of democracy insisting that the Syrian people allow themselves to accept a government that nobody in Syria has even met before!!!
Tyrants and imposters the sodding lot of em.
MO from the FO
Get down to the israeli emabssy tomorrow in London
16.11.2012 21:36
Leave Israel alone!
17.11.2012 10:23
Protest Warrior
The politics of fear.
17.11.2012 10:49
Israel does not have the right to persecute the Palestinians in order to make political hay. This is what you are your "cadres" spend your entire time overlooking and trying to fool the rest of the world into overlooking.
All you can do, is exploit the ignorant. Thats it, that is all you have. Exploitation of the ignorant.
The Nazi's in Germany did exactly the same thing. That little experiment ended in their complete destruction. So it follows that you are doing nothing more than leading Israel to its complete destruction. And you are doing it by defending and trying to justify its persecution of the Palestinians.
Terrorism is exactly and precisely what the Israeli's are doing. The Israeli's and their fanatics have always been the terrorists. The only reason the UK and US support Israel, is because they fear the terrorism that the Zionists will start to engage in if they stop supporting the Zionist cause.
We all know that it is the Zionists who do not value human life, we all know that it is the Zionists who would begin assassinating our politicians and leaders if we stopped supporting the Israeli military state. The UK and US are living in fear of the Zionists. That is why they fawn over the Zionists.
It is fear that drives the wests support of Israel. It is fear of terrorism.