Anthony Salz is Executive Vice-Chairman of Rothschild and was formerly Vice Chairman of the BBC Governors. Anthony Salz is also on the board at the Common Purpose controlled Media Standards Trust that launched the hacking inquiry. The Scott Trust and the Rothschild 'Eranda Foundation' have both funded the Media Standards Trust. Anthony Salz is a trustee of the Scott Trust which owns the Guardian Media Group. It was the Guardian newspaper that first published information about Milly Dowler's phone having been hacked.
Sir David Bell is Chair of Trustees at Common Purpose and has suspended his position as Chair of the Media Standards Trust while he assists the Leveson Inquiry. The phone hacking campaign was launched by the Media Standards Trust. Shami Chakrabarti, Director, Liberty, is also a member of Common Purpose (See ‘Panel Discussion’ page 5). Sir David Bell and Shami Chakrabarti are both on the panel assisting Lord Leveson. Shami Chakrabarti does not declare her Common Purpose membership.
Shami Chakrabarti is Chancellor of Oxford Brookes University and was a member of the Council and Court of Governors of the London School of Economics and a governor of the Ditchley Foundation. Other governors of the Ditchley Foundation include: David Cameron, Andrew Knight Director of News Corp, Peter Mandelson, Jack Straw, Chris Patten, David Miliband, Leon Brittan, Neil Kinnock, Geoff Mulgan co-founder of Demos, and Alan Rusbridger. Some of the aforementioned names have been speakers at Common Purpose programmes.
Joanna Foster was formerly Deputy Chair and Governor of 'Oxford Brookes University' and chaired the Lloyds TSB Foundation and the Equal Opportunities Commission. Joanna Foster is also an Associate Fellow of the University of Oxford SAID Business School. Another Common Purpose graduate at the SAID Business School is Elizabeth Paris who has been Managing Director at JPMorgan and Managing Director at The Chase Manhattan Bank. Dame Helen Alexander is a trustee of the Oxford University SAID Business School and was Chief Executive of the Economist Group until 2008. Lady de Rothschild and Chair of Common Purpose Sir David Bell are on the Board of Directors at The Economist Group. Dame Helen Alexander is also on the World Wide Web Foundation Board of Directors along with Ex - Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
Members of Common Purpose who are in key positions at the BBC or have held key positions at the BBC include: Anthony Salz, formerly Vice Chairman of the BBC Governors and on the board of the Media Standards Trust that launched the hacking inquiry.
Chris Bryant MP, was Head of European Affairs at BBC. From 1994-1996 London manager of Common Purpose..
Lord Patten, Chairman, BBC Trust.
Jon Williams, World News Editor, BBC.
Robert Peston, Business Editor, BBC, a member of Common Purpose and on the board at the Common Purpose controlled Media Standards Trust.
Liz Molyneux delivered a whole range of Current Affairs TV including Panorama. She was Director of Development for BBC Specialist Factual and Editorial executive within the BBC Commissioning group. Liz Molyneux worked closely with commissioners and channel controllers. Liz Molyneux is a member of the board at Bradford City of Film along with Sandy Needham who is a member of the Bradford District Common Purpose Advisory Group and was formerly Regional Manager with TV-am and Yorkshire Television (ITV). Sandy Needham's boss at ITV was Common Purpose graduate Gerry Robinson, Chief Executive, Granada Group plc (now known as ITV plc).
Peter Bury, formerly Head of Research and Development, BBC. Peter Bury is now Director of Spectrum Policy at Ofcom.
Tom Watson MP, who was Tony Blair's Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry of Defence, is a member of Common Purpose and is aware that the key posts at the BBC have been filled by members of Common Purpose since the early 1990's. At the Media Standards Trust, Common Purpose launched the hacking inquiry with the intended outcome being that press regulation will be under the auspices of Common Purpose. While at the BBC, Common Purpose have spent years preventing information about all kinds of wrongdoings being leaked into the public domain.
Helena Kennedy QC is Acting Chair of the Media Standards Trust while Sir David Bell assists with the Leveson Inquiry. Here is Helena Kennedy QC and fellow Common Purpose graduate Ruth Turner at the Common Purpose event, Generation Infinity, in July 2009. Ruth Turner is Chief Executive of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation'.
Additional Info:
Common Purpose is now connected to the British Monarchy.
List of Common Purpose Board members and Trustees (2010) in various countries.

First ever Common Purpose programme in the Asia-Pacific region. The courses will be based in Hong Kong with modules in Beijing and Shanghai to give participants access to some of the key players in mainland China.
Common Purpose is an international political organisation masquerading as a charity. Dame Suzi Leather, Formerly Chair of the Charity Commission, was a speaker at the 'Common Purpose Leadership Development' event, 21 January 2012 (p. 10).

Leaders with a Common Purpose

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