Romney Outlines His “Benghazi Strategy” Months Before Tragedy Occurred

Questioner: When Carter was president, we had hostages. Ronald Reagan was able to make a statement even before he became, he was actually sworn in, and the hostages were released…
Mitt Romney: On the day of his inauguration.
Questioner: Right. So my question is really how can you sort of duplicate that scenario?
Romney: …in that election, in the Jimmy Carter election, the fact that we had hostages in Iran, I mean, that was all we talked about. And we had the two helicopters crash in the desert, I mean, that was the focus, and so him (Reagan) solving that made all the difference in the world… I mean, if something of that nature presents itself I will work to find a way to take advantage of the opportunity.
Republican Congressman Darrell Issa is the chairman of the House Oversight Committee. Recently, Issa has been at the forefront of exploiting the murders of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, despite requests by the families not to turn their son’s deaths into a political cudgel. Issa seems astounded that anyone could ever have thought that an anti-Muslim video might be to blame for inciting the violent protests. This is quite strange, as there were protests across the world when the video came out, yet Issa was virtually certain from the outset that the protest in Libya could not possibly have stemmed from the video. That seems at odds with common sense.
The anti-Muslim video was produced and promoted by Southern Californian Christian extremists– Egyptian Coptic Christians from Los Angeles and Evangelical Christians from within Darrell Issa’s very own Congressional District. An Arab-American, Issa is an Antioch Orthodox Christian, and would most certainly be aware of these groups. Which begs the question, what did Issa know about the video, and when did he know it?
There is only one sect, outside Iran and Iraq (interestingly) that baptizes the dead, outside the Mormons, and they are the Coptic Christians. A Coptic Christian got the trailer without a known film made by a man that set about working on it just days after getting out of jail. A friend of his, another Coptic Christian, made sure the video got out in front of the Arab world yet both of these people seem to be setting up Egyptian Copts to get slaughteres by association, like the Sikhs in Wisconsin. This would fuel the religious and racial hatred and the hate is being sold very hard right now. There is so much to this and so many angles. The first Copt I spoke of, Joseph Nasrallah Abdelmasih, speaks at rallies at Grounz Zero against the construction of a mosque a few blocks away. While he fans the anti-Islam hate his buddy, Morris Sadek, makes sure a film made by the former gets out in front of the Muslim world just a few days before September 11, 2012. As soon as it hit the internet that the Blue Cloud Movie Ranch was involved, it was for sale. Someone knew the drill.
You don't have to believe in all this necromancy to acknowledge that religious nuts are among us.
In 2000, for the first time the Supreme Court decided the presidency and within a year we had the "new Pearl Harbor" that the Project for a New American Century had asked for and subsequently, two more wars both based on deception but arguing that, as anyone that wants to get elected knows, is a losing proposition.
In 2004, Todd Urosevich promised to deliver Ohio to the Republicans. He and his brother only controlled a majority of the voting machines - that's all. Like Gore before him, Kerry seemed almost (?) intimidated and intimidation of presidents would continue and still does.
Now, many billions are going into pulling diplomatic and terrorist strings all over the globe and our culture, from cable television to internet ads to nefarious groups purchasing from Facebook the right to appear at the top of your news feed whether you knew anyone involved at all or even cared (and the ad could not be blocked) - our culture is being saturated with a well financed message of hate. We see where the Koch Brothers' money is going (remember there was a Mormon takeover of the John Birch Society in 2002, and the JBS was started by the Koch Bros.' father). The banks have pulled their contributions to Obama and have a large chunk of America actually standing with the bankers.
CIA Mormon Mafia Assassinated Chris Stephens

Many are unaware of Karl Rove’s close ties to Utah and the autocratic Mormon hierarchy.
Karl Rove’s Benghazi Attacks Have Roots in Utah

The Men Behind the Anti-Muslim Video That Sparked the Mid-East Violence

Ya know, that production outfit known as Media for Christ that did or did not do Innocence of Muslims (we know they did a trailer) was all set up under a series of proxy identities for one or more people and it was so fly-by-night that just days after their role hit the internet, the building was empty and the Blue Cloud Movie Ranch was for sale.
They were made up of, at least partly, people from the Ground Zero Mosque narrative, albeit a largely false one, and they are Morris Sadek and Joseph Nasralla Abdelmasih. Remember that Abdelmasih helped make the trailer and Sadek got it out and in front of the Muslim world in the days preceding September 11, 2012. Both of these guys claim to be Coptic Christians but Coptic Christians, including the ones in Egypt, have condemned the actions of these individuals. By association, this sect of Christianity could come under violence if they are deemed to be part of this offense, kind of like the Wisconsin shooting at the Sikh temple. That would further fuel the hate and calls for war and, by extension, calls for a military hotshot in the White House.
Well, it turns out that the family that provides Benjamin Netanyahu with half of its campaign financing is, apparently, Mitt's link to Israel's prime minister, a man accused by many of RECENTLY being involved in the nuclear black market as a PROVIDER and not a customer.
Well, there seems to be another arm of this op because the people behind the anti-Obama ad that was at the top of millions of Facebook users' newsfeeds. It was a post that was unsolicited and unblockable. Gazillions of websites all over the web say that it is the work of Secure America Now, an allegedly independent polling outfit. If they are independent, then Grover Norquist is a moderate liberal. Behind them is the family basically props up Netanyahu from Miami, a hotbed of intelligence activity and cocaine politics for decades, especially since Castro launched them all out of the country. Panama City seems to have been another destination for ousted mafiosos. At any rate, one of the high profile figures (and therefore, I presume, the intended lightning rod for the group) happens to also be part of the whole Ground Zero Mosque crew of characters and her name is Devon Gaffney Cross. Two other high profile figures associated with Secure America Now are John McLaughlin and Pat Caddell and the latter was asked how their new group is going not long back and one of the things Caddell mentioned was that there was little infrastructure yet and they were just getting going. Crap, they said, they were still looking for a secretary. Actually, I feel certain that their suite in whatever plaza they are hiding in, will never be staffed because, like Media for Christ, they need to be able to pack it up and hightail it. That, folks, is an intelligence op.
Methinks the reason they all have this in their resumes is that A) the idea of a mosque at Ground Zero (and it is not - it is blocks away) is an emotionally charged one and B) by this time, there is an established network of rabbit holes all over the web designed to confuse and discourage the researcher from coming to any repeatable or sane conclusion. Alas, it is theater after all only it is theater that leads to deaths and that is no way to manipulate a campaign.
With the vote counting company that is in charge of electronic, overseas voting, as I understand it, being a fly-by-night operation as well (freepress.org published their address and they shut down and were up and running a thousand miles away within forty-eight hours), and Secure America Now being ready to go at a moment's notice AND the mobility of the production crew that USED to work out of the Blue Cloud Movie Ranch's what we are seeing is a huge array of intelligence ops out to get rid of Barack Obama.
"...unlike the “Ground Zero mosque” controversy, what is happening now combines the fulminations of the American far right with the salafi news media that takes their bait. In this case, the two may be doctrinal and political opposites, but their attraction to each other is nonetheless magnetic. Both are interested in fanning the civilizational fires that have been burning for at least the last 11 years, and smoldering for much longer. And with today’s technology, it has become child’s play -- and will only get easier -- to produce and distribute bilious speech that can and will have deadly consequences. The Islamophobes in the United States and the ultra-religious right in Muslim-majority countries need each other to survive. Each confirms to the other the need for his own existence. To the Islamophobes, all Muslims are extremists. The provocations Islamophobes produce are designed to elicit the very images we see. To the Muslim far right, all Westerners harbor a deep-seated anti-Islamic sentiment and the anti-Muslim provocations supply ample evidence of the inner, hateful workings of the Western mind." ~ Moustafa Bayoumi
Snip: "... before we jump, as the pundits would have us do, to conclusions about the inexorability of the clash of civilizations, before we breezily proclaim the end of the Arab awakening (a generational shift that will Step aside Sheldon Adelson — One Florida family responsible for half of Netanyahu campaign contributionstake years to settle into stability), and before we decide that Arabs prefer or deserve death over liberty, we should pause to think about the idiotic nature of this entire fiasco and decide if we want really want right-wing lunacy, from West and East, to determine the direction of global politics."

Step aside Sheldon Adelson — One Florida family responsible for half of Netanyahu campaign contributions

They donate to Mitt and are Mitt's link to Netanyahu. They are also close to another Ground Zero Mosque player, Devon Gaffney Cross.

Here is Rep. Issa trying to get more people killed before election day..

Remember that Terry Jones claimed at first to have no knowledge of the film Innocence of Muslims but now is happy to say he was involved the whole time, and so is a vast majority of what passes for journalism. It seems to me that Nasrallah and Sadek are rushing to put a white fringe face on this and though there is plenty of that element in Islamophobic bigotry (perhaps even largely driven by it - dominionists anyone). With an op like this, however, it becomes necessary, if one is trying to inflame the Middle-East, to draw a firm racial line. We aren't the only ones confused by all the ins and outs of this scandal - so are many Muslims. The face of Terry Jones gives Arabs a focal point for their anger and to them, I am sure, he looks like a lot of other Americans. Now that we see that there are Egyptian clerics willing to work with this effort to inflame their own, this latest revelation should be no surprise, really.
Terry Jones

Blue Cloud Movie Ranch, the place where the alleged film (no one anywhere has seen anything but a trailer yet) Innocence of Muslims was shot, is now for sale. The cover-up begins...

How Nakoula Basseley Nakoula aka ‘Sam Bacile” Libeled Jews (like the above item re: Terry Jones, it helps sell the hate - even many Muslim and Arab researchers into this argue fervently that this is anything but a Jewish maneuver, though there ARE Christian Zionists involved and Dominionists)

Weird Connections Galore

Joseph Nasralla Abdelmasih is the guy associated with Media for Christ, as far as the State of California is concerned and this is not only the man who has made a living speaking out against Islam and cavorting with dominionists but ALSO a close associate of the very same man that helped make sure that the incendiary trailer to what may or may not be an actual film got exposure in the Middle East.
He said the man who identified himself as Bacile asked him to help make the anti-Muhammad film. When I asked him to describe Bacile, he said: "I don't know that much about him. I met him, I spoke to him for an hour. He's not Israeli, no. I can tell you this for sure, the State of Israel is not involved, Terry Jones (the radical Christian Quran-burning pastor) is not involved. His name is a pseudonym. All these Middle Eastern folks I work with have pseudonyms. I doubt he's Jew
ish. I would suspect this is a disinformation campaign."
I asked him who he thought Sam Bacile was. He said that there are about 15 people associated with the making of the film, "Nobody is anything but an active American citizen. They're from Syria, Turkey, Pakistan, they're some that are from Egypt. Some are Copts but the vast majority are Evangelical."

Yes, they help to fire up Americans against Islam AND they help to fire up Islam against America. I can't help but wonder if Sadek doesn't, in fact, know the Egyptian cleric, Safwat Higazi (the anti-Bachmann), that aired the video, a video which sought very clearly to make a Jewish connection to the insults. In fact, it was so much so that we have been offered two different allegedly Jewish personas to focus on regarding the instigation of all of this while Abdelmasih and Sadek themselves escape mention in a vast majority of the coverage.
Big business and big money has been checked during the Arab Spring. They want back in and badly and in a global economy, which we have whether one likes it or not, this means the same interests that stack up against Obama in this election.
Remember there is thirty-two trillion dollars stashed in various offshore locations in unregulated manners and that means no one knows much about this money and money is useless unless either spent or used as leverage. Need I remind everyone that following the money during 9/11 investigations ultimately led to offshore accounts and, as such, dead ends?
He said the man who identified himself as Bacile asked him to help make the anti-Muhammad film. When I asked him to describe Bacile, he said: "I don't know that much about him. I met him, I spoke to him for an hour. He's not Israeli, no. I can tell you this for sure, the State of Israel is not involved, Terry Jones (the radical Christian Quran-burning pastor) is not involved. His name is a pseudonym. All these Middle Eastern folks I work with have pseudonyms. I doubt he's Jewish. I would suspect this is a disinformation campaign."
I asked him who he thought Sam Bacile was. He said that there are about 15 people associated with the making of the film, "Nobody is anything but an active American citizen. They're from Syria, Turkey, Pakistan, they're some that are from Egypt. Some are Copts but the vast majority are Evangelical."

Sadek lives in Fairfax County, Virginia and if you know anything about that place you know how significant that is. It's defense and intelligence central.
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, told the Associated Press in an interview outside Los Angeles that he was manager for the company that produced "Innocence of Muslims."
Nakoula however denied he directed the film and said he knew the self-described filmmaker, Sam Bacile. But the cellphone number that AP contacted Tuesday to reach the filmmaker who identified himself as Sam Bacile traced to the same address near Los Angeles where AP found Nakoula. Federal court papers said Nakoula's aliases included Nicola Bacily, Erwin Salameh and others.
Nakoula denied he had posed as Bacile. During a conversation outside his home, he offered his driver's license to show his identity but kept his thumb over his middle name, Basseley. Records checks by the AP subsequently found it and other connections to the Bacile persona.
Klein said he has taped a television show called "Wake Up America" on The Way TV, which shares the same Duarte address as Media for Christ, according to public records.
The Way TV offers Arabic Christian programming.
"I talk about different current events, what's happening in the Middle East," Klein said.
Public records list Steve Klein as director of Courageous Christians United. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center web site, Klein "has a long history of ties to militant Christian organizations."

"Wake up America!" said Abdelmasih, to a crowd of flag-waving Americans. He said the mosque will be built "over my dead body." Here's video of his address:

Sadek is a supporter of ACT! for America, which believes that President Obama has embraced the Muslim Brotherhood. The group rallied its supporters last month behind Michelle Bachmann’s anti-Muslim witch hunt against Huma Abedin and others. Here’s Sadek with ACT! For America president Brigitte Gabriel at one of the group’s 2010 events.
ME: so we see that the producer and distributor of the incendiary youtube trailers has made it clear he DOES have a beef with Obama... another right-winger that has no qualms about setting people violently against each other for political gain..

Snip: Klein told me that Bacile, the producer of the film, is not Israeli, and most likely not Jewish, as has been reported, and that the name is, in fact, a pseudonym. He said he did not know "Bacile"'s real name. He said Bacile contacted him because he leads anti-Islam protests outside of mosques and schools, and because, he said, he is a Vietnam veteran and an expert on uncovering al Qaeda cells in California. "After 9/11 I went out to look for terror cells in California and found them, piece of cake. Sam found out about me. The Middle East Christian and Jewish communities trust me."
ME: an expert on uncovering al qaeda, eh...the pattern continues

Meet The Right-Wing Extremist Behind Anti-Muslim Film That Sparked Deadly Riots

"The operation behind this film appears to be extreme Egyptian Copts who want to discredit the Morsi government and create a provocation," journalist Max Blumenthal told Al Jazeera on Wednesday.
"They oppose the revolution and are aligned
with Christian right groups who have an apocalyptic, theocratic agenda and who are inciting against Muslim-Americans," Blumenthal said.
"They put Muslims in the US in danger, they put Copts in Egypt in danger, and they're putting US diplomats in danger."

Let me see if I have this straight.
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the man most of the media sings in chorus is entirely to blame, lone nut style, for producing Innocence of Muslims (so far no one has located anything but a trailer, still), went to work on the film just days out of prison and, since it appears to only have been a cheap trailer, he apparently spent the next month or so spending the hun
dred thousand that is actually known to have been associated with this film. Then, suddenly, the friend of the guy who is actually legally associated with Media for Christ (they were the production outfit used to make the film-not-film) plugs the film hard in front of the Arab world for days up to and including September 11, 2012. Very soon after, the fall guy, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, is whisked back to jail and case closed - bad guy in jail. Just a few days later, Media for Christ's contract expired, the Blue Cloud Movie Ranch goes up for sale. Whoever buys it won't want a bunch of investigators poking around and, legally, they will have the right to stop it.
It turns out that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was a financially strapped gas station operator just out of federal prison when he made the film. Get the picture? He also had a wide variety of aliases before going to prison but one thing this guy is not is a film producer or director.
And check out this:

Mitt Romney Pledge to Score Political Points off an American Foreign Policy Tragedy

Mitt Romney and the CIA's Mormon hiring preference....