Despite having his number plate phoned in the Oslo police failed to follow Anders Breivik on 22/7 from Oslo to Utoya island. But was that a genuine error or part of a wider operation to paralyse national police reaction including spies and agents within the Norwegian security forces?
Oslo Police Department's Operation Leader Britt Børve, Britt Borve - it appears blocked the anti-terror DELTA force pursuit of pro-Zionist, anti-Muslim 'crusader' terrorist Anders Breivik. Her identity has been hidden from press and public, only her initials were revealed, but looks likely according to those in the know that it was indeed her that twice blocked requests for the helicopter.
Operation Leader Britt Børve at the Oslo Police Department operation HQ on 22/7 had the very highest authority and did not have to ask anyone before sounding the national alarm system, alerting the media and activating the helicopters. She denied twice the DELTA anti-terror force’s requests to use the police helicopter, she didn’t mobilise any other helicopters that could come to the AUF Labour Youth’s rescue at Utøya island, and she didn’t forward the tip from a member of the public about the Fiat Duplo van with the green registration plates and the number VH24605 to the region’s police districts, the radio, TV & newspapers. She repeatedly denied neighbouring police districts’ offers to support the Oslo PD operation, and she did not order roadblocks and control posts. All in all I find it very suspicous that the mass media protects her identity, by not naming her in piblic. Who is to say that she was NOT a part of the terror operation, when she acts in such a high degree as a supporter of Anders Breivik?
Norwegian: Operasjonsleder Britt Børve ved Oslopolitiets operasjonssentral 22/7 var altså aller høyeste myndighet og trengte ikke spørre noen om lov til å slå riksalarm, varsle mediene og sende opp helikoptrene. Hun avslo to ganger DELTA-troppens anmodning om bruk av politihelikoptret, hun mobiliserte heller ingen andre helikoptre som kunne komme AUF-erne på Utøya til unnsetning, og hun videresendte ikke publikumstipset om varebilen med de grønne skiltene merket VH24605 til Østlandets politidistrikter, radio, TV & aviser. Hun avslo flere ganger nabodistriktenes tilbud om politistøtte, og hun satte ikke opp veisperringer. Summa summarum syns jeg det er meget suspekt at massemediene beskytter hennes identitet, ved ikke å navngi henne. Hvem sier at hun IKKE var en del av terroroperasjonen, når hun i så sterk grad opptrer som støttespiller for Anders Breivik?
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