1930 Hrs GMT
Saturday 08 September 2012
The way to stop the furtehr deserrtifuicaton of the Boroigh is to reinstate some fo the universald emocaric values that the 1920s Poplar Councillors had exempliofied. So said Muhammad Haque, speaking at the end of a community gathering at Shdwell that has ended in the past 40 miniuytes.
Most of the otehr speakers at the meeting agreed.
Tower Hamlets has been targeted by Big Business operatives as a fertile griound in which to sow the seeds of social deprivation, incohesion and denial so that Coroprations can take oevr teh rest of teh brough. This is part of the Boundary Commission banality that has claimed that the Boroigh with over 200000 people now needs LESS reprersntatoin than when it had fewerr people
Read the fuller reaports later at
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