bring the attention of UNO and world leaders to the ongoing military operation, human right violations, arbitrary arrests, extra judicial killing, "kill
and dump" policies, disappearance, Genocide and exploitation of Baloch resources in Baluchistan by Pakistan and Iran with the help of China.
We ask all the peace and freedom loving people to come show their support.
WHAT: A Protest Rally at UN HQ in New York against the Policies of Pakistan, Iran, China Governments.
WHEN: September 18, 2012 TIME: 2:00PM to 4:00PM
WHERE: Dag Hammarskjold plaza (Right across UN Plaza/Building, on 1st Avenue)
DIRECTIONS: Below is a link to the website for the Dag Hammarskjold plaza. One can type in (on the right side of the page) a
location and get specific directions for travel to the plaza (select if you are coming by subway, car, etc.)
Here are walking directions from Grand Central Station to Dag Hammarskjold Plaza: >>Walking Direction
Or one can search at yelp for Dag Hammarskjold Plaza:
For more info, please contact: Dr. Wahid Baloch Tel: (202) 349-1682
Organized by: Baloch Society of North America (BSO-NA) and Balochunity (BU)
Endorsed by: Balochistan National Congress (BNC), , Baloch Voice Foundation (BVF),
World Baloch Women Forum (WBWF) and Pakistan Christian Post (PCP).