US Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan's Record Of Harming Animals
Ryan is a member of the blood sports caucus of Congress.
Normally psychopathic serial killers like to hide their deeds, but many bowhunters like Ted Nugent who threatened the life of President Obama recently and was questioned by the Secret Service are like Congressman Paul Ryan. They advertise their sadism, some even forming into groups called "Christian Bowhunters", the diabolical opposite of Jesus, the Good Shepherd. In the picture above, Rudolph has been slain but it is Ryan who has the red nose. Is it from the cold or alcohol? Rifles are more accurate and less painful than bowhunting. The only reason for bowhunting is male ego. Arrow shafts go several inches into the muscles, the tendons, the eyes, the nose, the testicles or other parts of deer and other hunted animals.
Paul Ryan is a noodler. He likes to catch catfish barehanded. Does he then
a. strangle them? b. throw them in a corner slowly to suffocate c. chop off their heads.
Why does he enjoy inflicting pain on helpless voiceless creatures?
Wisconsin has had more acknowledged Mad Deer (cervine spongiform encephalopathy) than any other state. Stalking hunters have been angered by the very careful investigation by the natural resources department of the state, to the point that Republican governor Walker, still in office because of Republican vote fraud in Wisconsin, and other Wisconsin Republican leaders in the state have promised to reduce the control of the wildlife department, thus endangering stalking hunters and everyone else in the state who eats lethally infected venison.
Only 4.5% of our nation kill mammals in blood sport or for meat. Nonegotistical hunters who want meat for their tables but do not like to cause unnecessary suffering use rifles not bows and arrows. One deer was seen still alive with 12 arrows sticking into him.
Ryan also in Congress voted against protecting horses as well as opposing endangered species legislation.
As head of the House budget committee, Ryan engineered hundreds of billions of dollars at a time to the illegal war in Afghanistan, thereby causing untold numbers of animals, birds to be crushed by tanks, burned and bombed, etc.
Noodling catfish is illegal in several states. Has Ryan broken the law?
Catfish are bottom feeders, meaning that like shellfish they are coprophagous, eating the waste of others... to eat them is a good way to contract hepatitis.
Picture is of bowhunter Paul Ryan with a deer he murdered.
Issues2000 does not consider the animal rights movement supported by billions around the world to be important enough to list. Votesmart says it has no key votes of Romney on this issue, underlining he has had no federal experience but ignoring his 4 years as Massachusetts governor.

Writer doesn't know the politics of Jenny Brown but recommends her excellent interview on the Diane Rehm Show.

Mitt Romney
Romney initiated, despite the protest of many humane societies and animal rights groups, brutal calf roping rodeos in the Olympics, events in which calves, horses and bulls have their necks broken, their legs fractured. Romney, prevented Massachusetts students from avoiding brutal dissection, kept hunters and fishers disproportionately on Massachusetts agencies, bought vivisection companies, tithes to the Mormon church which owns the biggest cattle ranch in Florida etc.
1. supported every illegal animal-bombing war of our government, (wanting more troops but not his own 5 sons to go to war). In the wars he supported, bears have been sealed forever into
caves in which they hibernated, birds have been
burned by bombs, donkeys and dogs have been shot at checkpoints, dogs have been blown apart as minesniffers, dolphins forced into being bomb carriers etc.
2. bought vivisection companies as the only voting stockholder of Bain Capital, which entity he acquired with the help of LDS capital.
3. invested Bain Capital in animal slaughter as well as its president, CEO and only voting stock owner.
4. gave to and received millions from the Mormon establishment whose Utah senators work to protect the many factory farms, ranches, and slaughterhouse operations owned by Mormons. The LDS church owns the biggest animal concentration camp in Florida, Deseret Ranches, with holdings of over 312,000 acres in 3 Florida counties, as well as Farmland Reserve Ind, owning 228,000 acres in Nebraska, 51,600 in Osage County Oklahoma etc. etc.and gave Romney money to buy Bain Capital.
5. advertised animal flesh on illegally acquired Clear Channel, itself an illegal network.
6. Romney turned thumbs down on the animals, ignoring requests that he remove the rodeo event from the Salt Lake City Olympics. Rodeos frequently break the necks and legs of humans, calves and horses.
7 Romney's treatment of his family dog is well known.

8. Romney's list of corporate contributions includes thousands of animal abuse conglomerates such as those who contribute to the socalled Center For Consumer Freedom, an animal rights attack site.
9. Where do you stand, Mr Romney, on Mormon senator Tester, a cattle rancher, leading the Senate Republican drive to have hunters stalk animals in our national parks? In addition, Senator Rob Portman, touted by Romney operatives as a vice presidental possibility, is working to have hunting in our parks, hunting which endangers tourists, children, and animals.
10. Romney vetoed a bill which would have acknowledged student rights not to carve up animals birds and reptiles in biology classes.
11. Romney appointed a raft of animal unfriendly people to the state Fisheries and Wildlife Board, says, HSUS, even though Massachusetts voters overwhelmingly passed a ballot measure calling for more animal protection..
12. Those who are invested in animal slaughter must be silent about their correlation to global heating, to famine, drought, many varieties of cancer, heart attacks and strokes, food poisoning, kidney breakdown, etc.
The Mormon church forbids caffein, dioxypurine, but is silent about the far more harmful and addictive trioxypurine (uric acid, pre-urine) in animal flesh, the chief cause of crippling arthritis. A US government study comparing Adventists (a religion promoting vegan diet) to Mormons, since neither group advocates smoking or drinking. The study found that the average 7th Day Adventist lives 7 years longer than the average Mormon.
Recently a study by Harvard, itself the biggest gobbler of vivisection dollars from the US Govtwith an investment portfolio heavily invested in animal flesh, nevertheless found with a 28 year study of 21,000 people that those who ate 3 ounces of mammal flesh daily were 13% more likely to die before the study was completed.