By Gabriel Gossamer
Even if she looks groomed and in possession of herself, Hillary Clinton seems much a mess. Possessed actually, as her appearance, attitude and demeanor, at times, suggests she is in some movie and her character is veering to evil antagonist or machination machine—militantly bureaucratic and all gang mobsters of huge governments might imply. It seems grim. But then that’s the State Department’s buildup of harboring years of conceits.
Enough with feminist, protectionism claims she is being judged because she is a woman to different standards. Granted John Bolton was epitome of a rigid jerk that is hard to match in his hardcore bully bulldog style. Yet in all likelihood Hill is woman in perpetual rage—that is rage against from past humiliation of her life, via her husband’s sex transgressions, fanatically persecuted and prosecuted, by media blitz that embarrassed her and her marriage deeply.
There was a terrible and concerted propaganda war to incite hatred against Bill in any way possible as well as everything Democrats ever stood for (or purported). Yet now she is equally manipulated by forces beyond her ken as psychological blind and invalid—because she has need to lash out at something—something society and powerful special interests will allow her unconscious anger to focus—in this case pretty much Israel’s enemies one and all (because much of American foreign policy over the years has really been about Middle Eastern developments in relation to Israel and not even good oil policy).
U.S. tax revenues continue to bleed out for what is too much Zionist-centric goals at U.S. expense (not to mention our military resources and human personnel). State Department foreign policy is reduced to advancing a right wing agenda for Israel, as well for a corporate bankster war machine for profit while inducing death—regardless of values to American taxpayers.
If Israel were truly a democratic country it would be one thing, rather it, like many Muslim and Christian countries it is laced with a psychology of authoritarian religion—in which God becomes a God of religious propaganda that claimed killing off the occupants of Canaan during the supposed time of Moses was somehow something a just God would have commanded. The fact is all three Abrahamic religions are grounded in authoritarianism—which is why there has been so much cons quest and destruction by these peoples.
President Obama should never have offered her the Secretary of State positions to start with—but he entered the White House via the Democratic Party top down even which decided appointments (even while he appealed to a base of citizens bottom up). Hillary’s appointment was olive branch to AIPAC and Wall Street coup. This kept Clinton contacts in power—and other old boy networks. And now she seems determined to continue to change one mess for another—the usual incompetence that amounts to beltway bandits siphoning from human labor.
One doesn’t have to understand the likes of Thomas Scheff’s Emotions and Violence: Shame and Rage in Destructive Conflicts to realize where she is coming from and likely to go. Deliberate and accidental humiliation does indeed motivate people to engage violence, which seems the very modus operandi of both Israel and the United States in relation to several Muslim groups. Consider all the torture since 9/11. Therefore there will always be some backdrop on which to claim a war on terrorism, to tax even more money for the State. Read also Bloody Revenge: Emotions, Nationalism and War also by Thomas J. Scheff to understand how well American policy does in quelling terrorism.
Ms. Clinton’s likely inability to deal with humiliation, hid behind layers of denial, leads her too towards a different kind of vengeance—bloodthirsty as it may yet come to be. If it could not be directed at Bill’s accusers, or Monica Lewinsky, or the media, then it can be channeled somewhere. It is not beyond reasonable doubt to suspect she needs therapy (as do many key people who live and work in Washington D.C.).
If we examine media trends over the last couple decades we should ask if American culture is pushing to treat practically any form of sexual transgression as modern witch trial? Sexual offenders have become the new witch class to burn in the public square. No sin is as badly ostracized as transgressions related to sex, be it Tiger Woods getting too much, or accusations against Scott Ritter trying to shed light on the fabrications about Iran’s nuclear buildup, or allegations against Julian Assange’s supposed attempted rape—which just happened to be alleged after Wikileaks disclosed State Secrets (very convenient).
Sex is the great form of sensational evil—that is if it goes against marriage, procreation and monogamy. Although gays have won some battles, erotic motive, per se, is still suspect—especially if one is male—since feminist have, more or less, won important battles for woman (while maintaining huge prejudice and suspicions in respect to male sexuality). To claim harassment by a woman was right enough to assert demand for millions of dollars in lawsuit. (How many men have ever got such justice?)
Yet once stigmatized with allegation or prosecution few others are willing to fight for such a defendant fallen from grace. It has become the ultimate weapon to wield against political opponents—never can there be too much espionage at one’s sexual proclivities.
But so what if Billy Boy was getting some on the side—as long as it did not affect his capacity to run the country? Sure it directly affected family members and marriage but was mostly a private issue. And it has always been the case powerful men attract women—even if violating civil expectations. But often it is the male who suffers most frontally in such cases. No one was accusing Tiger Woods suitors of a double standard and yet they all could have easily learned he was married. Where was their public outcry against their behavior and decisions? We can presume they initiated at least some of the affairs with him to include sex. But no blaming these women, who supposedly came out of the woodwork. Instead mass media engaged a reverse-sexist, feminist, double standard as it was only about throwing him under the bus.
And did we really need to be media-entertained in respect to John Edward’s indiscretions? Oh yes it sells news shows and newspapers so then such motive is perfectly American (no blame the pusher mentality here). And yes of course there was higher rational standard—that is lying to the public and how that might play out in other scenarios—sure—no doubt. The mass media never has its own agenda? The mainstream media never lies to people about anything important. Politicians too never lie to Americans. So it was the public’s right to know everything that took place behind Bill Clinton’s doors, especially since they weren’t going to a damm thing about it one way or another, other than watch the Hunger Games persecution. Dirty laundry attracts its nosey sniffers.
After all many American are too unafraid to confront or acknowledge the paradoxes of their own bewildering libido? Well hell let’s just at least know what others are doing—that is since many are too afraid to let their own hair down.
So it was pretty much a cinch President Clinton, given his Christian upbringing within entirety of U.S. Bible Belt, would deny any and all allegations on foreplay or foul play. Shame and embarrassment factors were too strong to do otherwise. It was his and Hillary’s political nightmare. Because how does one deal with ghastly emotional rape of being klieg-lighted by media and political assassins with their allegations as judgmental and hate society?
Still sexual disgrace falls on related connections—especially one’s wife. How does one recover from the ignominy, when married to him caught with pants down? How does one deal with the embarrassment of not having a happy and wholesome marriage—as befits presumptions of stultifying and sexually frustrated, as well as misinformed society? Where does one’s anger get directed? Well apparently at enemies one’s own group approve?
Men are often promiscuous to community demands. It is nothing new. But now we can be media manipulated by endless accusations whether or not there is covert motive. Catholic priests are all suspect. What male would want to be a teacher or coach? With a population of 350 million people there is always some outrageous offence somewhere, or TV series focusing on making everyone a criminologist, to keep people worried and distrustful of others. In fact you should have a background check on every male you might even shake hands—you can never be too sure. It is terrorism all over again.
Still how many Americans would really want the public to know about every weird act they might have contemplated in fantasy, or even engaged as experiment in their own private-hood? Very few would be inclined if truth reigned this highly corrupt and prejudicial society. Guilt is a great club to beat down the public because everyone has some kind of dark or dubious sex secret somewhere in the fibers of their heart lurking as if one must have crossed some line somewhere. To be innocent is to be lily white virgin (even in the mind). It is all good.
Rape means to be arrested (seized) and what is more arresting than to be media blitzed with highly embarrassing and sensitive or private material that any schmuck might gander? Apparently it is porn actors and actresses who are assumed worshipped as exhibitionist stars in this country of megabuck porn film and profit. Apparently it is only sex industry prostitutes that charge the likes of Elliot Spitzer hundreds of dollars for extra-martial delights and he ostracized in the bigger game of Wall Street.
So how does a gal from Arkansas, as ambitious, Walmart lawyer, deal with media frenzy feed trying to destroy her husband’s political reputation with embarrassing devastation? Well one way is to go to war against others in other cultures few here give a damm about. Yes kill those Bosnians and Algerians. But why stop there. Heck lets threaten a whole World War III just to save some mediocre Democratic performance. You go girl.
But maybe you might just retire and focus on whipping Bill’s derriere.