Mahmoud is a footballer who plays for the Palestinian national team and is now over 90 days into a hunger strike in protest at being detained by Israel for almost three years without charge or trial. Mahmoud, 25, was seized by Israel whilst travelling from Gaza to the West Bank to train, and is one of a number of Palestinian prisoners who remain on hunger strike. The demonstrators see this as another example of what they claim to be the apartheid nature of the Israeli State and the need for a sporting boycott of teams that act as virtual ambassadors for Israel.
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Please provide information
21.06.2012 11:07
There are TWO ways to get between Gaza and the West Bank.
The first, not requiring permission from Israel, involves crossing into Egypt, arranging to travel from Egypt to Jordan by any of a number of intenrational routes (I beliee there is even a ferry across the Red Sea) and then into the West bank.
The second involves crossing THROUGH Israel.For that one either applies for and receives permission from the Israelis (negotiates with the Israelis for that) or one tries to illegally sneak across the borders.
Which was this?
After all, if I were to travel between Spain and Belgium, well I might do that by sea OR try to sneak through France. In the latter case, if caught, I would expect to be jailed by the French authorities (I am not a citizen of any EU country, require permissions to be in your countries).
Search engine broken MDN?
21.06.2012 12:11