Chair of Liberty is Chakrabati, also has been on the governing board of the London School of Economics, which was founded in Adelphi House (John Adam St). The John Adam St Gang aka the Olympians, and the Committee of 300.
Sally Morgan is also with the New Schools Network, running the Free Schools agenda:

Considering her hubby is so close to the paedophile network, and those behind the Dutroux scandal now masquerade as ARK it's a complete mockery that teachers now all have to be trained in Child Protection.
And hey, she's with Ofsted too!!!!!

The people who sit on the Ofsted Board are:
Baroness Morgan of Huyton (Chair) joined Ofsted as Ofsted Chair on 1 March 2011. Sally has a background in education, having begun her career as a geography teacher. She then worked for the Labour Party, eventually serving as the Minister of State and the Government Spokesperson for Women’s Issues at the Cabinet Office. She is a life Peer in the House of Lords.
Paedophile Liberation Exchange (PIE) and those involved with Ark Academy schools.

Liberty, also known as the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL) has been affiliated with the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and Paedophile Action for Liberation.

Miss Harman left NCCL in 1982 when she was elected MP for Camberwell and Peckham, by which time several members of PIE had been jailed for conspiracy to corrupt public morals. A spokesman for Miss Harman said: “She has always opposed child pornography and has never supported PIE and to suggest that she did is untrue and misleading. “NCCL’s approach to the protection of children’s bill was to argue for clear definitions in the bill to make sure the law was precise so that it was about child protection and not about censorship.” The spokesman added: “PIE had been excluded from the NCCL before she became legal officer.” However press cuttings from 1983 make it clear that it was still considered an “affiliate group”.
Some of those at ARK Academies who are also involved with Liberty:
John Lyon, husband of Sally Morgan, (an advisor to ARK 'Absolute Return for Kids' and a trustee at 'Future Leaders', funded by ARK) is listed as a director and Vice-Chair at Liberty:

Lewis Silkin solicitors, involved with the writing of the academies' funding agreements, are signatories to Liberty's statement for justice and security.
Lewis Silkin LLP and the Ark Master Funding Agreement:

Lewis Silkin and their involvement in academies:

Lewis Silkin signatories to Libery's statement for justice and security.

Robert Wharton, councillor at Brent Council, who has been instrumental in pushing through the Ark Academy at Brent, is involved with Liberty:

British Politics controlled by the Committee of 300/John Adam Street Gang

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