You must show evidence to justify the suggestion that the aforementioned Jim Fitzpatrick, “an MP”, deserves the spot you have given him.
Here is the URL to that ES piece:
You [Joe Murphy, London EVENING STANDARD] must show evidence to justify the suggestion that the aforementioned Jim Fitzpatrick, “an MP”, deserves the spot you have given him.
There is no evidence that can be sufficiently
cited to justify your plug for this person or for anyone else with similar role in this context
Instead of vacuously peddling this unjustifiably positive image of Jim Fitzpatrick, “MP”, you should do some genuine reporting research and start publishing [as is overdue] the facts about how electoral fraud and the plethora of related organisationally entrenched corruption have been among the main reasons for the deadbeats and antidemocratic antisocial careerists of all ethnicity and backgrounds who keep getting "selected" and then are allowed to occupy [and stay in occupation of] the main “elected posts” in the name of the ordinary people in the borough of Tower Hamlets.
There is no justification for you or any other part of the “Media” to divert attention away from the role being played for corruption by the vested bureaucracies stifling the Political Parties who [the vested bureaucracies[ are the real culprits against Society and against democracy and who keep corruption and abuse as the currency for their perpetuation of their theft of the franchise from the majority of ordinary people in Tower Hamlets and elsewhere in England.
1025 GMT
26 May 2012
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28.05.2012 22:24
1) People can write their opinions - its called freedom of speech. Something we have in this country
2) It isn't your paper - you have no right to tell them what they can and can't write
3) It isn't your job - if you don't like what the reporter is writing, then apply for the job and do better.
4) It isn't your article - what is the point of the reporter writing the article if you are just going to spoon feed him the words? It isn't your article, it is his. Get your own article.
Got issues with all that?
Then write you own article, for your own paper, in your own time, and stop getting other people to do what you want them to do, but are too lazy to do it yourself.
table manners in this country