Section One: SITUATION.
Part 1. The Declining White Male.
The New Realism;
A Racial Mid-Life Crisis.
Part 2. How the DWM Rules.
‘Politics used to be here.’: The Media-Managerial Complex;
The Techno-Military Complex.
Part 3. Relations and Diplomacy.
The Sexual Behavior of the DWM;
'Billionaire with a Heart Defect': Aspirational Minority Relations with the DWM;
The Mindset of the DWM.
Section Two: SOLUTION.
What is PostRacialism?
Section Three: PRAXIS.
Manifesto for the Overcoming of the DWM and the Abolition of the Racial Principle;
Reading List.
“O Rose thou art sick.
The invisible worm,
That flies in the night
In the howling storm:
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy:
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.”
“The Passing of the European Era and the management of this passing by the rest of the world will be the story of the 21st century.”
‘Without the Jews, America would be Australia.’
There are two reactions possible to this statement; one is mournful and bitter, and yearns for the barren homogeneity that might have been. The other is to weep before the nearest Semite with unbounded gratitude, thankful for the wonderland which has so promoted them amongst men. It is those who react in the latter way who form my intended audience. I want these people to realize what they feel, and make it into something they know; something they will fight for….
Among the preachers of monoculturism today, not even Anders Behring Brevik could bring himself to recommend Australia. And yet it is Australia, that big hot nothing afloat in the pacific, that awaits any project determined to eliminate diversity today. Australia, a land devoid of any friction, any flame, any genius, is the inevitable outcome. Monoculture disallows culture altogether.
I am an educated man with a keen intelligence, but I can only think of one historically influential book to have emerged from the Europeanized pacific in all its history - 'Might is Right' by a rogue New Zealander statesman Arthur Desmond- and even this is little more than a poisoners manual, promoting a return to absolute nihilism. How appropriate.
No, the future shall not, and must not be Australia. Doubtless there are good arguments against the future being America too; there are certainly many about. However, surely it is time to think of 'America' anew. The United States is not some permanent entity destined to be forever the same. In fact, now more than ever before 'America' is changing from within. The US is rapidly shedding its skin and growing a new one - one that will change, radically, its loyalties, possibilities and perspectives.
The demography of not just America but the entire Western world is shifting: the Europeans are getting older and fewer, the brown younger and more plentiful, and because of this meeting of trends, the current generation will have the opportunity to finish one of the most important contests in all history - the battle between the 'race' or 'nation' and the evolutionary impulse which has sought to overcome it.
Section One : Situation.
Part 1. The Declining White Male.
The New Realism.
You can’t have failed to notice it - A new craze is rapidly filling up the bookshelves of the informed - a craze for demography: the study of population and the scientific prognosis of whole nations, races, and civilizations. Since 2002 with the publication of Pat Buchanan's 'Death of the West', many ideas previously only discussed on the ultra-nationalist fringes have become suddenly mainstream.
After Buchanan's opening volley, other notable books such as Mark Steyn's 'America Alone' and Christopher Caldwell's 'Reflections on the Revolution in Europe' have been read and assimilated by millions of respectable citizens in affluent, otherwise liberal, Western democracies.
My task is not to dispute the facts as presented in these books, nor is it my desire either, as I find them intensely exciting, but what is worth reflecting on is not the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ – but the Why now?
2. 9/11.
It is difficult to overstate the effects of the 9/11 events on the worldview of the White male. With this event, an approach was made, without permission, to the altar of world-history by non-white actors. The suicide attackers were not asking for support; nor were they seeking sympathy - they were not asking for anything at all. On this day the role of the white-male was reduced to a unit, a mere casualty. The intended audience for this propaganda was elsewhere, and that audience was brown. So, not only was the White Male injured in the event, he wasn't even part of the larger objective. He was, perhaps for the first time in world-history collateral damage in someone else's war.
More than this, and unlike Pearl Harbor (the only event to which it is, and can be compared), the offenders were not even using an ideology of European authorship. At least when the Nationalist naval-squad torched Hawaii, the European could console himself with the thought that, as humiliating as it was, the attack was a form of flattering imitation. But not so on 9/11.
Though many in the west afterward attempted to draw crooked lines between Qutb and Marx, Qutb and Nietzsche, Qutb and Bakunin, etc... no-one could properly deny that the animating principle of 9/11 and all its force derived from outside the Western intellectual universe. An acknowledgment of this is notable in the reduction of many to the statement 'they were our planes though, weren't they".
9/11 destroyed the dreams of liberalism; above-all the dream that the European could maintain his domination of the world in a pleasant or morally consistent way. For the right, it served to shock them into even deeper conviction - moving the right to the far-right, taking centrist loyalties with them. 9/11 was a racial crisis…. And in the same way in which someone recovering from a heart-attack feels a renewed sense for the importance of nutrition or exercise – a definite social breed, hitherto care-free and seemingly invincible, is only now beginning to see the outlines of his mortality.
This breed I have called the Declining White Male; - by this term I mean the Andrew Neils of the world, the Glenn Becks, and Pat Buchanans; the angry, powerful, but increasingly sexually disqualified breed which rules our planet. I believe he amounts to something dangerous, above-all for the men and especially women of minority communities in countries where he is still most dominant.
What I want to describe in this opening section is the simple contention that the Declining White Male (from here-on DWM), his anxieties, and the fallout from those anxieties, count together as the world’s foremost problem; that he has ruled the planet for a long, brutal and unelected era, the passing of which no-one should mourn; And after this I want to - in a clear, humane way - propose measures for his containment, management, and eventual overcoming by an international, coordinated effort by the non-European world.
3. A Racial Mid-life Crisis.
In 1970, a date we will take as the pinnacle of virility for the current DWM's generation, the baby-boomers were roaring out of adolescence and into the world of politics, business and media. Everywhere, from boardrooms to offices, from studios to laboratories, from government benches to publishing houses - Everywhere of beauty and importance was as white as Moscow snow. In 1970 the median age of a white Englishman was 30….
Fast forward to 2004 and, with the odd exception, the places of beauty and importance are still overwhelmingly white and male. But outside in the streets things are very different. There are brown faces everywhere –young and plentiful combines of racial origins, exotic religions gather into strange buildings; there are children in their arms and at their feet…..
Inside an air-conditioned office, the DWM hides from the chaos of the street. He is anxious, breathless, and alien to the city he lives in. Furthermore, the guardian of beauty and power is now unshapely. His hairline is receding. His gut is spilling forward over his belt. The median age of a white Englishman is 45 and heading skyward……
Now, to assume this demographic shift would have no political impact is, of course, highly naïve. And to this extent, Buchanan, Steyn and Caldwell are to be commended for their analysis. But most of the recent examination of white aging has all been from the standpoint of the DWM himself, and has portrayed the reasons for his anxiety, and the ways in which this situation can be prevented, or otherwise managed to his benefit. But surely there is not one, but two ways one can view this situation.
The scenario Buchanan, Steyn and Caldwell all describe is true from their point of view, but only theirs. Through their telescope they see what we could call - the Rising Brown Boys. And with these bestselling volumes, I believe, they have satisfactorily presented that scenario to their desired audience.
But on the opposing shore, down a different telescope, the same situation reveals a different menace entirely - that of the Declining White Male; and make no mistake, this provides just as much reason for alarm as the contrary view – indeed, if we concede anything to history, it is reason for greater discomfort. A people may, after all, grow in peace, but rare is the passing of a people peaceful…
To us, the young, the concept of the 'mid-life crisis' is so distant in prospect, and so alien in sentiment that we discard it as irrelevant, or even as impossible; such a point of life is far away and pretty undesirable in-any-case –a ‘crisis in-itself’- so why dwell any deeper about it? Sociologising the undesirability of old-age, decline and death hardly seems necessary at all. But a consequence of this way of thinking is that we do not reckon the force the phenomenon holds when it affects a large and powerful demographic. And this is especially irresponsible in our space of history, when demographic shifts are held to be the premier issue of the day.
The political significance of the mid-life bulge in the European peoples is as significant politically as the youth-bulge occurring elsewhere. Humanity is becoming cleaved in two - one young world meeting an old - and the bridge between them is sinking into the deep, foreboding sea beneath.
If optimism is rare on our side, think of the horizon for those across the water! Every morning they stare into a mirror, not at a young man refined, but at a youth destroyed, lessening in strength and beauty; the days ahead of them are less than those behind. Try to empathize even a little bit, and you might see the scale of the problem that confronts us. To have a third of humanity at the clear end of life, beyond hope of return, is of little political meaning. But to have a swelling number confused as to whether they can go forward or only roll-back is hugely relevant to our political well-being. This mid-life bulge is a problem for us, the young, as well as for them, the torn in perspective.
For Western minorities and non-Europeans around the world - people guilty of no more than being born in a certain country, or of a certain kind - the DWM is repositioning himself into a familiar and threatening shape. I do not believe these people should be left ideologically unarmed, nor that they should be dependent on borrowed ideas or alien compassion, and fundamentally I do not regard it as in their interest to be disunited. Nothing unites the hounds like a hare, and since this hare boasts so wildly about his houndish intention, and since he has proven so capable at acting in a bestial fashion in history, let us now make of him some sport!
It is boring to deny facts so stark; Non-Europeans now face a threat larger than the mad youth of Hitlerism. They face the old-age of Martin Amis, of Andrew Neil, and millions like them who have no reason to give in and roll-over, and who command an awesome arsenal of destruction within their frail, shaking, bitter hands.
Part. 2. How the DWM Rules.
Let us cover very briefly the two complexes by which the DWM rules the West and therefore the planet.
1. ‘Politics used to be here.’ : The Media-Managerial Complex.
The Japanese anti-visionary Francis Fukuyama famously thought that politics was doomed, and that a managerial, post-historical fate awaited every country on earth. Enough mockery has been heaped on Fukuyama and it suffices these days to simply say he was wrong. But, with this established, the idea of a 'post-ideological' or 'post-political world' is not as wrong as he made it seem…
Today there are so many ideologies to choose from that none of them, however sensible, ever gets above the crowd. Instead, the default 'principle' of all world-governments is the same –
(Capitalism + whatever keeps them popular - what the markets will not tolerate.)
Politics has then pretty much entered a post-ideological state. Fukuyama's mistake was to imagine that it could remain this way for long without the whole pretension of 'politics' collapsing.
In European government there now exists only one 'ideology’, and that is - keeping ideology out of government. Because of this, electoral results in the West tell the outsider little, if anything, about what people really think. Political parties are as indistinct as brands of bottled water. No-one would care too much if they ticked the wrong box on election day, and most decide not to show up at all. Politics goes on of course, but because the market forbids it at the managerial end of society, it is played out beneath, in society itself, and in that puppeteer of society - the media.
The press is the only freely 'political' institution available in the managerial age, and if any issue is to reach the office of the managerial class then it must first be selected and promoted by the media.
So who runs the media? - This sort of question can elicit the most ridiculous replies - usually something to do with 'Zionists', or the 'NWO' or even simply 'Them'…. In truth however, if one looks at the figures, then the answer is overwhelmingly the DWM.…
Taking the British press alone, and with the charismatic exception of Gillian Tett, the DWM's dominance we find is almost absolute. From Rupert Murdoch, to Andrew Neil, to Paul Dacre, to Tony Gallagher, to Jeremy Paxman, to Mark Thomson, to Jon Snow, White men over 50 dominate the industry, and set the tone of every debate, thereby dictating and deciding the intensity of mass opinion.
This is the DWM’s Media-Managerial complex. This is his ‘office power’ if you will, (also described as ‘soft power’)– but when these tools fail, and they often do, the DWM relies on another more sinister and reliable system.
2. The Techno-Military Complex.
Imagine that you were explaining to an alien the power hierarchies of planet earth. You have in front of you a large, flat atlas, and you have explained to the alien the current state-of-play- the fact that the West (which you have circled in blue) dominates and controls 'the rest' (to borrow Niall Ferguson's quaint distinction) which you have banded in red. The ‘West’ here is Europe and the United States. The ‘rest’ is every other country on earth. After a few moments of polite nodding, the alien comes back with the obvious question.
"But how does this"
He points to the small bloc of earth circled in blue.
"Dominate this?" He waves his hand over most of the southern and eastern hemispheres.
Your answer would likely be divided into three inter-connected explanations; we will call them the computer-chip, the aircraft carrier, and the fighter jet. By these, we mean the interdependent advantages the West enjoys in a) technological sophistication, b) reach: a web of alliances and bases which provide global military power, and finally, c) military superiority (a consequence of factor a).
You will notice that I have left out economic factors. This is because, put simply, the West does not rule economically any more. Western Economic dominance is being very swiftly corrected by the rise of the Latin and Pacific bloc of emerging economic powers. This correction has already reached the point of no-return, and in the authors view, the prospect of a US-European dominated world economy beyond 2020 is quite fanciful.
So instead, the three factors which allow the West to retain its fragile domination of ‘the rest’ are geo-strategic and technological. Money is largely irrelevant. The techno-strategic edge can be maintained in theory long after the banks have run-out of money and Western citizens are waking up to falling living standards and the export of jobs. As long as these citizens can be kept away from ideology and disorder, the power complex of Western domination can be preserved and even improved during a time of economic hardship, perhaps even during a time of meltdown.
As to military reach, the DWM's dominance is as assured as his dominance in technology. If you go back to the map of the world and study it even briefly, you will see that every major strategic point has a DWM military base either on it or within operational distance of it. The 'four corners' of the world are under the direct control of the DWM; Australia in the south Pacific, Russia in the north Pacific, North America in the north Atlantic, and the British Falklands in the south Atlantic; all base-points are covered. There is a deep symbolism in this quartering of the Eurocentric Atlas. Nowhere is safe or immune from the DWM, or from the global reach this assures him. The differing nation-states involved here mean nothing - This is an international European empire, and when any one of the DWM nations are threatened by a non-European entity- for example as in the 9/11 attacks - all national distinctions melt away and the European global empire is protected by all Europeans - from Nato to Russia.
So these two complexes combined are the ruling mechanism of the DWM. I have not gone into too much detail, but any research you wish to carry out will not contradict my findings.
Let us leap ahead then, and delve into the way in which the DWM behaves in his role as fading racial overlord, beginning, naturally, with sex, and then moving on to his relations with subject races…..
Part 3. Relations and Diplomacy.
1. The Sexual Behavior of the DWM.
i. Political Grooming.
If you were to read the DWM’s British-based press (especially the Telegraph, Daily mail, Evening Standard, the Sun, the Daily Star etc.) as a newcomer to the West, you would be forgiven for thinking that the DWM is consumed by four principle obsessions – Sex, Race, Islam, and War.
And you would be right, although you could probably lose the last three distinctions. The DWM’s interests in Race, Islam and War all have their origin in his trousers - that is, in sex, and in sexual anxiety.….. Prejudice, racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and even war are, in the age of the DWM, something different to what they were in the age of the Young White Male. Whereas in the 1950s, in somewhere like the American South, racism was motivated by a desire to protect (or deter) white women from non-white men, in the age of the DWM, racism originates from anxiety over fading masculinity and the accompanying lust for the younger, invariably darker women of other communities. Nowadays the DWM dreams of 'rescuing' women from all minority backgrounds from climates of hate that he has deliberately created….
Consider, please, the accuracy of this observation: When a man, of whatever stature or background, has doubts about his virility, status, or good looks, he instinctively tries to bring women into his own league, by fair means or foul. This can be by exalting oneself upward through hard work and self-improvement, or, more commonly, the same result can be achieved by bringing women down to a lower 'price' while taking care to leave their beauty (the target after all) intact.
So how does one 'discount' a woman one cannot afford without injuring the goods themselves? Well by non-sexual hierarchy of course; that is, by making the group which contains the most youthful and attractive women feel vulnerable in society; making them part of a persecuted and loathed community; so vulnerable and fearful that they are grateful for any kind of mercy, or of being made an exception of.
One sees this despicable practice already at work in the US-Mexico borderland where the climate of anti-Latino hatred is heated most passionately by old white men with young Hispanic girlfriends and wives. Lou Dobbs for example, a virulent propagandist against Latino immigration (and the consequential - if paradoxical - price-raising of Latino women - as immigration increases the power of immigrants in a democracy), routinely seeks to deflect accusations of Hispanophobia by pointing to the fact of his Mexican wife Debi Sagura (his junior sports anchor) as a counter-argument.
Hispanophobia? No, not really. But then Hispanophobia, at least of the old ‘stay away from our women’ variety does not exist anymore. Dobbs and his cholos are behaving perfectly in line with the evolutionary strategy of the DWM. The DWM does not hate Mexicans. He wants to undermine Mexican men to raise his price, and lower the price of his competitors. Mexican men, after all, have to work much harder in a Hispanophobic climate to keep their more aspirational women within the tribe. For what use are romance and love, and youth and sincerity, compared to a suburban house, and a green-card?
Back in Europe this strategy is illustrated at its most vulgar by a booming literary industry, aptly named by a Muslim columnist as 'Escapee-lit'. You will have seen the books in question in Bestseller displays across the continent. They are recognizable by their identikit covers; a veiled woman with beautiful eyes; and by their kitsch titles - 'Not without my daughter', 'Escape from the (Saudi) Kingdom', 'My hidden face' etc... These tawdry volumes all contain a similar fable. A young Muslim woman recounts the terrible abuse at the hands of her Islamic husband, and her journey to sanctuary in the Western world, usually, though not always, assisted by a Western man. Her relief in escaping is in itself arousing and dream encouraging. It allows for the male reader to fantasize, to believe he has the option of heroism rewarded by sex.
The more hated and threatened the Muslim community becomes in the west, the more the women of the community, thus weakened, will be hunted, but only when they are ripest, and only when the declining white male becomes more irresistibly conscious of his mortality. At this point, White women, as they become older on average, will be made to think themselves grateful for the most basic liberalisms, such as not being veiled or beaten, or being permitted to drive, which again is to the direct advantage of the average DWM, who is otherwise without any charm at all.
The whipping up of Islamophobia by non-Jewish men is thus entirely explicable as a means of political ‘grooming’ of the younger generation of Muslim women, albeit a type which is at present totally legal, and visible only to the very wise.
On a side-note - Zionists (they do exist) might wonder why their strategy of encouraging Islamophobia does not, despite its success within European domestic politics, translate into the desired solidarity with Israel on the international stage. I would say that the answer is that Islamophobia, unlike Zionism, opens up a generation of younger women who are willing to sell themselves below their value, whereas support for Zionism, if one is not religious, merely earns one the favorable glance of a non-devalued Jewish woman who is anyway, off limits.
When talking of the obvious examples of this ‘political grooming’ - Niall Ferguson and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Christopher Hitchens and Ayaan Hirsi Ali (In fact most neoconservatives and Ms. Ali), Richard Dawkins and Ariana Sherine , Lou Dobbs and Debi Sagura, Martin Amis and Isabel Fonseca etc... it is important to remember that despite the (often formidable) intellectual credentials of the men in question, they are likely totally unaware of their true motives and believe their approach to be borne of the purest virtue and accident. They will never be explicit. Their lust is revealed only by mistake or by the sheer force of rapturous experience. For example - the late Christopher Hitchens, after an excursion to Iran, wrote two essays on the country, one in Vanity Fair and the other in The Atlantic. Both of these were nothing unusual politically, but both had a passage dedicated to Iranian women which read as quite revealing, sociologically. In the first essay, in ‘The Atlantic’, he wrote:
"The ayatollahs' law demands that all females in public must wear a hijab to cover the hair, and a long jacket to cover the area between the upper chest and the mid-thigh. (It's always useful to know what the pious are really thinking about.) In practice, there are not enough religious police to enforce this strictly. A woman without a hijab would certainly be beaten (and perhaps blinded or maimed with acid), but it is impressive to see the huge number who manage to conform to the letter of the law by sporting a colorful scarf, well back on the head and held in place by hair spray, as well as a coat so deftly cut as to make the very most of what it is intended to de-emphasize."
And in the latter essay published in Vanity Fair, Hitchens writes more explicitly:
"All women are supposed to cover all their hair at all times, and to wear a long jacket, or manteau, that covers them from neck to knee. But it's amazing how enticing the compulsory scarf can be when worn practically on the back of the head and held in place only by hair spray. As for the obligatory manteau, any woman with any fashion sense can cut it to mold an enviable silhouette."
Now, I have no reason to doubt the repression of Iranian women, but Hitchens fevered imagination here runs away from him and in doing-so provides a handy illustration of how deeper motivations can bubble up through surface conceits like 'secularism' and 'freedom', to show what really arouses interest in the DWM; or, to use Hitchens words, what 'the pious are really thinking about'.
ii. The Politics of Pedophilia.
There is another sexual-racial phenomenon in the West already so common as to merit a popular ticket - "Missing white girl syndrome". This phenomenon refers to the peculiar hysteria when a young (usually photogenic) Caucasian female is abducted or otherwise goes missing, and is identified to contrast with the moody disinterest when the same fate befalls a young boy, or a girl of any other race.
As useful as this concept is in identifying a broadly shared racial undercurrent to popular 'morality', the sociologists who originally undertook such research could and should have gone further…..
Today, in Britain and Europe more generally, nothing is more common than to hear of the connection between immigrants and the grooming of young white girls. Why is this? Is the immigrant grooming of prepubescent girls a genuinely widespread social crisis, or, like MWGS, is the panic more an admission of some other, deeper anxiety in the public at large?
Of course, it is very easy to brand headlines like 'Muslim grooming gangs target English schoolgirls' or "Asian pedophiles preying on 'easy-meat' white girls" as examples of simple tabloid sensationalism. But then this type of shallow analysis is quite useless for our scale of thought. There is undoubtedly a ready-made meeting-point between sexless and frustrated young Muslim immigrant men and the young, gullible white women of broken and lawless social heritage- but these cases tend to be untypical, spectacular and far-between – much like acts of terrorism. The figures for such an ethnic cauldron as London for example, reveal that the market of ‘pimping’ (and the trafficking and grooming that precedes it) is dominated by immigrants from Eastern Europe – and proceeding behind these are the immigrant communities of South-Eastern Europe and the Balkans, and after this comes the DWM himself, and only then does the non-European immigrant community make a substantial appearance. So how has the Asian community been tagged in the popular mind with the hunting of white children? Is it more than hypocrisy? I fear so….Let me hazard an answer, perhaps wildly offensive, but well worth considering…
If you are Londoner, you will be familiar with the despicable but increasingly common sight of a young brown woman strolling into a cafe or bar, accompanied by a white man old enough to be her father and ugly enough to be her rapist. This detestable routine will eventually reverse the actors of sexual-social outrage. As white women become older and uglier, and as foreign girls become younger, smarter and more empowered, and as white protestations that white women are being targeted by ugly foreigners become more and more absurd, and as a new generation of desirable foreign girls make nonsense of old political presumptions, there will be a massive shift in the western paradigm. It is as a subconscious, pre-emptive backlash against this that the DWM leaps upon scandals involving ‘his’ youngest females, contrasting their innocence and beauty against the ugliest members of rival ethnic groups. This psychosis motors the hysteria over minority pedophilia. It is borne of the DWM's anxiety regarding the demographic strength of challenger ethnic groups. It is an organized display of resistance against the shifting of traditional sexual-political roles.
After all, the DWM will not take the transition from dashing overlord to grubby outcast happily. Who would? No, he will thrash and rave in such a way that other communities will have to work together to contain him.
2. Billionaire with a Heart Defect; Aspirational Minority relations with the DWM.
A swing-factor in the coming ethnic transition of power is that not all minorities may be willing to recognize the DWM as a threat. On the contrary, for some, the DWM is akin to an aging billionaire who, though undesirable and charmless, has within his possession a huge fortune - in this case the keys to the 'power class' of the Western world.
As the DWM disappears from his native soil, he will not go without influence as to who replaces him.
To be sure, he would rather not go at all, but his state of health cannot be denied forever. Sooner or later he will concede, probably after much hysteria, that the next generation has the floor. And when he does so, he will have a choice - either damn any world without him in it, and therefore let the best group win, without interference,- or, he may use the declining but still significant power he has left to pave the way for a favored racial-cultural heir.
So who would, since someone has to, the DWM prefer to take the vacated seat of power in media, politics, business and military affairs out of the minorities today?
A simplistic answer based on prior analysis would be - the minority with the prettiest women. But then this is a mere value judgment and no single assessment of beauty is typical among the DWM community. So what other factors could swing it?
The answer is likely a long checklist of political issues… As the DWM ages, he will become more conservative as a means of survival. So by the time he eventually retires his efforts of preservation, he will likely be a highly reactionary animal from force of habit. The heir therefore must meet the following conditions - they must be anti-Islamic, or at the very least non-Arab/willing to become ex-Islamic. They must be well-represented in the middle class. They must be pro-business, and also hail from capitalist countries. And only finally is the condition that their women must be easy on the eye, and willing to 'nurse' the DWM in his twilight years.
Who fits the bill? Only two groups - non-Chinese Orientals, and non-Muslim Indians.
A handy exercise when analyzing this subject is to glance through any major conservative newspaper today and make a note of the non-European columnists already featured. In The Times of London, the non-Europeans (excluding Jews) are almost exclusively from the non-Muslim Indian category, and their world-analysis is as one would expect - pro-business, conformist, pro-Israel, pro-Tory etc...
In America, non-Muslim Indians like Fareed Zakaria already occupy positions of great editorial authority, and many are making inroads in the worlds of entertainment, law and politics. Coupled with this, Non-Chinese Oriental columnists and politicians are a common and approved-of feature of American life and have been so for years.
So that's that then? Well no, not quite. According to UN affiliated research, the birth-rate of these two groups in Western countries is, relative to the Islamic, Latino, African, and Chinese communities, much too small (the exception being the Indian population of the UK), to feasibly spawn a self-sufficient replacement for the DWM.
Furthermore, there is no reason to expect those minorities who are not selected to respect the position of the Non-Islamic Indian or the Non-Chinese Oriental as the new racial overlord, or at least not in the same way in which they grudgingly accept the indigenous authority of the White race at present.
Perhaps the most notorious of collaborator minorities are the ex-patriots of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The aspirational Iranian diaspora are as famous for white-envy as they are for revolutions and plastic-surgery. It seems to be the prerogative of all Iranians to establish before anything else that they are not Afghani or Turkish or Arabian or Kurdish or any of the other presumably inferior ethnic groups of the greater Middle East.
To this end Iranians residing in the West aggressively rebrand themselves as Persian, by which they intend to claim descent from the multi-ethnic citizenry of the ancient Persian empire. Despite the historic problems with such a self-designation (given the extent of Ancient Persia, Turks, Iraqis, Kurds, Afghans, and Jordanians could claim similar descent), only a fool would fail to recognize the less-than-admirable undertones of such a rebranding- i.e. 'We are not like the others in the Middle East/Central Asia. Please do not hate us. Hate them.’
Due to this, Iranians have acquired, in the Middle-Eastern diaspora, the same kind of reputation and contempt as the aspirational 'Uncle-toms' gained in the black-American community in the period following the downfall of segregation.
As well as 'Persian' – some members of the Iranian diaspora go further and self-identify as 'Aryan'.
The term Aryan is highly difficult and means radically different things to different people. To the ill-informed European, for example, it means Germanic or Nordic; to the ill-informed Iranian, it seems to denote the ethnic root of Germanic culture neatly contained within the modern borders of Iran; to the more informed (but still unsure), Aryan is primarily a linguistic term with few racial connotations, or if it has some, then the tribes in question populate the territories of ancient India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, and do not touch upon the frontiers of modern Europe.
However despite, or perhaps because of such confusion, the aspirational Iranian diaspora use the 'Aryan' brand as a means of approach, not only to the DWM mainstream, but often to the most militant and explicitly racist parts of the DWM community - notably those of the Nazi-nostalgic extreme right. A post-revolution Iran (probably renamed as Persia), will be aggressively targeted by the DWM for even greater collaboration.
In sum, although the exact extent of Hindu, Iranian and Sikh integration into the DWM's media and political complex is, for now, unclear and probably unknowable, a glance at the conservative benches, the Murdoch columns, or the business-class waiting rooms will certainly support the idea that the DWM, the 'billionaire with a heart defect', may find a very willing and malleable heir in portions of the ex-pat communities of India, Sri Lanka and Iran.
3. The Mindset of the DWM.
It is common to be told these days not to take comments made on the internet too seriously. We shouldn't be unsettled by them, they say, because the comments are only made in the context of a sense of invulnerability and anonymity which is rarely replicated in everyday life.
There are many problems with this reassurance but the most obvious is with the idea that simply because the comments are made by ordinary people who feel invulnerable that we are to regard these comments as unreflective of anything more that the norms of the internet. Clearly, they are not. They are more than this. Think of it another way.
If one went to a public underpass, and saw a giant swastika painted on the wall, only a fool would deny it had political relevance merely because the offender was operating anonymously when he painted it.
The author himself uses the internet and frequently comments on message-boards. The things I say however reflect the things I believe. The same is true I fear with the preponderance of others who contribute to discussion online. And we therefore have every reason to worry.
I am going to provide for you a selection of comments made online relating to many different racial groups. They are not pleasant, but they are quite valuable.
Albanians –
“The Scorpions (Serbian paramilitary organization) will lynch you when UN goes. Keep hiding!”
Black People (general) –
“Deport every monkey back to the fucking jungle. Bring back slavery for a few, and the women can dance in zoos.
Bosnians –
“Muzzy ugly mongol shit! We’ll kill you and piss on you.”
Croatians –
“Musrat slime. Serbia will demolish you and fuck all your women. Hairy bitches.”
Egyptians –
“you aint Egypt! Egypt is a white country. You fucking arabs! Greasy terrorist.”
French People –
“lazy, surrendering, arrogant, big-nosed, sleazy, greasy fucking freak!!”
Germans –
“Horde of cultureless fucking vikings. Big-headed hairy women fuckers.”
Indians –
“They stink to fuck. Its defo the curry. Shitskinned peados.”
Pakistanis -
"Get out of my country u smelly dirty extremist bombing scum cunts"
"Send them all back home the smelly curtain wearers"
"i will say this to muslims - GET OUT of the UK cus when it kicks off we are known NOT too loose wars, we will turn every single muslim house up and on fire and round you up like cattle , 90% will be executed whilst the remainder will be slaves, and i mean hard working slaves EDL is hope for England it bows to its Queen which is more than allah , you have been warned only takes a riot like this 4 it to start."
"i see loads of pakis going to the jobcentre, most of the smelly vermin scum dont ever intend to work or at least make an effort to speak english let alone fit into western society! you lot are a disease to the west side of the world, fuck off back far east to your fucking shit 3rd world country! ALLAH IS A PEDO! PRICK!!!!"
Romanians -
"hahaha little poor boy i laugh when italians stab roma.dont act swedish you are more asian than me :):) you come from india admit it.Romania poorest country in Europe.Before Ottoman came you didnt know what was a toilet. dirty orthodox fuckers."
"Romanian always say "are language is latin we are like italian or spanish" hahaha look in the mirror and see the flies in your faces.Who are the poorest street people in istanbul? romanians beg for food and money."
Spaniards -
"I was in Spain once :D . It was full of fat ugly bitches and loud shit skinned motherfuckers."
Turks -
"90% of turd muzzies are on welfare and attacking German Police offocers."
"Kill all turks and other muslim bastard! Germany belongs to Germans not muslim shit!!"
This selection could, of course, be infinitely long and mention every religion, race or racial combination in the world, but the point is made; this is the nature of what people really feel. The cover of anonymity, if anything, is merely a conduit to an even more accurate survey of the public mood than that which demands accountability. Of course these are opinions which are not yet expressed at the polling booth, or in the street, but that is no reason for complacency.
If the reader's racial niche has been spared here, it is solely in the cause of brevity, and do rest assured, the list is as long, and the language as ferocious, for you also. Even if you consider yourself invulnerable on the question of race (as Swedish people might for example), and even if you detoxify the hatred of others for your tribe by attributing it to envy (as French people might for example), then remember that all racism springs from a sense of personal inadequacy in some form or another, so this type is no different - and besides, all historic racism has proven capable of evil, irrespective of its origin.
The reader might also note in the selection above, a connection between racist sentiment and poor spelling. Perhaps it is too easy to say racists are stupid, and probably wrong too, given the far more eloquent expressions of the same feelings available elsewhere online. But then even if we concede that racists can be clever, one shouldn't extend the same compliment to what they believe. Racism, without exception, is never clever. Even the greatest intellects in history from Nietzsche to Goethe, from Jung to Camus... All of these become ridiculous when they stoop to the level of tribalism.
Section Two: Solution.
1. What is PostRacialism?
The solution to the racial principle is the end of the racial principle. Happily enough the silver bullet here also serves as a replacement for it. It is true that race may never be ended as a thought, or at least as a memory. But it can replaced by something which is shown to be better….This is PostRacialism.
In the United States the word ‘Postracial’ has a long history, and not, in all honesty, a very inspiring one. It is remembered alongside such pretty and ridiculous conceits as the 'melting pot', and 'civil rights'; a phoney dream in other words, absent from reality - present only in the political mouth and never in the political mind. Still, it undeniably sounds nice, and some still choose to wheel it out on occasion for a select audience to applaud and coo over, never giving two significant thoughts about it. And so, it dies in the air like a bubble. - What PostRacialism means to these well-meaning, and insincere folk is as follows – PostRacialism is a communion of goodwill which is the natural consequence when we learn to look to what is ‘within’ as opposed to what it is on the ‘surface’……….
This is, of course, philosophically and politically, nonsense. Race is not skin-deep, and the root of it is not mere vanity. In-group/out-group tension is never due alone to a ‘conservative upbringing’, or to (that magic-wand argument) 'ignorance' - it is inherent rather within the human condition; the product of thousands of years of evolution, heap upon heap of experiences, rewards and deterrents. Consequently one cannot bring-about this type of PostRacialism without redesigning human psychology from the bottom-up by endless indoctrination, thought-policing and immoral coercion. Here, those who protest 'cultural Marxism' have a point. Western schools and universities retain a definite and poorly-founded bias on the subject of race. This 'PostRacialism' is in fact a reheated European Marxism. It has been trialed before and failed to the detriment of millions.
What PostRacialism means to me is as follows – PostRacialism is the state of mind, the state of society, and the state of politics which results from the redundancy of the racial principle.
Crucially, in my interpretation, there is no goodwill involved; it is not a plea, a bargain or a utopia; PostRacialism is not something like 'civil rights' or 'multiculturalism', in that it is not voluntary or dependent upon a point of view, economy, or public mood. Rather, it is the state humankind will reach (with help) whether it cares to or not.
PostRacialism is when the racial principle becomes useless. Something does not die when it is unpopular - it dies when it becomes useless even to those who would incline towards it; PostRacialism arises organically when the sword of race is blunted, forever blunted; when the gang of the pallid can no longer organise themselves against the swarthy, and vice-versa.
In America there remains still a great potential for ethnic-nationalism. Do not believe the calmness around you. The future is nearer than you know. States may yet break away, towns may yet become fortresses, political parties may yet arrange for the purpose of ethnic representation. Civil riots may yet break out - war of the most primitive nature may be fought around the bases of skyscrapers. While there is this potential, there is not PostRacialism.
Because the European has exalted and sought historically to make permanent the ordering of peoples, and since he is so fading, and so ignoble in his fading, I believe the incidence of his passing from global predominance is a nice time to end this principle once and for all; that is, to eliminate the racial principle, and render it impossible for future generations.
The argument for PostRacial humanity is not purely a moral one, but an intellectual, and evolutionary one too - For a PostRacial world will liberate the most radical and talented impulses in man. If one needs examples, one need only look at those people who have been persecuted on racial grounds in the past.
Persecution produces the PostRacial. When the race principle is a drag, when it works to the detriment of the evolutionary goals of the individual, then like a bubble, the PostRacial principle appears as if from a spring of pure conviction, innocent of all external influence.
The Jewish people used to be entirely PostRacial. The more persecuted they were, the more inventively PostRacial they became. The needs of the PostRacial state brought forward bold universal theories, among which we can note the work of Freud, Marx and Einstein –ideas that convulsed and moved the very earth with viral, borderless relevance. Even if you associate the legacies of these giants with suspicion or dislike, you cannot deny their quality. It also cannot be denied that they were borne into a situation conducive to universal thinking - to genius - that is, they were rootless, deterred from the false-comforts of patriotism, and community - they shone as individuals, because they had to.
PostRacialism is forward, not backward.
Allow me to preempt an objection –
"After the European, there will be a void where the celebrity races once were. Many peoples of the third-world will feel compelled to imitate those who have passed. Proud, ancient countries like Iran, Mexico and Egypt will try to fashion themselves into copies of 1933 Germany. Dusky Wagners, Napoleons and Hitlers will pop up in the most unlikely of places. China will become a 1950s America, embarking on a bold imperial adventure. The players will change, but the story will be the same."
Not so. For America will rule the world as before. The American military is already invincible. It cannot be caught-up with or effectively engaged by any country, of whatever size. This same United States is subject to a democracy which is being radically altered from within by racial-demographic shift. It is being Latin Americanized. If any aspirational third-world nation attempts to resurrect the glamorous insanity of Nazi Germany, then PostRacial America must not hesitate to destroy them. We must not object to American world domination. America as it is, and even moreso as it will become, is the worst nightmare of the racialist; it is an infuriating distortive factor in a world of brute nature that would otherwise be so simple. China will be contained by India, and India by China, and all by America.
Is there a model PostRacial country today? No. But many green-shoots of the PostRacial age are already available. Cities like Sao Paulo, Lima, New York, London, Singapore, and many others provide prototypes of a decent and progressive future. Of course there remain communal tensions within these cities, but only because of stupidities outside of them which parasitically demand their loyalty and involvement. And in time we will deal with these too.
So after so much waffling what actually is the PostRacial ideal? What does a PostRacial person look like, how do they behave, and what are their markers? Well, the author is (for as long as the definition exists) an Englishman, and so we will provide firstly some local examples:
For me, the PostRacial ideal is detectable (to those who know what to look for), in musicians such as MIA, and Plan B, the Marxist politician Ken Livingstone, the novelist Monica Ali, and the Violinist and presenter Myleene Klass. It is partly-evident in non-Zionist Jews such as Gilad Atzmon and Stephen Fry, and in the liberal activists Tariq Ali and Peter Hain. Internationally we can count the communities of 'one or two races' in America, and all those of Hispanic background. And so on and so on...
If you understand me at all, you will understand why I have not included Barack Obama. Mr. Obama is, despite being of Afro-European heritage, restlessly keen to self-identify as black whenever he can. On his European (Irish) side he similarly tends to emphasize descent as something noteworthy (green water fountains on St Patricks’ Day in Washington DC, Guinness-in-a-pub photo-calls on sovereign visits to Dublin etc..). If you understand me at all, you will understand that we PostRacialists do no hold any loyalty to the past on racial grounds, even in seemingly harmless, tokenistic ways such as Obama's.
He has chosen quite openly to be Black and Irish. Whereas if he were PostRacial he would insist upon being Barack Obama - with no caveats required at all.
So what, if anything does characterizes the PostRacial then? Well firstly (and this will seem paradoxical to some and obvious to others) it is nothing to do with race. A person can be both PostRacial and belong to an unbroken line of blue-eyed Finns - he/she can be both PostRacial and the traced descendant of a famous Mexican outlaw - the point is that they do not recognize race as anything of consequence; that they demonstrate a capability, a force of individuality which overcomes tribal instinct, whatever the tribe in question may be.
Still, with this established, there are some definite ‘inclinations’ to look for in a PostRacial individual, though they are not doctrinal - nor should anything be doctrinal in a movement of intellectual liberation.
I will give five traits that, in my personal view, characterize the PostRacial state -……
1. Free Cultural License.
The individual in question (like MIA) adopts the habits and customs of any culture at will, without feeling the need to justify it to anyone. On one day the PostRacial citizen might dress or behave in the ways of China, on the next, of Arabia, on the next, of the West etc...
The PostRacial citizen is never bound by any cultural norm.*
*Races who have been persecuted by another race will often be averse to crediting the persecuting race with any positive inspiration. Thus Jewish Zionism after the Holocaust was less explicit regarding some of its (arguable) Germanic influences (like the auto-emancipatory ethic of Max Stirner), and in America, Leo Strauss sought to find an ancestral path of ideas for Jewish conservatives that weaved around German thinkers like Spengler, Nietzsche, Stirner and Hegel, and instead emphasized racially neutral thinkers like Hobbes, Machiavelli and those of ancient Greece.
Similarly, the question might be asked, should PostRacial people be averse to taking inspiration from the forefathers of those we argue with? ... No. The heritage of European culture is too great to deny. So fear not quoting Nietzsche against the German, or De Sade against the French. The ethnic copyrighting of attitudes and ideas is part of the problem PostRacialism will solve.
2. Miscegenation.
This is in no way typical let alone essential, but PostRacial people - those of unbounded instinct and free experience - will be as likely to mate with those of a different tribe as within the ranks of their old identity. This is a marker of progress, not a prerequisite of it.
3. Individualism.
The race principle is the most oppressive and destructive of human drives, but it is not unique. Other forces, equally hostile to human development, but more insidious, are resisted by those of a more evolved state. These include the binds of community, family, class, city, nation, civilisation, social status, and disability. In fact by far the closest to an encapsulation of the PostRacial instinct is the general want of Individuality.
4. Rootlessness.
PostRacial people tend to travel more than those who are still racial. Individuals by nature, they do not live and die in the town in which they were raised, nor the country, nor the continent. A typical PostRacial life is global and restless. The world is our playground.
5. Refusal of Category.
The PostRacial individual does not identify in any political, social, or historic way with an in-group.
Section Three: Praxis.
1. Introduction.
The genre of racist literature is generally held to have declined since its heyday in the Victorian and pre-WW2 boom - a period in which such articulate and durable volumes as 'The Passing of the Great Race', 'The Rising Tide of Color..', 'Mein Kampf', and 'Foundations of the Nineteenth Century' etc. were published to great public fanfare and critical approval. Since World War 2, the genre has nosedived into a caliber more suited to obscure sociological works like 'Imperium', and anti-Historic screeds like 'The Myth of the Six Million'.
A lonely exception to this trend is provided by a brief work, published online, entitled 'Erectus Walks Amongst Us' by the author Richard D. Feurle. This work, a disciplined conversation of genetic science, anthropology, politics and history, is conspicuously above the standard of post-war racism. The arguments are made in a clear, unhysterical way, almost giving the impression of being impartial. Many of the contentions are accurate, especially those involving the highly-questionable out-of-Africa ‘consensus’, (and in fact discoveries have been made since the work appeared which seem to re-enforce this part of its central thesis).
Where the book heads after the facts are presented - in a chapter titled 'policy'- is also interesting. With crisp, clear prose, the author recommends the creation of a sort of White conservation project in order to safeguard the genetic source of Beethoven, Goethe, Plato and Carlyle, from a rising non-white mass which threatens to envelop and annihilate it.
Overall the work is beautifully written and hard to argue with. And I wouldn’t want, and happily I do not need, to argue with it. I have no contempt for facts. The racial groups are not equal – they can be far from equal, depending on the measure used. Evidence does indicate a major pre-modern breach between all humans and those of Sub-Saharan Africa, and Negro admixture with Homo-Erectus is a persuasive explanation for many existent discrepancies in the scientific consensus. Europeans, Asians, Semites and Mongols all share genetic heritage with Neanderthals. And, indeed, the Neanderthal-Erectus breach could be seen as equally dramatic as the breach between 'human' and 'non-human' - but then this is entirely subjective.
So the racists have it won? .... No, they do not. And the reasons against this motion cut to the heart of my argument. We of this movement are not Marxists. We understand that any movement based on lies ultimately collapses - just as Communism, Islamism, and Nationalism collapse whenever they are carried beyond a certain point. There is no need to deny truth to save a moral idea. Indeed, as the racists say ‘truth is hate to those who hate truth’… How very true. The science of race is fascinating, and one with immense explanatory potential. I do not want to frustrate it in the slightest.
But just as science is amoral, so morality is ascientific.
This is my interpretation of history -
Every human event of lasting worth has been the result of the interplay between individuals. The periods of prolonged intellectual sterility in history have been the result of collectivist concepts like race, cult and nation, which forbid the creation of individuals.
Race, cult and nation (repressive, anti-evolutionary, auto-organizing diseases) thrive when the worth of certain individuals is claimed by a larger mass whose nature merits no claim on such value, and which goes on to destroy the value claimed by their stewardship of it.
The liberalism of elite individuals is inseparable from the cause of their success. The elite are PostRacial ‘liberals’ precisely because they are free from race, nation and cult - and were they not, they would not be the elite.
Hatred and suspicion of the elite (mass political movement) derives from the frustration of the masses’ desire to share credit with elites they (wrongly) identify with.
The Nation, Cult, or Race idea becomes dominant when a unit of the mass, tired of the ambiguous identity of elites, imitates the style of those elites and marries it with strong identification with the mass.
Schopenhauer and Nietzsche did not come out for (associate their genius with) German blood, and so Hitler did it for them. These imitative units do not possess the quality of the elites and by their misunderstanding they crush the atmosphere which allowed the elites to come into being.
I hold the Nation, Cult and Race to be the retardant of humanity, and the cause of all woe.
After theory, comes the moral excuse. I believe further in Max Stirner's dictum that those who are meant to be free will make themselves free, and those who occupy a position deserve to occupy it. This morality has more nature than science in it, but no less truth.
He who rules, rules by his worth - those who are enslaved deserve enslavement for as long as they do not reverse their condition. Everyone is continuously where they should be. Losing is losing on merit. One must be better prepared, less naïve, or more knowledgeable, or stronger, then one will not lose.
Even if, as the European says, he has been conned by 'Zionism' into opening his borders, and thus by goodwill is perishing - well, so be it, - whatever merit the European had was not selected to survive.
If, by the movements of history, the wretched of the earth were washed up onto civilized shores, they need feel no guilt about nor gratitude for it - and when threatened for it, they must decide whether such good fortune was wasted on them or not - that is, whether, with innovation and selfishness, they can justify themselves.
Fortune is not a bride to the grave, innately wedded to those she has favored in history. She can be charmed by many methods - and in no sense does she acknowledge the stamp of nations, borders, or pigmentations. Nature favors those who dare to justify themselves, never letting a moments doubt disable them; she stays faithful to a principle, not a prince, whoever that will be.
If, in twenty years, the US is Hispanic, or Chinese; if Europe is Turkish and Arabic; if Russia is Chinese and Chechen - or if, in the same elapse, the Europeans wipe out the Turks and rebuild Constantinople; the Americans obliterate and enslave the Latino... Then this will be the correct outcome of history. Whoever wins, wins. Good for the winner, shame on the loser. Why blame the oppressor, when the oppressed are as guilty in the oppression. If they were not born for it, cast the rotten thing off! You are entitled to what you get - you are justified only as much as you justify yourselves.
And so for the Manifesto….
2. Manifesto
For the Overcoming of the DWM and the Abolition of the Racial Principle.
i. Policy Towards Race, Race-Community, and Race-Representation .
We of this movement incline toward a society in which the race-principle is no longer an effective social tool. By this, we do not seek to undermine the reality of racial distinctions, of which there are many, nor push against scientific enquiry into these differences. Our goal is rather ideological and universal.
The race principle is, by far, the most murderous concept in the natural-world of mankind, and has held this position throughout all history. It has never been tackled before with the determination necessary for its dismantling. This must change.
The suggestion that races will no longer come together and war with each other, possibly bringing on the end of the world, is a fancy. The hangover of the Second-World-War is wearing off in Europe, and the people are keen to drink again. As the DWM continues into his demise, he will almost certainly attempt to resurrect dangerous and extremely violent ideologies as a means of survival.
We shall not wait for this to happen. We shall prepare.
While the DWM attempts his games of division and left-right political theatre- liberal imperialism, hard imperialism, secularization, humanitarianism etc... We will be those who are not in the least part naive about the larger historic context we find ourselves in.
We acknowledge no borders defined along racial lines - no government which legislates along these lines, and no concept built upon any similar basis.
We represent a coming generation dedicated to the open exchange of cultures and peoples. The DWM, by his innate opposition to this is something to be overcome.
After the European, there will be no racial principle.
ii. Policy Toward Racist Political Movements.
We accept the inevitability of groups such as the EDL, BPP, NF and BNP. These movements provide an honest outlet for the furtherance of issues pertaining to the aging white-community - something which is impossible within the spirit of the established mainstream.
However, and unsurprisingly, we totally reject their racist ideology in both form and content, and pledge to obstruct, deconstruct, confuse and prevent this ideology, keeping it away from any success, with an ultimate view to pushing it into redundancy.
We will, at all times, maintain civil relations with our opponents, and expect the same in return. Should they fail this bargain, we are unafraid of other kinds of debate.
iii. Policy Toward the Political Mainstream.
We reject the current Parliament of the United Kingdom as representative solely of an ethnic-generation which is economically, demographically and socially - disconnected from the young and working-age populace.
We demand a youth parliament imbued with extensive powers, and provided with legitimacy by national elections held alongside those of the Parliamentary ballot.
Only those under 50 years of age may vote in the youth parliamentary elections, and the authority of this parliament must be devolved to deal with issues of importance to this same demographic.
iv. Policy Toward the Media.
We accept our position in relation to the conservative press as a fact-of-life. No sympathy is sought from the DWM's Media machine, and negative coverage is predictable to the point of irrelevance.
On the topic of the European ‘left’, many pleasant things can be said. However, and importantly, all of them can also be said of the vast bulk of humankind. We understand the European 'Left' to be a different part of the same organism as the 'right'; it is a different strategy of course, but one aimed at the same conclusion as its ostensibly distinct partner. The European Left is a ‘Good-Cop’ to the Right's ‘Bad-Cop’ - both are determined to extract the same confession from the rest of the world - namely that European-headed government and European-designed ideology mark the solution - whether it be Euro-Marxism, Neo-Liberalism, Neo-Conservatism, Straightforward Imperialism, or Racially-Ordered Nationalism - to the dilemmas of the future.
We straightforwardly reject both the carrot and the stick approach to the maintenance of European self-preservation, and global domination. The left, in this way, is as contemptible to us as the right, and we will seek, or accept, no alliance with it, except as our usefully idiotic appendage.
Let there be no doubt, -the sheer weight of PostRacial humanity renders alliance with the 'still-pleasant' remnants of Europe unnecessary. We do not seek out Young-White-Males, Oscar Schindlers, Sophie Scholls, Antifascists, or ‘righteous gentiles'.
We accept friends alike in mind and spirit, as would any civilized movement. But the left - the Nick Cohen's of the world - who would attach a contract of behavior to our rights of self-determination, we politely decline.
v. Policy of International Affairs.
The Power-table of the Post-European world will include such nations as follow, in no particular order:
China. Argentina. Brazil. Algeria. Venezuela. Mexico. Egypt. Turkey. Indonesia.
All of these have a DWM or DWM-allied enemy to keep them focused and united in purpose.
Taiwan and Japan menace China, Israel makes Egypt wary, the German-run EU despises Turkey, US-backed Columbia menaces Venezuela, ‘Hispanophobic’ America is wary of Mexico, Britain has disputes with Argentina and the Islamophobic West has problems with Indonesia.
These divisions which preserve a unity of anti-DWM-Enmity must themselves be preserved and, if possible, exacerbated.
We must also consider the Mis-Aligned and the Non-Aligned:
There are non-European nations currently not aligned against the DWM, or which are inclined, (as in Iranian public opinion) toward pro-DWM subservience. However, if things were to advance favorably then we could eventually add the following countries to the power-table:
Israel. Iran. India. Saudi Arabia. UAE. Pakistan. Chile. Morocco. South Africa. South Korea.
With all of these latter members detoxified of their reasons for not having joined opposition to the DWM hitherto, whether due to reasons of elite greed (Saudi, UAE, Chile, India), ideological reasons (Israel, South Korea, Iran), or because of dependence on DWM finance (Pakistan, Morocco, South Africa), there will enough members to form a quite formidable counter-community to act in opposition to the international structures still under the control of the DWM.
We will suspend our grievances pertaining to religious difference, economic policy and tribal squabbles. No more indulgence of the DWM’s twin-track Islamophobia/anti-Semitism strategy will be forthcoming from these united minorities.
vi. Policy of Sexual Relations.
We demand an end to the widespread Political Grooming of non-European women, and profess our determination to re-define all concepts which serve this vile game for what they are.
We will have no more leering DWM 'concern' for the welfare of immigrant-origin women except from the most morally perfect individuals. Any type of Political Grooming will be rooted out on a communal scale, and the issue shall be raised at the national and international level.
We will also no longer take part in the ridiculous conceit which intimates that immigrants are 'hunting' European women. If problems exist within the culture of the DWM then this is his problem, not ours.
Hispanic, Islamic, African and Asian women (and men) are no longer to be told, at least without bombastic counter-argument, that they are 'oppressed' by not being exactly European in dress, social-status or lifestyle; and in this opposition we expect to be joined by those European women smart enough realize the threat to their existence from such sexual-market 'liberation'.
We also advise the creation of media dedicated to exposing the exploitation of international women by the DWM. This should focus especially on the areas of political-grooming in the West, sex-tourism in Central and Latin America, and 'wife'-importation from the Far-East.
vii. Policy on Activism, Law and Legality.
We cannot be told to sit idly while such force of sentiment is being massed against us. Naivety is shown, by history, to be catastrophic. Therefore, we uphold the right to organize and make provisions (including economic, political and international-diplomatic) for our defense in the case of a sudden outbreak of DWM assault.
Nevertheless we pledge to remain strictly within the confines of the law for as long as our opponents respect this also.
viii. Policy regarding the Future of European Sovereignty.
There is also the issue pertaining to the creation of a ‘latent organized force’ capable of matching and repelling that which can be applied, on a sudden democratic behest, by the DWM state.
For the question cannot be shirked…
Dr Goebbels famously noted that whoever controls the street, controls the state. No event has occurred since this remark was made to undermine the truth of it…..
To put the point in a question – could the collective minorities (and PostRacialists from the majority) successfully hold their ground in a series of national civil wars – against the full mobilization of the state and all its marauding cheerleaders? – that is, when all rules and conventions are suspended, and the fate of a nation hangs on fists, bottles, and pure human invention?....
In some countries (France, Belgium) this might be realizable. In London it would certainly be realized, and in Birmingham, Yorkshire and Leicester too. And in time the prospects for victory improve elsewhere. The opposition becomes more disconnected from the national pool of youth, and emerges older, fatter, less able, less quick in mind and body.
In the United States, the situation would likely be a still-riot of fragmentation, with pre-existing racial suburbs digging in, and the political map of the country remaining ultimately unchanged. The only place this might be different is along the vitally important US-Mexico border. Time will tell.
At the moment, and despite a growing transnational Euro-Fascist movement, there is still little coordination between immigrant-origin communities in Europe across national lines. Practically speaking, there exists no mechanism by which the minorities of England can join hands and coordinate action even with the minorities of France. No sense of solidarity is present, even across short political distances. This must surely change if the non-European peoples of the European continent are to survive.
What I would suggest is to follow the hugely successful “Defense-League’ model of the modern anti-Islamist far-right. There must be a United Kingdom Immigrant Defense League, which is able to coordinate with a French Immigrant Defense League, who can coordinate with a German equivalent, and so-on and so-on. Ultimately there must be a unifying European-Immigrant-Defense-League with an ‘army’ of young able-bodied men and women, capable of coordinating resistance across Europe in the event of Fascist violence. The calculation as to how many able-bodied people are needed to maintain ground in such an event, should be realistic, and take into account the DWM and his pool of ‘fighting-youth’ at full numerical capacity.
This ‘EIDL’ must not be divided along petty or sectarian lines, and should be supported, and funded by the ancestral nations of those affected by the fascist threat – such as Turkey (who should also realize its geo-strategic responsibility for deterring Islamophobes in Europe away from dangerous confidence).
Turkey (and also Egypt, Israel and Algeria) must assume the additional responsibility of creating a dominant Mediterranean naval presence for the purpose of evacuation, and, if necessary, intervention, in any future scenario. The naval forces of Spain, Italy and Malta do not, for now, merit consideration, and the United States will, by this time, be under a more assuredly PostRacial leadership.
3. Addresses.
i. To the Religious.
Despite being of no certain religious inclination, I believe the idea of a universal creator is only compatible with a Universalist morality. This is based on pure logic admittedly, but any creed which acknowledges a singular force responsible for creating all life, should follow that belief through to its moral dimension - that is, that every living thing has a right to exist, and to fend off those who would deny this right-of-life, the author of which is God.
Racism, nationalism, and tribalism in all their forms can be considered blasphemous when considered against a universal, unbiased creator.
All people are far from equal, and nor are all races, but then no religion has stated doctrinally otherwise. What we can be sure about is that any created being is an act or license of the divine, and cannot be surrendered without divine authority.
All races, from the lowliest to the most cultured, have the duty of birth not to give freely away the gifts of birth -that is, not to die, or to be enslaved, or conquered.
ii. To the Jews.
You have, for reasons easily understandable, allied yourself to the DWM as if your existence depends upon it. And for the time and to the extent that you continue you may be correct. For your alliance with the most reactionary type of DWM has made you loathed in the non-European world community. You are viewed as the worst type of 'hanger-on'. You are in possession of a state formed during a time of White domination and which benefited from that domination. The core doctrines of your national-movement - Zionism - were constructed at a time when every sensible prediction held that Europeans would rule forever. And despite the betrayal you must have felt to those millions who fell into ditches after the unfeeling snap of the European gun, you felt, rightly, that even bad alliances were better than total isolation, and all the risks that isolation would impose. But the world has now changed at a rate you could not have anticipated. The colonialists are increasingly weak, and respect is paid to them more out of historical habit than any reflection of modern reality.
It didn't have to be this way, and it doesn't have to be this way.
At its heart, though it seems not its head, Zionism is a survivalist movement which seeks out a sanctuary not for Europe, but from Europe. This fact should never be forgotten. Despite the apparent propagandistic value of asserting otherwise, there were no Iraqi gas chambers, nor Palestinian ones, nor Iranian ones. The modern virus of anti-Semitism is borne entirely of the European mind.
I have great respect for Zionism. I do not admire many of its methods - its ready resort to propaganda and its alliance with the DWM... But nevertheless when one looks back to the seemingly hopeless state of European Jewry at the beginning of the Twentieth century, and then blinks forward to the security and power of modern Israel, I appreciate that Zionism remains a most unlikely and impressive triumph of an idea of the few, over the force of the many.
I remember a rather heroic contributor to a discussion thread regarding the English Defense League.
The individual said -
"I know they say they love us (I'm Jewish), and they may love us, but these are the same bastards who rallied against us in Germany in the thirties. They are the same type reacting to a different stimulus."
I have no way, of course, of verifying the Jewish identity of this person, but I like to think of him, perhaps sentimentally, as the true spirit of prenational Jewry - the street-fighting anti-Nazi.
All who remain...
Join us.
iii. To the Arabians.
You have assumed, it seems by historical accident, a pivotal position in the world. Cursed, you have been, by your own success. Your empire has become more valuable over time, often without you realizing or desiring it. Who on the Arabian peninsula could have foreseen Dubai a hundred years ago? Who could have foreseen the American superpower's lust for your resources? Or the determination of the Jews to retake Eretz Israel? On these matters you seem almost innocently confused –
"Why do people not leave us be?"
“Think…. You have things the world desires.”
"Why does our resistance surprise them?" - It doesn't. Western morality is theatre. Your resistance and the motivations behind it are obvious to anyone capable of honest reflection.
"Should we continue?" - It's not for the rest of the world to say one way or another. I will say that Qutbism impresses me, a non-religious Christian, much more than it does my compatriots. But then this may be because I have bothered to read his work, not merely the European interpretations of it. And, with effort, I can see through his pious blathering, to the human philosophy beneath - a philosophy of universal liberation; a sparky, stake-raising defiance of superior odds… But none of this excuses the brutality of terror. Terrorist violence is rightly despised by even the most undeveloped moral sense. What qualifies as terrorism is of course open to debate, but groups like those formed by bin Laden surely, if anything, over-qualify.
As I understand it, the AQ strategy is as follows - to create a sharp division between Islamic and Western civilization, which will then create a common foe (what we call 'Islamophobia’) which will then unite the 1.4 billion believers in a common struggle predestined to success by demography and a willingness to die.
The logic here is not entirely without merit. In fact, there is an element of genius to it. However it will fail because of inbuilt flaws; - it shuns vital alliances, makes impossible important friendships, and, most importantly, it promotes a wholly undesirable outcome - the unification of the world under a single theology. As loathe as you are to admit it, given your pride of authorship, a lot of people do not wish to be assimilated into Islam, and most of these resistors never will, regardless of how many 'barriers to belief' you destroy.
It also wounds your reputation that you prove so easily hysterical and seem incapable of disciplined emotion. You become angered by so many trifles that few sympathize with your tragedies.
I would say that, if it is solidarity you desire, you must secularize your societies, your ideologies, and the face you present to the world. None of this is to say you should pay a moment’s attention to the increasingly ludicrous Islamophobes of the European right or left. Ignore them, laugh at them, but take care that in doing so, you do not alienate the non-European minorities of these countries, who might otherwise be sympathetic to you.
Islam gives you the advantage of cohesion and solidarity at a time when it is much needed. And so I'm not suggesting you abandon your faith. The DWM is hypocritical. He envies the coherence of your society and deep down wishes his were more like yours, even as he chastens you.
But fanaticism is a bad word for a reason. The energy it provides ultimately consumes itself.
Iv. To the Latin Americans.
The temptation in coming years for the good people of Latin America will be moral-chauvinism. Due to your remoteness from the old world, this beautiful continent has been affected only very recently by the race virus. You have a cause to be proud of this, but not a reason. It is unreasonable to be proud of historic luck. And, after all, Latin America is proving as adept at colourism in the present as Europeans have been at racism throughout history.
Still, I won't deny your continent is a cause for special hope. South America is the soil of the raza cosmica, and will play a decisive role in the coming struggle.
In North America you will have the chance to redirect history by seizing the wheel of global command. This is entirely unique, and nothing could be more vital.
The people of the earth, to no small degree, depend upon you.
v. To the Africans.
For many years, the minorities of the word, especially those within Western countries, have operated in the shadow of your example. Your instinctive dislike of insincerity, weakness, or unmerited humility has given you the energy to work your way from a condition of absolute slavery, to a position worthy of respect and fear in equal measure. This is a blueprint for any successful minority movement.
You have massive physical advantages over other peoples, and a proven willingness to apply them to independent ends. One can only imagine the combined force of them acting in coordination. Your birthrates are the highest on Earth – wave-after-wave of reinforcement is born every year. Your long-term prospects have never looked so good. Don't think the DWM has failed to notice this. It is reflected in the way he has softened his heart toward you. This isn't kindness; this is precaution. In the future this caution will seem more and more merited, and its face more hysterically apologetic.
Do not be dissuaded from your instincts. Do not think the persecution of Roma in Bulgaria, or the hunting of Albanians in Serbia is none of your business. On the contrary, every racist action is in accordance with a larger set of principles which places you at the bottom. You will do yourselves the greatest justice by becoming foot-soldiers against the race-principle itself.
Feel no guilt.
Feel no inadequacy.
Dispel any doubt as useless.
vi. To the Aspirational Minorities.
To the Sri Lankans, the Iranians, the Non-Muslim Indians, non-Chinese Orientals - to the aspirational minorities;-
A time is coming when you will be approached by the DWM’s soft-complex and offered a part of his fortune. Many will accept and, like Fareed Zakaria, Michelle Malkin, Francis Fukuyama, or the innumerable token Hindus emerging on American television, become representatives of the prize of good political behavior.
And when the DWM passes, so you will be told, you shall stand to inherit the condition he has occupied for so long- the brutal overlord hidden behind a screen of popular civilization.
Of all arguments against this, the most obvious is the most powerful - what matters it to the starving Indian that some lucky expatriate writes for an American journal? What matters it to the Afghani or Turko-Azeri Iranian that the word 'Persian' is being rehabilitated in the cultural mind?
Only a select few of you, a very conformist few, shall be selected to represent the favor of your people, and these few will be allowed no freedom of will whatsoever, until the DWM fades.
After that, you would be wrong to imagine that the unselected mass will respect your position, or the way in which you gained it.
I would implore you then, to train the moral core of your societies to resist the DWM and to look instead for common-ground with a jointly-rising Global South.
Everything in this work is factually based; - Nothing is false except what may be judged false in my interpretation of the facts. The facts themselves cannot seriously be disputed. There is, as much as I deplore it, a moment of great international reckoning between the races approaching. It doesn’t surprise me in the slightest that most refuse to believe in this – people are too in love with their cappuccino lifestyle to think how swiftly the civilization underlying it could collapse. The very thought is horrible.
Publishing a manifesto like this is an invitation to mockery. And that is one of the better outcomes. Worse could be indifference, which is not far removed from mockery.
I frankly don’t care. The issue is too vital, and the problems too immediate to the world. If you would call me hysterical, unoriginal, fame-seeking, power-hungry, or anything alike, think to yourself before you say it; as to why this offends you. If you find it uninteresting, you are quite mad. My relation of the facts may be interesting or uninteresting – but that’s not the point; the issues raised are of vital interest to everyone. Only yesterday from when I write this, Le Front National under Marine Le Pen tallied a fifth of the National vote of France. Who wouldn’t want to change our security before the moment of the next election arrives, when a mere fifth will seem – quite rationally to a fading people – to be brave visionaries.
As Meir Kahane sought to – I want to raise uncomfortable questions for comfortable people. For after World War 2, naivety is more than a mistake; it is a dereliction of duty. Whatever ‘people’ you belong to are in grave danger unless my manifesto – or something like it- is acted upon.
Translations of the key-points of this work into different languages – the most important being Spanish, French, Arabic, and Mandarin are welcome.
‘Reading List’.
Knowledge of these works proved useful in the composition of this manifesto, and may prove valuable in understanding it further.
Amis, M ; The Pregnant Widow.
Buchanan, P ; State of Emergency - The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America.
Carlyle, T ; On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History.
Chomsky, N ; Hegemony or Survival - America's Quest for Global Domination.
Defoe, D ; Robinson Crusoe.
Ferguson, N ; War of the World - History's Age of Hatred.
Feurle, R ; Erectus Walks Among Us.
Freud, S ; Civilization and its Discontents.
Friedman, T ; The Lexus and the Olive Tree.
Gibbon, E ; Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
Glaeser, E ; Triumph of the City: How Our Greatest Invention Makes Us Richer, Smarter, Greener, Healthier and Happier.
Heidegger, M ; Nietzsche. Vol 2. (Esp. Book 1 - 'European Nihilism'.)
Lindsay, G ; Aerotropolis - The Way We'll Live Next.
Schopenhauer, A ; On the Suffering of the World.
Stirner, M ; The Ego and his Own.
Vizinczey, S ; In Praise of Older Women.
Q. I acknowledge the threat the DWM poses, but I must be sincere – I enjoy the blessings of a very liberal and humane society which he and his race founded and have nurtured from time immemorial. One element of me suggests I stick up for the rights of my human-birth, but another tells me I am a thief of an innocent peoples culture; that I’m betraying a peoples goodwill. People have been as good as they have been bad to me and my kind.
A. A leisurely and liberal culture emerges in and from the absence of history. Many of the oft-cited countries, which are almost utopias in the imagination of foreigners, like Sweden or Norway, have been without ‘history’ as I would define it – that is, in the negative sense, – for over a century, perhaps many centuries. And in this bloc of time I include their time through the ‘world’ (European) wars which was far from traumatic.
You must remember that the DWM is dishonest most often with himself. For example, one common phrase in the DWM press, used in the aftermath of a riot or a car-wreck or something like that, is “It looked like a warzone; like something out of the Middle East!” Now, it is very difficult for the DWM to countenance the idea, which is in fact the reality, that with even a small amount of pressure, a sublime city like Oxford could degenerate into a replica of civil-war Beirut. If the fuel ran too low for industry, or if wages collapsed, or if food shortages took effect etc. – if anything, that is, that the non-European world copes with often in a very civilized manner – happened to the DWM, the violence would be so much worse. History tells us this. The Europeans excel at over-reaction, and the reason for this is that they are blind to themselves.
Look at modern terrorism. In Northern Ireland, where the quarrel is pathetic, and the conditions enviable, relative to Kashmir, or Chechnya, terrorism is accepted as deplorable but inevitable. Whenever greater pressure is applied on the local population, then - and remember this qualification – ‘relative to the pressure applied’ – the incidence of terrorism is comparable or arguably greater than that outside of Europe.
When Iraq was re-invaded and AQ and the Shias fought each other to the cost of about 100,000 lives, the DWM was confident enough to lecture about the barbarity of those involved. And they were correct of course, at least morally, but their sense of proportion and empathy is wild.
Imagine a multi-national Islamic invasion of a cruelly authoritarian, but still-Christian Spain, followed by a ten-year occupation, sanctioned and approved of by other countries. What would the proud Christian Spaniards do? This is impossible and undesirable to prove, but I would say the death toll would reach into the millions.
So phrase the question another way. Should you feel guilty about betraying another people’s historic good fortune?
Q. How do you solve a problem like Wendy Deng? As an individual seeking profit, her behavior makes perfect sense?
A. Aspirational women who indulge the DWM for profit are predictable enough, and to be honest, they cannot be prevented, or dissuaded. Wendy Deng must know exactly what she is doing. It’s detestable to witness such near-pedophilia out in the open – but this is going to be more common as things continue.
Q. No-one in their right-mind would prefer to live in North-Korea than South Korea, even on principle. No immigrant in their right mind would prefer to go back to a third-world slum-state after tasting civilization in the West. Why should we risk the benefits we have? Why jeopardize a standard of living our fellows back 'home' would kill for. Why argue with a generous fate?
A. This is a highly important issue, and as cause of political paralysis in minority communities, it has no equal. Why indeed should anyone risk their Starbucks-class life for a larger political cause, on behalf of those who drink dirt-water? I suppose the traditional approach to this dishonorable protest would be to call ‘morality’ to the bar; but happily enough, I don’t need to do this. Morality is not, or at any rate need not be your motivation. The future will supply motivation enough. The decision of victory or loss in our meeting with the DWM will be who prepares earliest and with how much seriousness. A collision of demography cannot be indefinitely ignored. The future, as the phrase goes, belongs to those who prepare for it today. And it is your own business whether you continue to believe your mochaccino lifestyle will mean much when the deportation squads arrange themselves. Better to have a fellowship alike that of my design than a cosmopolitan circle by that point!
Q. I am not a Muslim, and nor am I a member of any minority known for crime or trouble-making. Those whom I meet from such targeted minorities try to drag me down into their misfortune; they are jealous of my happiness. Why should I not destroy their hostile design on my life, with whatever allies I require? I work hard. I do not cause, and nor do I seek trouble with my host. Those who do must eat the fruit of the trees they planted. What could be more natural? I have nothing in common with the unfortunate and lazy, and why should I make anything with me common to that kind of situation?
A. You are far from alone. As I’ve said, a select few of you will inevitably relish the opportunity for the chance to form a 'right-wing' within your community. This select few - not a self-selected few - may get the chance to write a few politically-conformist columns and, if you are very well-behaved, editorials for newspapers and journals owned by the DWM... But I repeat that such a life is so qualified and conditioned, that it provides no outlet for a sincere mind; it will give no room for real promotion, or for anything at all, save occasional moments of cheap inter-communal sadism, the pleasure of which is morally dubious and prone to diminishing returns.
Q. Your manifesto makes no room for distinction between the minorities. I am not Black and I will not risk integrating with a culture I find so primitive. For all his faults, at the European realizes a difference between an Indian surgeon, and a booty-shaking African primitive. I can't allow that distinction to collapse. PostRacialism will lead the lowest seizing the opportunity to integrate with those higher up. How will those higher-up benefit? The lower peoples have higher fertility - your plan is a recipe for Africanized planet - all civilization in ruins.
A. A good point and broadly empathized with I'm sure. You must take pains to recall my earlier statement regarding the distinction between races, and how foolish and counter-productive it is to deny them.
The DWM will reach for this as a last ditch weapon - they will address the aspirational minorities, point them toward an Africanized slum, and say "Look! Is this really what you want? Surely more unites us than divides us when faced with this.."
As a means of blunting this sword, I have suggested leaving untouched the science of race. What we aspire to destroy is the political potential of the racial principle. Distinctions can be celebrated or not; but the future of politics must belong to the individual, and not the tribe. Nothing is more primitive than organization along tribal lines. But yes, there is a ‘firewall’ as one might see it between minorities and the Blacks. This most likely involves the Erectus-Neanderthal breach mentioned earlier. But their physical ability and sheer numerical strength may prove decisive in the future. Remember that, and do not allow breaches to develop where they do not need to. The DWM rests his hopes upon you doing that. Be on your guard against it.
Youth Must Not Be Passive;
Youth Must Become Triumphant.
In Every Country, Among Every People,
Youth Must Become Triumphant.
About the Author:
Vandenberg. I am 28. I live in London.