Several EDLers expressed their anger online at ‘keyboard warriors’ and the general apathy of those who had not turned up. One coach charging 20 quid a seat had to up the price by a fiver because of the no shows, that is, a fifth didn’t turn up! Many others did not go because they have defected to the Infidels, have been prevented by plod and cannot afford another nicking or have simply grown bored of the EDL’s posturing because the EDL have achieved absolutely nothing! They have cost local councils millions, been shown in a totally negative light in the UK media and have exposed absolutely NO radical Islamists whatsoever. They have been shown up as drunken, inarticulate hooligans, the links to Breivik were reignited with Mr. Tommy’s ‘frog impression’ on the crap programme about him and the beardy Islamist and he looked like a twitchy opportunist on a chat show and could not argue his points. The EDL seemed to have dropped the ‘radical Islam’ aspect and are now openly opposing all Muslims. One cyber tramp on the forums yesterday claimed that the EDL still has Jewish, Sikh and Hindu followers which is nonsense: none of the photos of recent demos have shown this and they look more like a soccer mob than ever, especially when draped in the St. George rags clutching plastic pint pots of lager.
The ‘Malatestas’ were monitoring the usual web forums yesterday which proved pretty unremarkable. The tweets and reports started coming in from the EDL coaches celebrating with their royal couple, Stella and Charlie, from about 8am. By the time many of them got to Luton they were already drunk. 1 bloke was arrested pretty much straight away and the stewards had a hard time marshalling the ‘troops’ as they started throwing fireworks and smoke bombs about. One of the stewards said "stewarding was a nightmare" due to "a fair few wrongens." (thanks Xtras!

Mr. Tommy did his usual ‘rousing speech’ which saw quite a few people leave and more defected when Karaoke Kev Karol got up to demand that George Galloway be hung (Kev was looking a bit worse for wear as he is now living in a caravan behind his local Sainsbury’s). Mr. Tommy was also announced as deputy leader of fluffy fascist British Freedom, which was started by exBNP members ‘Batty’ Lee Barnes, Simon ‘Plug Puller’ Bennett and Peter ‘Gay Dad’ Stafford. They tried to hold a press conference but no one turned up so they had to throw all the crab sticks away. See our friends on EDL News:

Why the Fluffies want to be associated with voters of this caliber is beyond us!
And finally ...
... Those results in full. Here are the Fluffies results from the recent local elections. Hopefully Mr. Tommy being a convicted woman beater, violent football hooligan and ex-convict will boost the numbers!
Clubmoor - Andrew Edward Philip Harvey - BFP - 26 votes (0.8%)
County - Peter James Stafford - BFP - 17 votes (0.6%)
Everton - Jacqueline Stafford - BFP - 50 votes (1.7%)
Fazakerley - Peter Stafford - BFP - 50 votes (1.5%)
Norris Green - Peter Squire - BFP - 78 votes (2.7%)
Very poor. Be seeing you!
Malatesta: No Copyright

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