In the modern world only violent threats seem to prove useful to intimidate the state. No longer does the state seem concerned about having it’s reputation defamed, for there is some degree of control over the corporate media. In this respect, the state is less free than a government by rights should be, for private interests dominate discourse and action, hence the corporate global dominance continues. Increasing it’s foothold over people’s lives, the tribal culture which originates in the Celtic lands, which finds huge support and solidarity for it is both particular in the sense of being tribal and universal in the sense of being aboriginal, is destroyed.
It is unfortunately necessary for various tactics to be adopted to preserve this culture which prove controversial to some people schooled in methods of non-violent resistance. Though it is true that in some cases a prison sentence may prove useful to help persons to develop a revolutionary idea, and actually plays very well into the hands of ploughshares activists who cannot fail by their trial to illuminate the vast violence of the state, it is also true that organizations of solidarity more threatening than the Communist Parties are required. The State fears the Escalation of Violence, hence by creating organizations capable of though not necessarily actively engaging in large scale violence, the state becomes afraid to cause problems for activists. We must awaken from the dilution of sentiments in the face of repression, if anything this should cause us to become even more aware of the flames which burn in Gaza, for repression is like grey concrete which cannot resist the fires of the human heart.
“Every heart is a revolutionary cell”. Comprehend well, the networks are down! England is shambles, the majority of you are incapable of avoiding surveillance and repression for the most minor things. This is due to fear of the stone tablets of law. It is necessary to understand that within the human wilderness, various laws are at work and they are illuminated by the active struggle.
We speak out in support of our comrades in Euskal Herria. What exactly is terrorism? State-sponsored violence is equally terrorism, and time will soon tell what attempts at a state-driven attack, a spectacle to scare the public, will be made for the 2012 Olympics. History is replete with examples of this, yet it is also an example of how by courage people are able to resist the mechanisms of repression, for example by networking with local gangs it is possible not only to procure weapons ensuring the safety of your neighbourhood and the inability of police to enter the area but also allows us to learn to get along with people we previously in our ‘high and mighty’ judgement thought were very different to us.