Translated by boubourAs/Act for freedom now!
Good morning fellow inmate, I mean… fellow student..
Every day you go into a space surrounded by bars full of rules of which your opinion was never asked, and with an extreme hierarchical structure (teachers’ superior- students inferior). They order you to pay attention, to study, to not be distracted, to not speak, to not eat or drink, to not listen to music, to not sit “weirdly” etc. depending on the vices of every teacher. And of course if you do not obey the punishment will be an insult, a low grade, an absent or an expulsion. At the same time they “teach” you a series of technocratic bullshit which will not be useful to you at all as a human being, but only as a professional (not even there of course, since you will probably remain unemployed anyway).
-“I must respect my teachers, they are superior. We are not equal and the same.” Why should you respect a person they brought to you one day and told you “here’s the authority”? Did you choose them?
-“They are older than me” So? Is it your fault you were born a few years later?
-“They have more knowledge than me, they are more educated, and know more”. And this means that you have to subjugate? Do you know what kind of person they are? How do you know if when they go home they beat on their children or sleep with students or deal drugs etc? Well no, you do not respect someone just because of their technocratic knowledge or because of the experiences they claim to have.
-“If there is no authority in the class room, there will be chaos” Why? Has a different way of teaching been tried in a class room and failed? You will probably wonder: “And why is it a problem if these things happen? Only this way will society go forward”. No. This way the System will go forward, not society. They teach you how to obey the economic and political elite, the regime. Why? Because their survival depends from your subjugation. How does this happen? It’s simple: From an infant they subjugate you to every form of authority. From the moment you subjugate to your teachers, you are ready to subjugate to whatever worm reflects authority. Because when you are 7, 12, 16, 18 years old you are subjugated to your teachers, at 25, 35, 40 you will subjugate yourself to your boss.
And for a whole fucking life you will subjugate yourself to authority and the System without daring to fight for freedom.
Do you consider yourself not-subjugated? The next time a teacher will tell you “why didn’t you study?” respond calmly, like you are speaking to anyone “None of your business”. When he orders you i.e. to drink water in the class room, reply “And who are you to tell me what to do?” Do you have the guts?
Because if you don’t, you probably are not as free as you think. In a nutshell, school is a fascist authoritative mechanism which imprisons the children in the cells. It makes you drowsy, makes you miserable, makes you passive, makes rotten. The teachers take on a role of the cops, spreading the terror every day degrading whoever has the guts to “tell them off”. They teach you discipline, and the idea that the hierarchical relations are not only normal, but also necessary. Their work is completed where you consider all this to be normal and what you are reading now is exaggerations. They fuck your soul for 12 years and then they push you to the work market to work like a slave in order to fatten the pockets of the ruling class (What social work and crap? When you go out to the job market you will realize and want to throw up from disgust from whats going on).
Thus we, as a minimal token of reaction but mainly an attempt of awakening our fellow students, we entered the 4th General Lyceum in Agia Paraskevi on Saturday 31/3/12 and wrote slogans all over. The school was freshly painted and covered up all the slogans written in the past. It looked even more like a prison and now we gave it another feature. It still is a prison, but if someone looks at it they will realize that inside the school cells there are some students who refuse to be subjugated, who fight for the subversion of the state and capitalism with passion and dreams for a world away from authorities and disciplines. It is these people you will see in the streets fighting for freedom, who on the news are characterized “terrorists, hooded ones and vandals”, whose faces are pasted all over the police offices. It is these people who consciously chose the open conflict with the System away from reformist delusions. It is not an alleged teenage revolution. And they will always find in front of them, at their every step.
Obviously this move of ours is not a serious hit on the regime and we consider that the struggle for social liberation must escalate and take other dimensions. But our action was intended for the awakening of our fellow students and that’s all.
The system of schooling is the schooling of the system.
Disturbance of Urban Quietness
Argentina: Claim for arson attacks on luxury vehicles
from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:
On April 14 at 3 PM, we left an incendiary device made of gasoline and a retardant fuse that burned two luxury cars in Luis Vile and Cucha Cucha.
We continue giving fire in the city of Buenos Aires, as we said we would, after the social alarm that intends to make every citizen into a police hero “at the service of the community.”
Today civilization is coming to be a society of control of sustainable production. This means an adjustment of the screws that impose order through force.
The police service promises to spread in society; our free and wild instinct goes on the march at the same moment as well.
They cannot stop us, we do not fight so that the Earth will have its freedom and nothing more, nor to improve our conditions in life.
We use money for the destruction of their materialization.
To comrade Tortuga imprisoned in Chile.
To comrade Billy imprisoned Indonesia.
To comrade Luca seriously wounded in Italy.
Friends of the Earth – FAI
New York, NY: Report from anarchist rally in solidarity with imprisoned hunger strikers in Greece
from our brothers and sisters in NYC via contrainfo:
We were a small but lively group of about 20 Anarchists assembled outside the Greek Consulate yesterday evening (19/4).
We had two banners, and we passed fliers to bring attention to the corrupt matter of the imprisoned political Anarchist hunger strikers and the poor conditions and pre-trial detentions.
We stand in solidarity and we struggle beside you to bring the fall of the capitalist state and the restrictions of all prisons, as they are concentration camps of the fascist state.
Fire to the prisons, Love in the parks! Anarchy for a free humanity!
Destruction of all prisons!
RESPONSIBILITY CLAIM Sabotaged 10 ATMs (with glue, polyurethane etc) in Heraklion, Crete on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd of April
translated by Act for freedom now!/boubourAs
Hunger strike for Dignity Political prisoners Alexandros Mitrousias, Kostas Sakkas and Giorgos Karagiannidis are on hunger strike since 6/4/12.
The demand the lifting of the imprisonments imposed on them and the immediate release of anarchist Stella Antoniou because of her serious health problems, which have gotten worse because of her incarceration.
The members of the R.O. CCF and anarchist Th.Mavropoulos have begun a hunger strike demanding the final transfer of Panagiotis Argirou and Gerasimos Tsakalos from Domokos prisons to Koridallos prisons. P.Argirou, G.Tsakalos and Ch.Tsakalos are on hunger strike since 8/4 while D.Bolano, H.Hadjimihelakis and G.Polidoros since 17/4. Dignified prisoner S.Darvilas has begun a hunger strike from 4/4 demanding the leave days he deserves and is being vengefully deprived from him because he helped in the escape of Vassilis Paleokostas. For these reasons we Sabotaged 10 ATMs (with glue, polyurethane etc) in Heraklion, Crete on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd of April, sending our solidarity to the hunger strikers.
Resistance to the political capture of fighters and the ratification of the terror-law.
Portland, OR: Claim of responsibility for attack on Mars Hill Church
from pugetsoundanarchists:
Early in the morning of April 24th a group of angry queers smashed out the windows of Mars Hill Church in Southeast Portland. Mars Hill is notoriously anti-gay and anti-woman. Mark Driscoll, Mars Hill’s head pastor, has said that women need to be subservient to their husbands and that gay people are a cancer. His personal brand of Christianity crusades against the “feminization” of Jesus – we angry queers are not fans of Jesus, but we have a problem with anyone who has a problem with femmes.
This action was taken in memory of Mark Aguhar, a fierce queer/trans femme of color and artist from Chicago who killed herself a little over a month ago. We also hold in our hearts Paige Clay, a trans woman of color who was found murdered in Chicago on April 16th; Duanna Johnson, a black trans woman who was in all likelihood murdered by the police in 2008; Agnes Torres Sulca, Deoni Jones, and all other trans women who have been murdered by this cissexist, femmephobic, racist, and transmisogynistic society.
Churches are a major contributor to the culture that deems trans women of color to be disposable, as not worth keeping alive. Children who are forced to attend Mars Hill are indoctrinated in hateful dogma that teaches them their natural desires are an abomination that will damn them to hell. Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” campaign does nothing in the here and now for queer kids trapped in abusive home or religious settings. And it never got better for Mark, Duanna, Paige, Agnes, Deoni, or the countless other trans women (especially brown trans women) who are regularly murdered.
When Mars Hill moved to town, so-called “representatives” of the queer “community” from the Q Center met with officials from the church in order to have dialog. What we have to say to the Q Center is this: FUCK YOU, you don’t represent us. You are disgusting traitors who prioritize social peace and the bourgeois aspirations of rich white cis gay people over the more pressing survival needs of more marginalized queers. Fuck dialog with people who want us dead, the only dialog we need with scum like Mars Hill is hammers through their windows.
We smashed Mars Hill because they make our lives miserable. We hope this small act of vengeance will strike some fear into the hearts of all of Mars Hill’s pastors, and warm the hearts of our friends and comrades (known or unknown). It may not get better, but we can certainly get even.

Peru: Claim of responsibility for explosive attack on an ATM
from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique:
Solidarity for anarchists is not only a written word.
In the wake of what has been happening (hunger strikes, raids on liberated spaces, persecutions, imprisonments, judicial processes) with the comrades of the whole world, this action goes out to them, as well as all of our rejection of this established order.
The early hours of Wednesday an explosive package was left at an ATM that caused a fire there, and a writing in solidarity with the compañero Luciano.
Severino. Di. Giovanni Nihilist Cell / FAI-FRI

More than 45 comrades gathered today in Kapnikarea area for the scheduled solidarity gathering for the anarchists on hunger strike in Koridallos prisons.
It was a vibrant gathering where thousands of flyers were thrown, there was a flyposting and more than 1500 leaflets were given out.
Greek prisons: A few updates on comrades’ hunger strikes (ongoing)

Ten comrades are on hunger strike to date. You may read previous short notes here:

In the evening of Monday, April 23rd, the anarchist prisoner Giorgos Karagiannidis was moved to the ‘hospital’ of Koridallos prisons, due to serious health complications after 18 days of hunger strike (since April 6th). Shortly after midnight, on April 24th, the comrade was urgently transferred to the General State Hospital of Nikaia, where he is now treated, guarded in a special hospital room-cell.
Despite the hazards for his health, Giorgos Karagiannidis refused to be put on an intravenous drip and continues the hunger strike, along with the imprisoned anarchists Alexandros Mitroussias and Kostas Sakkas, demanding the lifting of their new vengeful pretrial incarcerations as well as the immediate release of the anarchist comrade Stella Antoniou on health grounds.
On April 21st it was announced that the CCF imprisoned members Haris Hadjimihelakis, Giorgos Polidoros and Damiano Bolano have lost 8, 7 and 6 kilos, respectively. The three comrades joined the hunger strike on April 17th, in support of their brothers Panagiotis Argirou, Gerasimos and Christos Tsakalos that are on hunger strike since April 8th, demanding the definitive transfer of Panagiotis Argirou and Gerasimos Tsakalos in Koridallos prisons from the hellhole of Domokos.
Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argirou are in Koridallos prisons, currently fighting not to be led back to Domokos but to remain there. It must be clarified that both have repeatedly tried to be moved from Domokos prisons through numerous acts of insubordination, which would require prison authorities to order their disciplinary transfer. Nevertheless, those efforts did not succeed. It is always better for fighters to begin hunger strike at the detention facility where they’d rather be, instead of starting one at the prison they want to leave from. In addition, the transfer of inmates from one prison to another while they’re conducting a hunger strike is out of the question. Thus, Gerasimos and Panagiotis decided to begin hunger strike after they had been moved from Domokos to Koridallos prisons with emergency transfers due to the new interrogations and prosecutions of the CCF 250 arson and explosive attacks. All of this was well explained by Christos Tsakalos in a recent radio98fm recording.
Spyros Dravilas is also an inmate of Domokos prisons, who is currently held in the ‘hospital’ of Koridallos prisons, conducting hunger strike since April 4th. On April 20th, during his 16th day of hunger strike, he had reportedly lost a total of 10 kilos, while his blood sugar levels dropped too low (36). The Domokos Prison Council has vindictively denied him the 5day temporary leave from prison that he’s entitled to for 2.5 years now. Hunger strike is Spyros’ ultimate means of struggle in order to protest against these arbitrary rejections, which are directly related to a former accusation of his alleged involvement in the helicopter prison escape of Vassilis Palaiokostas.
Apart from the aforementioned audio recording by Athens free radio98fm, with Christos Tsakalos speaking from inside the walls about the hunger strike of CCF members on April 18th, numerous significant and combative texts have been published but haven’t been disseminated in more languages yet, such as the long proclamation of Sakkas, Mitroussias, Karagiannidis from Koridallos prisons on April 19th; the declaration to the court by Christos Tsakalos and Damiano Bolano on April 20th (both comrades were absent from the last trial session due to their ongoing hunger strike, thus Michalis Nikolopoulos read their text), as well as the statement by Athena Tsakalou (mother of Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos) regarding her firm negation of giving any testimony before judges, from the same hearing; finally, the announcement about the demands set forth by Sakkas, Karagiannidis, Mitroussias, whose defense lawyers and supporters will hold a press conference on Wednesday, April 25th, at 13.00, in the building of the Journalists’ Union of the Athens Daily Newspapers (ESIEA) in downtown Athens.
On April 24th, by 17.00, more than 50 comrades assembled in Kapnikarea Square on Ermou pedestrian shopping street (near Monastiraki) for the scheduled PA’s gathering in solidarity with the imprisoned anarchist hunger strikers. It was a lively gathering, where thousands of fliers were thrown and more than 1,500 counter-informative texts were shared out to people. Also, comrades pasted posters propagating the solidarity demonstration on April 27th outside Koridallos prisons (photos from the action here). A few hours later on the same evening, at about 20.00, a PA’s gathering in solidarity with the imprisoned hunger strikers took place in the downtown area of Thessaloniki, near the Rotunda of St George.
We are pleased to note that it’s getting really hard to keep track of how many solidarity actions dedicated to the hunger strikers have taken place and are scheduled to be held across Greece but also in other parts of the world. We intend to give related references and further updates as soon as possible —but to keep fully updated you should check regularly ActForFreedomNow and ThisIsOurJob, too.
Full and ardent solidarity with all captives in the dungeons of democracy and those prosecuted and oppressed by the Greek State.
For last year’s words have never sounded louder…
I should never accept the role of the persecuted,
but only of the attacker; attacker in society;
attacker in clandestinity; and I remain
an attacker in prison.
—Damiano Bolano (May 2011)
For more recent news see: