at 12pm.

Please come along and help kick off the Summer with a
bang. Bring pots, pans, musical instruments and sound systems.
If you are coming from out of town please email

you need any info or help with accommodation.
The EDO/ITT factory is located on Home Farm Road, off the Lewes Road, close to Moulsecoomb station.
Here are our full upcoming events:
28th of April: Smash EDO Summer of Resistance workshop at the Campaign
Against the Arms Trade gathering. Details TBA
Public, pre-advertised Summer of Resistance events:
Come along to these even if you are not planning your own action.
1st of May: Demo to mark the start of the Summer of Resistance, 12pm
outside EDO/ITT, Home Farm Road, Brighton. Although the summer is not
about one particular event being successful, but about continious
pressure on the factory, it would be great to see a lot of you up at
the factory on mayday to show them what's coming! Bring noise.
2nd of May: 'Bad Music' noise demo outside EDO/ITT, 4-6pm. Come and
play your instruments as badly as you can.
3rd of May: Phone blockade of EDO and twitter blockade of EDO's parent
company @ITTExelis . You can let them know what you think of their
business from wherever you are.
6th May, from 1pm: Picnic in the Park with music. Come along to
socialise and scheme. Details TBA.
9th of May: 'Bikes not Bombs' Critical Mass bike ride. Meet at the
Level, 3pm
12th of May: Target Barclays. Picket of Barclays in North Street,
Brighton. Barclays are the market maker for ITT Exelis on the NYSE and
a big investor in the arms trade. They also have significant
investments in Israeli companies. If you are not in Brighton, feel
free to have a target Barclays event wherever you are. Do let us know
if you want us to publicise it on our lists.
23rd of May: 'Bring the voice of war to EDO' noise demo, 4-6 outside
30th of May: 'Don't attack Iran' noise demo, 4-6 outside EDO. Warm-up
for the big demo in town the following week.
4th of June: 'No to an attack on Iran, No to the Arms Trade'. Mass
demo in Brighton. Meet 12 noon outside Barclays on North Street.