Fire of the Roma Camp in Milan: call to Italian embassy in London
Milan, April 9, 2012. We ask our supporters in the UK and outside the UK to telephone the Italian embassy in London on Tuesday after the Bank holiday, to protest about the destruction of the Roma settlement. We ask all human rights defenders to support this attempt to convince the Italian authorities to realise that many activists in England will not let this matter rest without a proper investigation.
The Italian embassy number is +44 (0)20 73122200
• Insist on being transferred to the ambassador's office.
• Ask for explanation of the actions of the police, fire service and civic authorites.
• Demand an official enquiry.
• Request an answer in writing.
Of course, if this action could be repeated across Europe where there are Italian embassies, it would cause very considerable disruption and if repeated, could have quite a powerful effect.
Fire in the Roma Camp of via Bonfadini, Milan (Italy) - Testimony of the poet and human rights defender Paul Polansky
Milano, April 7, 2012.
Dear EveryOne Group, I was going to write a report today on how and why there was a fire at the Roma camp in Milano where I was living, but instead you have at the web site address above an interview with me in English and Italian explaining everything.
Please pass on the interview to all who might be interested in helping these Roma. At least twenty families in the camp are now homeless. They are scavenging in the burnt ruins seeking mattress springs to make new beds. The city has not brought any tents for them nor taken them to new barracks as promised. The only help was a cup of Nescafe after the fire was put out.
Two police cars are now on 24-hour service outside the camp. Why, if it was only a candle that started the fire? I interviewed the police and asked them why they were there. They said to keep the Roma off the toxic (burnt) land. But the police are letting the people put up their own make-shift tents on the toxic land and just watch from their cars as the Roma spend all day on the toxic land trying to find things they lost in the fire.
Hope you can all help by complaining to the mayor of Milano.
Paul Polansky's Testimony:

In the photo, the fire of the Roma Camp in Milano
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