The police presence was completely disproportional to both the size of the group and the nature of the demonstration. They demanded that the participants made their way to the prison in groups of no more than 3. The entire group was opposed to this, and the police resorted to pushing people around to try and keep the group split up. However, with a bit of dodging, diving and determination the group remained united on the way to the prison. The local community was receptive to the demonstrators on the way to the prison and many cars honked in support. Information was distributed, music was played and chants were shouted by young and old alike.
Upon arrival at the prison the demo was met with yet more police, whose presence had now doubled. With whistles and airhorns the group went about making as much noise as possible, and chants of “Free the I.P.P.’s” and “Freedom for all! Break down the walls!” broke out. The prisoners did their best to reciprocate the noise being made outside and the police got a torrent of abuse directed at them.
The group moved along the prison to make contact with more of the prisoners and ended up on a small hill, just outside the walls, where the banners could be seen from the busy road opposite the prison. The group continued with their messages of solidarity through a megaphone, threw fists and waved red and black flags. After at least an hour of noise the group gave their parting messages, and a promise to return time and time again until all are free.