We are anxious, that is why we call again for active and constant solidarity regarding the attack on Power; our prisoners cannot stand a minute longer, so let us be filled with rage and intelligence, and make the bombs and fire reach even the oppressors’ houses which are so insecure. Let every protest march or demonstration be full of revolutionary spontaneity, and expand the Revolt everywhere. The comrades of Chillán show us that the rebellion should not be centralized in large cities, but should spread like a wild virus everywhere.
Death to fear and paranoia!
For the spread of hatred and rebellion!
For the destruction of civilization, towards total liberation!
written by Algunxs Antisociales Salvajes
[Few Anti-socials Savages]
Re-posted from

Open Letter From Luciano Tortuga to the Indomitable Hearts:

'The Black Seed of Our Convictions' - letter from clandestine Chilean comrade Gabriela Curilem:

'3rd Communique' from clandestine Chilean comrade Diego Rios: